Concrete block masonry which is also known as concrete masonry unit (CMU) have advantages over brick and stone masonry. Concrete blocks are manufactured in required shape and sizes and these may be solid or hollow blocks. The common size of concrete blocks is 39cm x 19cm x (30cm or 20 cm or 10cm) or 2 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch and 12-inch unit configurations.

Cement, aggregate, water is used to prepare concrete blocks. The cement-aggregate ratio in concrete blocks is 1:6. Aggregate used is of 60% fine aggregate and 40% coarse aggregate. Their Minimum strength is about 3N/mm2. ASTM C-90-91 specifies the compressive strength requirements of concrete masonry units.

Types of Concrete Blocks or Concrete Masonry Units

Depending upon the structure, shape, size and manufacturing processes concrete blocks are mainly classified into 2 types and they are

  • Solid concrete blocks
  • Hollow concrete Blocks

Solid Concrete Blocks

Solid concrete blocks are commonly used, which are heavy in weight and manufactured from dense aggregate. They are very strong and provides good stability to the structures. So for large work of masonry like for load bearing walls these solid blocks are preferable.

They are available in large sizes compared to bricks. So, it takes less time to construct concrete masonry than brick masonry.

Fig.1 – Solid Concrete Blocks

Hollow Concrete Blocks

Hollow concrete blocks contains void area greater than 25% of gross area. Solid area of hollow bricks should be more than 50%. The hollow part may be divided into several components based on our requirement. They are manufactured from lightweight aggregates. They are light weight blocks and easy to install.

Types of Hollow Concrete Blocks:

  • Stretcher block
  • Corner block
  • Pillar block
  • Jamb block
  • Partition block
  • Lintel block
  • Frogged brick block
  • Bull nose block

Concrete Stretcher Blocks

Concrete stretcher blocks are used to join the corner in the masonry. Stretcher blocks are widely used concrete hollow blocks in construction. They are laid with their length parallel to the face of the wall.

Fig.2 – Concrete Stretcher Blocks

Concrete Corner Blocks

Corner blocks are used at the ends or corners of masonry. The ends may be window or door openings etc. they are arranged in a manner that their plane end visible to the outside and other end is locked with the stretcher block.

Fig.3 – Concrete Corner Blocks

Concrete Pillar Blocks

Pillar block is also called as double corner block. Generally these are used when two ends of the corner are visible. In case of piers or pillars these blocks are widely used.

Fig.4 – Concrete Pillar Blocks

Jamb Concrete Blocks

Jamb blocks are used when there is an elaborated window opening in the wall. They are connected to stretcher and corner blocks. For the provision of double hung windows, jamb blocks are very useful to provide space for the casing members of window.

Fig.5 – Jamb Concrete Blocks

Partition Concrete Block

Partition concrete blocks are generally used to build partition walls. Partition blocks have larger height than its breadth. Hollow part is divided into two to three components in case of partition blocks.

Fig.6 – Partition Concrete Block

Lintel Blocks

Lintel block or beam block is used for the purpose of provision of beam or lintel beam. Lintel beam is generally provided on the top portion of doors and windows, which bears the load coming from top. Concrete lintel blocks have deep groove along the length of block as shown in figure. After placing the blocks, this groove is filled with concrete along with reinforcement.

Fig.7 – Lintel Blocks

Frogged Brick Blocks

Frogged brick block contains a frog on its top along with header and stretcher like frogged brick. This frog will helps the block to hold mortar and to develop the strong bond with top laying block.

Fig.8 – Frogged Bricks Blocks

Bullnose Concrete Block

Bullnose blocks are similar to corner blocks. Their duties also same but when we want rounded edges at corner bullnose bricks are preferred.

Fig.9 – Bullnose Concrete Block


All about Seismic Isolation

All about Seismic Isolation




Seismic isolation (commonly referred to as base isolation) is a construction method for protecting buildings, in which the building and ground are separated by an isolation system to limit the transmission of vibrations through the building. It reduces the earthquake force and changes it to a slow vibration, so not only the building, but also everything inside is protected.

In recent years base isolation has become an increasingly applied structural design technique for buildings and bridges in highly seismic areas. Many types of structures have been built using this approach, and many others are in the design phase or under construction.


Seismic Isolation System


Seismic Isolation System is a collection of structural elements that should substantially decouple a structure from the horizontal components of ground shaking thus protecting the building’s integrity. Isolation System consists of  Isolation Units with or without  Isolation Components.

