The CAD Revolution In Construction

The CAD Revolution In Construction


From pencil to paper and 3D, 4D, or even 5D BIM—  there’s no doubt things are rapidly changing in the construction industry. CAD is transforming the way we work – and will continue in the future.


Computer technology has offered both design and manufacturing industries many advantages when it comes to managing processes and concentrating efforts on increasing overall efficiency and productivity. A lot of time previously spent on lengthy design and correction processes by hand, has been saved by the introduction of Computer Aided Design.


All about CAD

The introduction of Computer Aided Design (CAD) has led to an increase in productivity all over the world. CAD is the use of computer technology to help design a product and contains all the activities of a design process. This makes it possible to develop a concept idea into a product to be manufactured, including all the associated specifications. Engineers use CAD software to increase design productivity, improve design quality, improve communication through documentation and create a database for production.


Different types of CAD software

Within CAD, a distinction is made between three systems:

  • 2D systems, which are used to make technical drawings;
  • 2½D systems, which are an extension of depth for CNC-controlled machines (Computer Aided Manufacturing);
  • 3D systems, which work with wire, surface, volume or solid models.

The step after 3D systems is BIM (Building Information Modelling), which has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. However, the concept of BIM is actually not new and dates 30 years back, while the term BIM itself has been in circulation for approximately 15 years.


A brief history of BIM

  • 1975

The first document to describe a concept now known as BIM was Charles M. Eastman’s description of a working prototype Building Description System, published in the AIA Journal in 1975. This was the first time that interactively defined elements were used, where information on matters like floor plan, facade, perspective, and section was contained in the same description of an element. All changes only needed to be made once, as modifications in all other drawings would happen accordingly. Data on costs, quantities and materials could easily be generated.


  • 1986

The first time the term Building Modeling was used as we know it, was in an article by Robert Aish in 1986. Aish stated that in order for CAD to be effective in multidisciplinary teams, information should be represented in an appropriate way, for example in a 3D view. He coined that an integrated CAD system could be a solution to facilitate the coordination and consistency of design information.


  • 1992

From Building Modeling, it was just a small step to Building Information Model or BIM, which was used for the first time in a piece ‘Automation in Construction‘ from 1992 by G.A. van Nederveen and F. Tolman. This paper presented an approach in which aspect models from different participants in a building project together made up a building reference model.


BIM today

Today, BIM is described as a working method in which a 3D Building Information Model (BIM) integrates the collaboration of various disciplines in the construction industry.

The standardization committee of the American National BIM Standard describes BIM as:

“Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. A BIM is a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from earliest conception to demolition.”

So a BIM model as we know it today is a resource to be used throughout the construction process: from first design, during construction, during management and operation to the demolition of the building.


From 3D to 4D, 5D and 6D BIM

Across the world, BIM adoption and standards vary but the fact that BIM is transforming the way we work in construction rings true everywhere. While some firms are taking the first steps from 2D to 3D design, others are already taking the step from 3D to 4D, 5D or even 6D BIM:

  • 4D-BIM: adds visual clarity to the building plan.
  • 5D-BIM: adds two features to 3D-BIM: cost and materials. In addition to the standard design parameters, extra details such as geometry, aesthetics, thermal and acoustic properties are now also included in a project. It’s possible to estimate the effect of a decision on the cost of a design at an early stage.
  • 6D-BIM: is about lifecycle management and potentially offers a lot of added value for large projects. 6D-BIM is focused on the long-term, including data for maintenance and sustainability, which has been added at an early stage.


The future of CAD: Generative Design

The use of CAD has grown strongly over the years and has changed radically – and will continue to do so over time. The most important aspects of future CAD technologies and software will be convenience and speed. The design process should ultimately be made faster, more efficient and easier.

With generative design, these 3 objectives can be achieved.

Generative design software uses the design objectives and parameters entered, such as material, construction or manufacturing method and costs, and the computing power of the cloud. Based on the objectives and parameters, the cloud computing power generates several design options. These options can be very complex: it would take days or weeks to devise and develop them yourself in the3D CAD software that’s currently available. And, thanks to 3D printing technology, it will be possible to actually produce such complex design options.

Generative design will shift the role of designers, engineers, and modelers. From using the computer as a drawing tool, engineers will co-create with technology and focus on setting goals and criteria. Ultimately, determining the best design will be left to technology.



Bim across the world

Bim across the world



Building Information Modeling (BIM) brings many benefits to the construction industry due to which it is largely accepted worldwide and adopted by many countries. In 1986, the term BIM came into existence, and since then it is transforming the construction industry. Countries that are majorly using BIM Modeling have a rich site in the infrastructure phase which in turn helps to bring improvements in productivity and cost-savings to all the AEC industry.

Countries who have adopted BIM

United Kingdom

The UK aims to enhance the mindset practice of all the designers, contractors and engineers to obtain new work and growth opportunities. BIM gets mandated in the UK since April 2016 where every construction and the entire government project are held on BIM Level 2. According to the National BIM Report 2018 NBS, After BIM mandatory 20% of industry have started adopting it successfully and attained a 12% increase since 2017. BIM is implemented prevalently everywhere in all the projects.

United States

BIM implemented in the United States since the early 1970s but being the early adopter, it didn’t gain the United States any advantages and instead the process of using BIM has slowed down.  United States Government has still not thought of making BIM mandatory. The US General Services Administration (GSA) prepared 3D and 4D BIM Program way back in 2003. This program got BIM adoption mandated for all the Public Buildings Service Projects. Wisconsin was the first state from the United States who has implemented BIM for public works with a budget of $5 million. Gradually BIM adoption is increasing its awareness in the United States and has positively impacted on the AEC industry. United States holds 72% of BIM adoption by the construction Companies.


BIM is identified as the core element for Singapore to become the smartest nation Construction, and Real Estate Network, or CORENET, the Building & Construction Authority have implemented the use of BIM e-submission in the construction industry, making it mandatory in 2015 for all the projects greater than 5000 Sq. Mts. In recent years, the government of Singapore has showcased productivity in the construction industry due to which BIM adoption has been seen as strategic actions. The BCA came up with BIM collaboration roadmap throughout virtual design and construction which facilities the use of BIM for Facility Management and Smart Nation.


In 2014, The French government developed BIM standards for infrastructure projects along with using BIM to make 5, 00,000 houses by 2017. The government had allocated Euro 20 million to digitalize the building industry due to which in the nearer future BIM will be mandatory in public procurement. For the construction industry in France, the government has taken the initiative as Digital Transition Plan which aimed at achieving sustainability and reduces costs, since after this in 2017 BIM gets mandated in France.


Around 90% of owners are demanding to use BIM and laid its emphasis on the commercial and the residential buildings. The German government still relies on the conventional method used by the AEC industry which has not fully accepted BIM adoption and for which in 2015 government announced Digital Building Platform plan to be developed.  It is believed that by 2020 BIM will be mandatory for public infrastructure projects.


In 2001, BIM implementation in China had been in the discussion by the Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development. According to a survey conducted, it was concluded that less than 15% of companies were using BIM. MOHURD in its 12th Five-Year Plan proposed a plan for improvisation work in the construction industry and said that BIM is not mandating to use. National standard of BIM practices has begun and approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. By the end of 2020, BIM will be used effectively more by construction firms. In 2009, Hong Kong Building Information Modeling (HKBIM) was incorporated. Many government authorities have started focusing on UK Level 2 Standards and give training for the same.


Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden have been the early adopters of BIM technologies. Finland had implemented BIM technology since 2002 and by 2007 Finland mandated that all the design software must be verified with Industry Foundation Class (IFC) Certification. IFC is a file format that can be used for shared models and can work independently on any piece of design software.

In Denmark, BIM mandated its state clients, Palace and Properties Agency, Defence Construction Service to adopt BIM practices while several private firms are working on Research and Development for BIM adoption practices.

Sweden ranks high in BIM adoption practices, and best practices guides for the same have already been published even in the absence of government-led guidelines. The government also has taken initiatives to facilitate its implementation and public organization to mandate the use of BIM in 2015.

The civil state client Statsbygg and Norwegian Homebuilders Association have promoted the use of BIM. All the civil state client projects used IFC formats and BIM for constructing the buildings during 2010. SINTEF has conducted thorough research on BIM to improve the construction and operations of the buildings.


Many private sectors, as well as business owners, have started adopting BIM at faster rates. For all the public areas, a standard like PAS1192-2 is used for the adoption of BIM due to lack of skill and work in isolation makes it crumble for the adoption of BIM in Australia. No proper methodology is developed here to measure the level of maturity. Support and Guidance are asked from the United States to initiate BIM adoption practices well in Australia.


BIM implementation is showing good progress in Europe. BIM adoption is successfully done by Companies, Academics, Professionals, and government institutions. Standard BIM practices and digitalization in the industry is a must and can bring huge success for Europe’s overall construction industry. Europe BIM task group in 2016 was established to develop a digital construction sector and has brought progressive impacts on adoption of BIM in the country.


BIM adoption in Canada is still at the existence stage with around 31% of the Canadian industry using BIM. No federal government has mandated BIM in the country yet but in the near future can increase the adoption of the use of BIM. Canada’s infrastructure industry can change its recent conditions by mandating BIM and its standards. In 2004, building SMART Canada started increasing the activities of using BIM for all construction projects. By 2010 Council by Institute of BIM in Canada (IBC) was formed to lead and facilitate the use of BIM in the construction industry.


The second largest industry in India is AECO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and operations). Gradually with all its efforts are focusing its shift to BIM. It can be very cost-saving technology and effective for India, but we are still on the design implementation level. Private Sector has started using BIM standards for Nagpur rail project which had used the 5D BIM technology to take it to another level of the project in the whole construction industry. BIM technologies such as BIM Co-ordination and Clash Detection processes would be used to enhance the construction quality, reduction in cost and greater efficiency in the project. With a growing economy and understanding of BIM in the construction industry, the entire practitioners involved can effectively adopt BIM.


Every country must include effective use of BIM in their construction projects for achieving many benefits such as reduced costs, time and efficiency. Every part of the world have readily accepted BIM standards and started its practices. It helps to replace the conventional methods of construction industry worldwide. Many updates in BIM technology can help them communicate their design more realistic and better approach that can even work on the sustainability of energy consumption in the near future.



How BIM Execution Plan is Beneficial for BIM Projects?

How BIM Execution Plan is Beneficial for BIM Projects?