Isolation Units are the basic elements of an Isolation System which are intended to provide the decoupling effect.
Isolation Components are the connections between Isolation Units and their parts having no decoupling effect of their own.

Accelerated aging tests demonstrate that base isolators for foundations could be used without problems for up to 80 years.
As a practical example, in Australia, rubber bearings installed on a bridge over 100 years ago are still in service without any problems.

Displacement of the isolation system


Although it depends on the earthquake and type of isolation system used, an isolator for a building will move about 20 to 30 cm in each direction in a major earthquake.
Around buildings with isolation systems, there is a 40 to 50 cm clearance for movement.

Fig 1. Peripheral clearance of building

Isolation systems are designed so that the building will move back to its original position.

Fig 2. Deformation

Seismic isolation protection against vertical quake motion

In current isolation systems, vertical motion is not considered, because it is horizontal vibrations that cause objects to fall.
For example, if you apply a vertical vibration to an object at rest on a board, it is hardly disrupted. But if you jolt the board horizontally, the object will fall.

Earthquake vibration of buildings in the horizontal direction is considerably reduced by a seismic isolation system.
Therefore, the isolation system prevents equipment from falling even in a vertical quake. The same is true of buildings.

Fire precautions taken for the isolation system

Isolation systems require little fire resistance because they are usually installed under lowest floor of a building, where inflammable materials and ignition sources are not normally found.

However, if multilayer rubber bearings are installed in the middle floor where a possibly of fire exists, some fire resistant protection is required.

Maintenance required after Isolation system installation

Isolation systems with high durability do not require replacement. To maintain reliability and safety, periodic inspection of the building and the isolators is recommended.

After it is struck by an earthquake with a seismic intensity greater thn 5, basic inspection is required.

Position of the seismic isolation system

In addition to underground systems, other places such as the ground floor and liddle floor can also be suitable, as shown in the figure below. The position of the isolators depends on the function and design of the buildings.

Islotation syystem can be applied to the whole site to create a local disaster prevention area.


Fig 3. Position of the seismic isolation

Cost of the seismic isolation system

There are various other expenses other than the isolators.

However, there are also benefits such as reduction in thhe required size of the structural members. The percentage of the cost for seismic isolation reduces for taller buildings.

Generally, the additional cost for an isolation system installed in a building with over ten strories is 2 to 3% of the total construction cost.

In addition, considering that seismic isolation improves safety during an earthquake and saves repair costs after an earthquake, the lifecycle cost of a building can be reduced.




What is base isolation for a structure?

What is base isolation for a structure?



An earthquake has been a major threat to human kind and the world, in the unrecorded and recorded human history. It causes an active shakingdue to volcanic eruption, which causes the failure of weak and badly designed structures, leading to the innumerousfatalities.

Base isolation technique is commonly adopted as safety precaution in earthquake prone areas all over the world. It has been used in New Zealand, as well as in India, Japan, Italy and the USA.

In order to reduce the effects and damages caused by an earthquake, base isolation is implemented in the foundation section of the structure.

This system is designed to take the weight of the building and let the foundations move sideways during the earthquake. It provides flexibility at the supports of a structure in the horizontal plane. Seismic isolation can increase the performance expectation of structure in life and also minimizes damage.

Base isolation is the best method adopted for earthquake resistant building. It is the method of providing a support to the foundation for the buildings in seismic zones as it enables the reduction in earthquake induced forces by increasing the period of vibration of the structure.

It effectively protects the structure against extreme earthquake without sacrificing performance during the move frequent, moderate seismic events. With the conventional method of building earthquake structure, the structure may survive of the earthquake. It may not remain operational after any major seismic event!

This technique of base isolation not only prevents the earthquake from any serious damages but also maintains functionality. Building remains operational after earthquake…

How do base isolators work?

It is a technique to prevent building during an earthquake. A fixed-base building (builtdirectly on the ground) will move with an earthquake’s motion and can sustain extensive damage as a result. Base isolators work in a similar way like car suspension. It is not suitable for all types of structures and is designed for hard soil, not soft.

Types of Isolator

  • Lead-Rubber Bearin
  • Laminated steel-rubber isolators
  • Multi layer stones
  • Filled rubber bearings
  • Active base isolation

Other Types

Apart from bearing and sliding type, there are some other types of isolators, which are also used in building but rarely. Springs, rollers, sleeved piles are some examples of such isolators.