Building construction tools make everyone visualize hard hats, hammers and heavy machinery. It is a pity that no one thinks of technology, 3D modeling, expert BIM consultants etc., which ideally should be the case. Think of a construction project with no or minimal clashes, improved collaboration and coordination, reduced risk and increased cost savings that Revit software brought to the final delivery. That is BIM Implementation. But if all this was about BIM, what is BIM execution plan?

BIM execution plan, also known as BEP or BxP, is very critical for any new construction project and all three architecture, structural and MEP disciplines. The development of such a plan, for facilitating the management of information in any BIM project, is set out in PAS 1192-2:2013 as a direct response to the Employer’s Information Requirements (EIR).

Benefits of using a BIM execution plan for building construction projects: 

  • communications

Instant and accurate communication among teams from the inception of any construction project is what BIM execution plans encourage. It helps all involved to manage responsibilities and expectations. It also ensures clear communication is available to all stakeholders across the construction project.

  • Collaboration

Every construction project tends to differ from the previous one. It may have different requirements in and around the needs of internal standards, regulations and the overall project. Because the BIM execution plan is in place and active, the project team is required to collaborate in real time across construction project phases. This prevents unnecessary silos among project tasks and warrants that adequate attention is paid to a particular project, irrespective of the requirement or standards in place.

  • Saving Time

Squeezed time schedules is one of the biggest challenge any and every construction project faces. However; a finely developed BEP with complete focus on project benefits, ensures that none of those involved in the project are overloaded with work, causing damaging delays to the project deliverables. Also BEP sees to it that only the most important details are worked upon and made available in the plan. It further helps in maintaining the schedule of deliverables across the project.

  • Sharing Data

BIM execution plan’s value addition in terms of transparency is commendable. They are conveniently available and accessible to all team members from the very start of the process. From contractors to project owners and many more, everyone has direct access to BIM implementation data including file formats, details and dimensions of the model.

  • Stronger Execution

BEP is all about staying focused on the project at hand, and not including every possible standard that exists. It empowers the team to communicate and collaborate better from the very beginning of the project. It promises strong execution and successful finish, pleasing project owners and investors. Executing this plan keeps items on the “to do list” moving which further assures project completion on time and within budgets.

BIM execution plan can be considered to be the rule book for a construction project, where rules in the book tend to change on project to project basis. BEP will enlist the roles and responsibilities of all involved in a construction project. The BEP will also showcase project milestones to the regulations to be adhered to, and the details involving the supply chain, procedures, technology to be used, and a whole lot more.

A contract once is awarded, warrants secondary BEP to be created by the prospective supplier, which focuses on the approach, capability, capacity and competence to meet the EIR in general terms. It details the project deliverables stipulated by the contract and the information exchange requirements, such as the CIC BIM Protocol (a supplementary legal agreement that is incorporated into construction and professional services contracts via a simple amendment), detailed in a BIM protocol.

BEP is created pre-contract & post-contract, so how are they different?

Once the contract is awarded, the winning supplier is required to submit a further BIM Execution plan, which is mainly focused on supply chain capabilities. MIDP or master delivery plan is also required to be submitted at the time of project information preparation. It includes details as to who is responsible for preparing the information and which all protocols and procedures will be utilized to develop the information.

The information to be prepared and included is based on a series of individual task information delivery plans (TIDP) that shows who is responsible for each information deliverable.

With multiple suppliers in a single contract, who is responsible for BEP?

Usually in scenarios where there is more than one supplier in a construction project, there is one main BIM Execution Plan that comprises of the responsibility for its production set out in appointment documents. Subsequent BEPs from the suppliers appointed later, dovetail with the existing main BIM execution plan.

Building execution plan, details working procedure

Every single procedure from how will BIM volumes be managed and maintained to what file name conventions will be adopted, and what construction tolerances are set and what attribute data is required; successful BEP encompasses everything.

Next is to determine what software will be used, what data formats will be used for exchange and what other data management systems will be brought into play. To the extent that in order to avoid potential ambiguity, a common approach to annotation, abbreviations and symbols is charted out. And all this leads to stronger executions, better timelines and happier project owners.

Every construction is different and requires a different BIM Execution Plan; but by properly implementing a BEP, your project has a far greater chance of being successful.


How intelligent scheduling is changing construction management process

Introduction to Programming BIM 4D

In recent decades, we have witnessed an intense progress of technology and computer applications. This progress is very noticeable in all aspects of the construction industry and especially in the development of BIM software. In a recent market survey with the Virtual Construction Software programming BIM 4D are reported as a huge support tool for all involved in major construction projects: construction managers, prime contractors and their customers.

In the small group of specialized software for programming BIM 4D, BEXEL Manager stands out for its unique features and capabilities directed toward management, programming (BIM 4D), cost estimation (BIM 5D) and even, facilities management (BIM 6D) of construction projects. I will try to briefly introduce its main features related to construction scheduling, which are a real game changer for future programming processes BIM construction.

Benefits of BIM 4D programming

Traditional programming process begins when planners and project managers often create construction schedules containing thousands of tasks to the level of each work item. Sort these tasks, connect and create dependencies and relationships allocation and balance a lot of resources can be extremely challenging and slow, even for more experienced managers project.

The main objective of the program is to improve 4D BIM planning processes and communication between all parties involved, allowing all participants to visually provide the entire process of building a very understandable and natural. Visual real-time simulations revolutionize complete planning processes, leveling traditional Gantt planning a 4D virtual presentation of the whole project implementation on the screen long before you start building.

The obvious and most significant benefits of BIM 4D programming process are:

  • Increased savings in time and cost, which can be variable, but reaching up to 500% in terms of the time required for program implementation.
  • Improving coordination and communication with stakeholders and the general quality of the work schedule.
  • Greater speed in creating offerings and optimizing budgets.
  • Improved site design and planning security.
  • Additional benefits that are not expressed through saving time and costs, but also greatly influence and augment the planning and construction process are the 4D visualizations.

Programming processes and estimation based on the model help the entire team to identify and optimize every detail designed. The efficiency and accuracy of visualization created BIM 4D allows experts project to identify and mitigate risk in the initial stages of the project, long before its construction. It also allows planning teams run different scenarios built to generate the best possible solutions while verifying their impact on costs. All schedule changes and variations made the Gantt chart are immediately updated and viewed in 3D view programming.

BIM 4D programming is much more than just visualization 4D

Today, many software solutions are advertised or used incorrectly as “4D BIM software,” however, there is a clear and obvious difference between viewing BIM 4D and 4D BIM software programming. The “4D BIM software” in general, can produce virtual construction simulation (visualization of construction process). 

However, 4D BIM software programming as BEXEL Manager allows users to view the construction process and also virtually plan (create schedule) construction project. Our programming software BIM 4D allows you to create and change tasks / planned activities, change their duration and predecessor / successor tasks as well as optimize and validate the sequence of these activities, all within the software itself, while almost simultaneously, has updated the display changes in the view of 3D programming software.

The intelligent programming concept BEXEL 4D BIM Manager

On the other hand, the scheduling engine BEXEL Manager implements advanced programming algorithms, specially designed to provide the functionality to create fully automated construction schedules, simplifying manual sequencing unpleasant 4D. That’s where the real power of BEXEL Manager.

Unlike other solutions BIM 4D market, where it is necessary to create the schedule activities manually or semi-automatically depending on the elements of the BIM model available, our complete solution BIM 4D-5D-6D uses a visionary concept that allows planners and managers to easily apply their engineering experience.Its engine unique and intelligent programming allows the creation of construction methods and construction activity groups such as planners think and anticipate the processes running on your mind. Similarly, groups can be created different levels of activities of tasks based on the phases of construction, buildings, activities and anticipated elements. The next step is to create logical relationships and dependencies of these groups of activities and methodologies. In the same way most experts are accustomed to the softwares traditional programming, here you can select types of relationships between elements (for example, from end to beginning from start to start, end to end, etc.) and the duration or delay the created relationship.

A brief introduction to BIM 5D and cost management

Additionally, the next logical step in the process construction management BIM is assigned labor, equipment, material resources and costs to tasks and reach the next dimension BIM, ie 5D. Our solution allows multiple custom implement cost classification systems for different versions of costs within the same model, this is feasible in the BIM 5D Cost module named Editor (Editor Cost).

In addition, the user can manage, view and export graphs and reports cost, labor, materials and equipment. Keep track of planned and actual costs, and once construction begins, track and update progress on schedule, and analyze actual versus planned progress, hypothetical scenarios and mitigation strategies.It is very valuable that a user is enabled to handle and manage practically all dimensions BIM (3D, 4D, 5D and 6D) within an integrated software platform.

Automatic generation of 4D BIM schedules based on predefined construction methodologies

In addition, all created methodologies are saved in the software so that the user can store multiple templates to automatically create schedules using pre-defined methodologies and their variations. Once created the methodology of construction, scheduling engine CPM (Critical Path Method) with all its features, is used to find an optimal solution in terms of cost and minimum construction time and the balance of resources, providing fully detailed construction schedules in seconds, even for the most complex projects containing thousands of tasks and respective elements. All methodologies and previously saved templates can be reused for any other similar project,

Visualization and optimization of schedules BIM 4D

BIM 4D initial schedules generated automatically and can be tuned further by the user by placing a specific order of steps and activities with BIM model elements linked in temporal and spatial sense.

The amounts of resources can also be defined and modified for any task or phase subcontractor company. A user can change and improve visual sequences built using custom color schemes for items, tasks and resources. Changes can be made and additional exceptions by implementing custom calendars for tasks and subcontractors.

Management, optimization and classification of a lot of work by any standard model are extremely easy and intuitive programming using built-in filters.Planning teams can also compare visually and within the Gantt chart, different versions of the schedule and planning methodologies directly in the solution, easily switching between different versions cost for any of the scheduling options.

perfect interoperability

Finally, the duration of the entire activity of a task can be changed manually, before finalizing the schedule BIM 4D and video simulation construction. All programs created can be exported from BEXEL Manager to traditional software programming and most commonly used, such as Oracle Primavera or Microsoft Project ™ ™ or Microsoft Excel ™. All activities, durations, links and dependencies of the schedule originally created in BEXEL Manager will be retained and stored in the exported files, enabling seamless interoperability.

Mentioning interoperability, taking into account that the solution also allows the import of schedules traditionally derived from the aforementioned programming tools. As all tasks, duration, links and dependencies created originally explained also they are kept in BEXEL Manager.

Semiautomatic generation BIM 4D simulation based on imported schedule

Unlike most software BIM 4D market, where the process of linking programming tasks imported with the respective elements of the model is mostly done manually, BEXEL Manager uses an intelligent engine for semiautomatic linking elements activities using predefined rules, name / identification of activities and level of hierarchy. With comfortable views of each set of selection of model elements and cross-checking with categories, families, properties of each element, and improved search capabilities based on their properties and other criteria, bind errors are eliminated almost completely.

Once programming is imported, you can make additional adjustments, modifications and verification tasks within the Schedule Editor (Editor Programming) of BEXEL Manager. When all activities are linked, the software generates a video simulation of 4D construction, suitable for real-time review by project stakeholders. The created virtual simulation of 4D construction can also be exported as a video file.


Once all stakeholders, mainly planners and project managers embrace the full potential and benefits of smart processes 4D programming, the entire industry will benefit and evolve, leading to a very accessible and tangible future of building BIM, where the 3D parametric design, construction simulations in real time and exchange of information are part of impeccable business every day.
By: Mileta Pejovic, BEXEL Consulting

Once all stakeholders, mainly planners and project managers embrace the full potential and benefits of smart processes 4D programming, the entire industry will benefit and evolve, leading to a very accessible and tangible future of building BIM, where the 3D parametric design, construction simulations in real time and exchange of information are part of impeccable business every day.

By: Mileta Pejovic, BEXEL Consulting

Source :

Why Should Building Products Manufacturer Create BIM Content?

As the construction industry continues to evolve with the constantly growing technology, there are areas within the industry that needs to upgrade them. With that being said, it is building product manufacturers that particularly need to explore the potential of BIM for the growth of their business and gain that competitive edge.

BIM as grown significantly over the past half a decade and is still developing. It entered the industry with design tool for architects and today supports everyone involved in the construction project. Amongst all this changes, building product manufacturers need to reassess their usage of Revit Product data for Revit family creation and make the most of it. Incorporating BIM in the construction supply chain necessarily means every professional on a particular construction project should align themselves.

Why is BIM content creation is more than important for building product manufacturers?

Recently governments of several nations like UK and Singapore have mandated BIM Level 2 for every public construction project. This means that manufacturers of products such as steel stairs, MEP components, facades, furniture, shopfitting, sheet metal enclosures, ducts etc. need to align with the needs of sheet metal contractors. And these sheet metal contractors need to facilitate the general contractors and sub-contractors with the BIM content of the products that they supply for projects.

Thus, an ideal way to get the original and as-is BIM content of any product is from the original manufacturer of the product. BIM Content or Revit Families serve as an excellent project deliverables when supplied to the respective contractor along with the physical predicts. BIM-ready product data templates will ensure a seamless communication channel across the disciplines, cross-teams and during the development of LOD 500, 3D BIM models in Autodesk Revit.

Some of the apparent reasons to use BIM content for building product manufactures and product design engineers are as enlisted:

  • Lack of association of building designs with the manufactured products
  • Lacking control over design data ownership and out of date design data availability
  • Configured and customized products having higher design complexity
  • High monetary investments for to acquire skills for BIM content development

Well-structured digital information

To overcome these roadblocks, the recent focus of manufacturers has been shifted to BIM objects and data templates. These digitized models of frequently used standard components like MEP fixtures, cables, trays, switches, heaters, pumps, valves etc. helps in quick model development and coherent communication between designer, manufacturer, and the installation foremen.

Another advantage of BIM objects is that the manufactures and design engineers say that with the existing standard data, they can now quickly generate other similar objects with little customization. It has happened because of the standard data collected from manufacturers and the ones available online to establish a standardized approach.

Amongst the monetary benefits, it has been surveyed that of the total construction costs of UK about, 40% share is by the building products. This developed a natural attraction to BIM objects for building product design engineers, manufacturers as well as the project managers.

Opportunities to create Revit families/BIM objects

Creating Revit models from scratch for every object is possible but it needs rigorous training with Revit and AutoCAD both. One may have to pre-build each geometry configuration and export it for the manufacturing decisions making and finally maintain it.

Another option is getting BIM data directly from the manufacturer’s website with specifications, pictures, geometrical dimensions etc. By adding an update to native BIM models as product line evolves, helps the BIM expert to gain more specific insights about spatial occupation.

Such an approach aids the contractors to plan and schedule the site activities as per the PERT methods and lean construction techniques to achieve the ultimate aim of efficiency and economy.


History and Future of DWG

Created in the 1970s and launched by Autodesk in 1982, DWG has established itself as one of the most ubiquitous file format for CAD software on the planet. Everyone who uses CAD will be familiar with it – but how much do you really know about it? Here, we’re diving into the history of the DWG file format, from its origins to its current position as the world-leading CAD file format. We’ll also be taking a look into our crystal ball, to see what’s in store for the future of DWG…

What is DWG?

Before we dive into the story, let’s take a look at exactly what a DWG file is and does. The DWG file format allows users to store two and three-dimensional design data for use in CAD software. DWGs allow you to store vector entities, maps, geographic information, and even photos. Essentially, any information that you can enter into a CAD program can be stored in a DWG file.

The DWG file format is perhaps best known as the native format for AutoCAD, and is a proprietary file format owned by Autodesk, the creators of AutoCAD. As a proprietary format, it has been specifically designed to work with AutoCAD, rather than to function as an open standard across CAD software. Despite this, the format is supported across a range of CAD programs and DWGs can be viewed even without an AutoCAD licence. DWG also has applications across a range of industries, from architecture and engineering to virtual reality and game design – for a full rundown, visit our article exploring how different industries use DWG files.

The fast-growing game design sector uses DWG files day in, day out – this car is just one example

The Beginnings

The history of the DWG file format begins in the late 1970s. Programmer Mike Riddle found himself unsatisfied with the CAD programs available to him on the market – so instead of waiting around for someone to build something better, he built it himself. Starting in 1977, Riddle began work on a new CAD program, Interact CAD – and its native file format was to be (you guessed it) DWG, which stands for drawing. Initially released in 1979, Interact CAD was far from a runaway success: Riddle only managed to sell around 30 copies of the software.

Despite the rocky start, it was clear that the new software had potential, and in the early 1980s, Interact CAD was acquired by the newly-formed company Autodesk. Interact CAD was to form the architectural basis for a new CAD program, AutoCAD, which was launched in 1982 by Autodesk – at that time, a small company formed by John Walker and a handful of programmer friends, including Riddle. The DWG format was finally about to be introduced to the public on a much larger scale. While Interact CAD had reached only a handful of customers in its first few years of release, AutoCAD rose to become the most widely-used CAD program in the world just four years after its initial release.

One of the earliest forms of the DWG format shown in a 1982 edition of AutoCAD

DWG Dominance

Thanks to the global reach achieved by AutoCAD, the DWG file format quickly became the go-to standard for CAD designers. In fact, it was estimated that by 1998, there were more than two billion DWG files in existence – and considering that another 18 years have passed, the number has surely ballooned even further since.

Of course, DWG didn’t achieve its dominant position in the CAD world by standing still. Whilst the format exists to fulfil the same function as in 1982, it’s gone through a huge number of changes since then. The DWG format is subject to versioning. This means that every few years, major adjustments are made to the file format, as it adapts to technical advances and changes in software. New versions of AutoCAD will be able to support any DWG file, even those created for the first version of AutoCAD in 1982. Old versions of AutoCAD, however, won’t be able to open files saved to the newer versions of DWG.

All in all, there have been nineteen different versions of the DWG file format. Autodesk typically releases a new version of DWG every three years; the most recent version of the format, however, was released in 2013, and has been the native format for five consecutive editions of AutoCAD.

A DWG 2013 file open in the most recent version of AutoCAD – AutoCAD 2017

Legal Battles

Not everyone is happy with DWG’s status as a proprietary file format. In 1998, the OpenDWG Alliance was founded with the aim of making DWG an open standard for CAD software, much as the DXF format is. The organization was renamed as the Open Design Alliance in 2002. The group includes a number of competitors to Autodesk, and has aimed to reverse-engineer the DWG format, so that a method of reading and writing DWG files can be incorporated into other, non-licensed CAD programs.

Autodesk retaliated against this by introducing TrustedDWG technology, which verifies if a file was created and saved in Autodesk-licensed software. Autodesk made further efforts to defend their format by attempting to register “DWG” as a trademark with the U.S. Patent Office; this would have prevented other organizations from using the term. In support of their claim, they stated that “DWG” no longer referred solely to the file format, but also to a specific technology environment present within Autodesk software. However, the Patent Office issued a final refusal to register the trademark in 2011, with the refusal being affirmed once again in 2013.

Future of DWG

As previously mentioned, Autodesk failed to release a new version of DWG for the 2016 and 2017 versions of AutoCAD, as would normally be expected. The head of the Open Design Alliance, Neil Peterson, speculated this could be due to a lack of new features. A former head of the ODA, Arnold van der Weide, even suggested that Autodesk could be planning to do away with the DWG format altogether. Could Autodesk’s move towards cloud-based software kill DWG entirely?

Probably not. With DWG maintaining its status as the dominant CAD format, it’s unlikely to be going away any time soon. Whilst there may have been few recent developments in the desktop version of AutoCAD, DWG is still the native format for Autodesk’s new cloud-based software AutoCAD 360. Not only that, but the ubiquity of DWG means many would still use the format regardless of any abandonment by Autodesk. ODA head Neil Peterson suggests that DWG would still be safe even if it were scrapped:Even if Autodesk did away with it, our 1,250 members and millions of their customers would keep right on using DWG.Neil Peterson, President of the Open Design Alliance


So, DWG is not dead, but it’s definitely evolving. DWG is no longer a desktop-bound format, and while mobile apps are still currently seen as complementary to the ‘main’, desktop editions of software, all that is set to change. Smartphones and tablets are likely to be key platforms for tomorrow’s CAD designers. Far from becoming irrelevant, DWG is set to be a feature on more screens than ever before.

More than half of construction firms now using drones to capture data

More than half of construction firms now using drones to capture data


The use of digital/reality capture information from drone technology continues to increase in the UK and Irish construction industries, with 52% of respondents to a new survey now using the technology compared with 33% in 2017.

This increase has been revealed in a poll by aerial mapping, inspection and surveying specialist ProDroneWorx. However, more advanced digital/reality capture outputs continue to be underutilised, the survey found.

ProDroneWorx asked senior figures within the construction, infrastructure and asset inspection markets about their perception, usage and understanding of the digital/reality capture outputs from drone technology. A total of 150 respondents took part across the UK and Ireland.

Construction company Kier said: “The latest ProDroneWorx survey demonstrates how far drone technology has progressed. Kier is working closely with ProDroneWorx on some key projects to realise the benefits from drone technology, including progress capture, 360 photography and photogrammetry.”

Steven Hedley, vice president technical at the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists, said: “As regulation and licencing laws surrounding drone usage tighten, it is imperative that specialist drone operators continue to facilitate the development of drone technology and its integration with Building Information Modelling within our industry to maximise benefits and minimise misuse.”

According to the survey, the top three reasons for adopting the technology are improved data quality (56%), time saving (54%) and the reduction of risk (42%). Interestingly, fewer companies than last year are planning on utilising drone technology in-house, reflecting, perhaps the level of knowledge and expertise needed to deploy them.

However, the findings also demonstrate that drone technology is currently being underutilised. While 74% of respondents are using drone technology for photography and video, fewer than 30% of respondents are using the technology for value-added services such as aerial LiDAR, 3D point clouds, 3D modelling, digital surface/terrain models, orthophotos and thermal imaging.

Ian Tansey, managing director at ProDroneWorx, said: “In a world of very tight margins of about 2% in construction, and an increasingly competitive landscape, the use of digital/reality capture data gives firms a significant competitive advantage over their peers through improved data quality, reduced costs, increased productivity gains and the mitigation of risk”.

Tansey says that digital/reality capture data outputs created from drone technology using photogrammetry and LiDAR are starting to transform traditional business models, helping to reshape the construction, infrastructure and asset inspection markets.

This is happening through the improved management of assets digitally, deeper data insights, better collaboration on projects, improved data deliverables to clients, cost reductions and the reduction of risk.

The survey also found that of the 52% that are currently using drone technology, the majority (45%) have been using it for less than a year, and only 14% of this sub-group have been using the technology for the last three to five years, making them very early adopters

The three main reasons firms are using the technology are:

  • Improved data quality (56%)
  • Time saving (54%)
  • Reduced risk (42%)

Other findings:

  • 74% of those not using the technology plan on using it in future, so usage should continue to increase.
  • Only a small proportion (15%) of firms have no plans to use the technology in the future.
  • Construction firms have two options when it comes to deciding how to incorporate drone technology into their business models and workflow: creating an internal drone unit/function; or using a third party specialist. The vast majority of firms plan on outsourcing the business to third party companies; only 23% of companies plan on using the technology themselves (in-house), down from 28% in 2017.
  • The majority of respondents (78%) were from England, followed by the Republic of Ireland at 11%; a smaller number were from Scotland (7%) and Wales (3%).
  • 26% of respondents were from Construction, 17% Architecture, 17% Civil Engineering, 9% Building Surveying, 7% Surveying and 23% in other sectors.


CAD Vs BIM: Advantages and Disadvantages

CAD Vs BIM: Advantages and Disadvantages


With the advent of computers, the design industry has experienced a never-before revolution. Creating designs on computers has brought about a change in the way the designers and architects work. Different software such as CAD and BIM software aid the design and execution process. However, these professionals often face a dilemma while selecting the appropriate software for their project. It, thus, becomes imperative to understand the benefits offered by CAD and BIM and their disadvantages.

CAD and  BIM Advantages and Disadvantages

CAD Advantages

CAD is a line based approach to design.

  • When it comes to the software price, CAD software is cheaper than the ones for BIM.
  • CAD is easier to learn. 2D drafting skills are enough to produce CAD drawings. Even the 3D CAD model is generated by drawing lines.
  • It is easier to create 2D drawings on CAD as all the process are direct processes. For e.g., if you need to represent a line, you just need to draw a line. In BIM, a line is a product of indirect process e.g. the façade view derived from the 3D model of the window which, in turn, is an assembly of parametric 3D objects.

BIM Advantages

BIM is a model-based approach to design.

  • The greatest advantage of BIM is that it can capture reality in a way that 2D drawings are unable to capture. Availability of various mapping tools, aerial imagery and laser scans of existing infrastructure have made this information to be the starting point of a project. This information can be integrated with the BIM model.
  • It has a multidisciplinary approach to design. A single BIM software can be used to design all the disciplines such as architecture, structure, and MEP. This is achieved by assimilating the design parameters from all the disciplines in the model which results in a better-coordinated design.
  • Synchronization between all the drawings such as plans, elevations, sections, perspective etc. is easier in BIM as all these drawings are extracted from a single model. Any change in the design that is incorporated in the model will automatically result in the updation in all the drawings that are extracted.
  • A lot of labor and time is saved when deriving quantities from BIM model with the use of tools such as element counts, volumes, areas, etc.
  • Simulation tools in BIM software allow designers to visualize various parameters. It also allows the designers and engineers to carry out the detailed analysis with the click of a button.
  • The BIM toolset helps in resolving conflicts between elements of different disciplines that arise in the design. For e.g. it can resolve clashes that arise when an electrical conduit runs into a beam.

BIM offers a number of advantages over CAD. This has prompted the Industry bigwigs to shift to BIM. The possibility of a human error getting carried forward in BIM is negligible. In a nutshell, BIM modeling is a holistic approach to design, development, and maintenance of a building. With the numerous benefits that BIM offers over CAD, BIM modeling is undoubtedly an efficient and intelligent approach.

Collaboration is key: How BIM helps a project from concept to operations

Collaboration is key: How BIM helps a project from concept to operations


Talking about collaboration and delivering a truly collaborative project through the use of BIM are two very different things. Ryan Simmonds of voestalpine Metsec Framing discusses the keys to success

At voestalpine Metsec, we recognise the fact that BIM is more than just a 3D modelling tool for design. BIM, at its core – and done correctly – is an integrated management system that allows 3D design, together with onsite construction and information, that enables handover to operationally manage the client’s facility. Metsec was the first company to achieve BIM Kitemark for design and construction and also for BIM objects.

Within BIM sits key elements for success. Coordination with other team members, or those working on a project, is crucial to ensure nothing is missed, as well as making sure there are no unnecessary duplications. Cooperation is another important area, and one where teams can often fall down through a lack of communication or sharing of vital information.

Together, cooperation and coordination help to contribute to true collaboration, with all parties working together to achieve a single goal and BIM has proved to be an essential tool to allow this approach.

Benefits of collaboration in construction projects

Collaboration is a method that the construction industry has historically struggled to adopt, but one that has been consistently demonstrated to greatly benefit the industry as a whole.

Collaborating on a project from the initial stages brings numerous benefits, including reducing time delays and the need for contingency funds. The appointed design team, contractors, manufacturers and installers all working collaboratively means designs, issues, priorities and construction methods are all agreed upon in the initial stages and fully understood by all parties.

While the theory of collaboration can seem abstract, it is a very real requirement for successful projects. If co-dependent elements of a project are executed in silos with no communication or coordination, projects can hit stumbling blocks.

For example, if the installer of the framing solution on a project has not communicated with the main contractor as to when they are required onsite, the project can either be delayed as the installer is not ready, or alternatively they’ll turn up onsite but not be able to gain access and begin the installation, resulting in wasted days and money.

Similarly, if the framing manufacturer and installer have not cooperated and communicated, the project could be delivered before it’s required, taking up valuable space onsite, or be delayed – again resulting in lost days.

BIM as a collaborative method

However, collaboration needs to go deeper and this is where Building Information Modelling (BIM) is vital. A structured, measured and comprehensive approach to team working, BIM has a fixed set of processes and procedures to guide users and participants how best to employ collaborative methods. Design coordination is an in-depth and involved process and BIM’s regular data exchanges ensure that the whole team is working on the same, and most up-to-date, model.

The notion of BIM is the process of designing, constructing or operating a building, infrastructure or landscape asset using electronic information. In practice, this means that a project can be designed and built using datasets and images digitally, even before the first spade goes in the ground.

Detecting conflict at early stages means they are addressed and resolved promptly and still during the planning stages. Without BIM, issues are often only picked up at major project milestones and at this point they can be difficult and expensive to rectify.

The objective of BIM is to satisfy the three components of a successful project, namely time, cost and quality, by managing the project using an efficient, collaborative and reliable method of work.

Sharing a 3D model with all parties communicates the planned end result in a clear, concise and fully comprehensible way – helping the full project team to understand the requirements and see what they are working towards. The information held within the model can be extracted from within in the form of Cobie files, which is also essential. Within these, if done to Level 2 standard, the manufacturer will host the correct file extensions and product parameters to allow asset management in future years.

However, another crucial element of BIM is the promotion, and adoption, of collaborative working. The digital designs, including product parameters, are shared with all parties to outline the work planned and give everyone the opportunity to fully understand what is proposed and all the requirements, including specifications such as fire and acoustic data. The BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is a critical document as it underpins project integration and is a written plan to bring together all of the tasks, processes and related information.

The BEP should be agreed at the outset and defines what BIM means for the project. It outlines the standards being adopted, outputs required, when these should be supplied and in what format, plus any supporting documentation.

As a working document, the BEP is regularly reviewed and evolves throughout the project, ensuring design teams, suppliers, manufacturers and all other stakeholders have all the relevant information, promoting collaboration between all parties.

The BIM Implementation Plan (BIP) is the blueprint for integrating BIM into an organisation’s working practices. This should align to the objectives and aspirations of the organisation, its business partners, its skill base, levels of investment and the nature and scale of projects that it wishes to undertake now and in the future.

Hosting both of these documents in a centrally coordinated Common Data Environment (CDE) means they can be updated, accessed or extracted at any time throughout the project. Adding all other BIM documents, including the 3D drawings, gives all of those involved in the overall project full visibility and input, promoting a collaborative approach throughout.


Talking about collaboration and delivering a fully collaborative project through the use of BIM are two very different things, and will have very different outcomes when it comes to a construction project.

While there have been moves to adopt a more collaborative approach, using BIM ensures that all stakeholders are consulted at all stages throughout the project and that the most up-to-date documents are hosted in one central location, reducing errors in file versions or timing plans.

In addition, the use of BIM means that a design and build is fixed from a certain, agreed point onwards, removing the need for additional contingency budget or project delays due to unplanned changes caused by a lack of communication, coordination, cooperation or collaboration.



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