Civil Engineering Salaries around the world

Civil Engineering Salaries around the world




If you’re looking forward to a career that gives you the opportunity to build bridges, design tunnels and maintain and construct other infrastructure projects, then a career in civil engineering is an ideal career path to pursue.

The job of a civil engineer involves checking the site to make sure it is appropriate. There are many branches under this filed and each of them deals with different tasks, some of the branches are as follows:

Civil Engineering Fields:

  • Construction Engineering
  • Geo-technical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Coastal Engineering
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Water Resource Engineering
  • Surveying
  • Municipal Engineering
  • Tunnel Engineering & more…

That’s because civil engineering jobs are all over the world. But it’s a good idea to know how much money civil engineers around the world earn on average to get a sense of what you can expect when negotiating a civil engineering salary. Here are some important factors to consider:

What Affects Your Civil Engineering Salary?

Several elements may impact your civil engineering salary including the location of your company, your level of education, your level of expertise and the amount of experience you have.

Salary based on experience


Salary Based On Level Of Education

For instance, civil engineers in the United States make an average annual salary of $65,189, according to PayScale. However, PayScale reports that civil engineers in Australia make an average of $73,051 AUD—about $50,798 USD—per year. Even the city, county, state or province where civil engineering jobs are may impact pay. For example, ZipRecruiter reports that civil engineers in Ontario, Canada make an average of $62,498 USD per year while civil engineers in Quebec bring in an annual salary of $77,011 USD.

Your experience may also impact how much you make as a civil engineer. For example, senior civil engineers in the United States make an average of $119,600, according to Glassdoor. But PayScale reports that senior civil engineers in Toronto, Canada, make an average of $100,964 CAD or about $76,697 USD. So, it’s worth considering the trajectory of your career path as a civil engineer.

The type of civil engineering role you hold also impacts how much you make. Some of the top three jobs for the highest civil engineering salary include engineering project managers, engineering managers, and senior civil engineers, making as much as $196,000 per year in the United States. Your industry may impact your pay, too. For instance, data from the May 2018 report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports civil engineers made the most working for the federal government excluding postal service jobs, bringing in a median annual salary $95,380.

You may also notice that different sources provide various ranges of salaries for civil engineering jobs. For instance, data from PayScale highlights that civil engineers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) make an average annual salary of 74,604 AED or $20,311 USD. On the other hand, data from the Economic Research Institute (ERI) reports that civil engineers in the UAE make an average of 269,209 AED per year or $73,294 USD. This amount can also look different on a monthly basis. For instance, ZipRecruiter reports the U.S.-based civil engineers bring in an average of $6,418 per month. So, it’s a good idea to consult different sources to get an idea of how much to expect from your engineering salary.

What Do Salaries for Civil Engineering Jobs Look Like Around the World?

If you want a sense of what to expect from a civil engineering salary in a country you’re considering working in, it’s worth comparing salaries for civil engineering jobs around the world. Here are some common annual salaries for civil engineers worldwide, according to ERI:

The demand for civil engineers is bound to increase as the population increases. This is because of an increase in demand for infrastructures such as housing, highways, water supplies and sewerage. However, Civil engineering, like most fields, depends on the economy with the demand being high when the economy is doing well.


Cool Reflections for Overheating Metros!

Cool Reflections for Overheating Metros!

“Why paint trains with high-performance solar reflective paint ……….and fit low emissivity glass windows?”

Author: Calvin R Barrows, BSc (Hons), CEng, MICE


(N.B. The focus of this article is on mixed surface and sub-surface Metros like London Underground. Many of these, like London Underground, do not have sub-surface cooling systems throughout.)

There are many heat sources in Metro systems. However, only those that are seasonal are under consideration in this paper. Indeed, it is worth noting that, in the cooler weather the combined effect of the non-seasonal heat sources is insufficient to heat trains to a temperature in which customers would feel comfortable and so in winter these heat sources need to be augmented by the addition of heating from train saloon heaters.

However, there are two heat sources that increase in summer: outside ambient air and solar irradiation. The former is an important and notable seasonal variant, but whilst ambient air temperature varies throughout the daily cycle, it does not dramatically change over a 30 minute period. It cannot, therefore, explain the cause of the considerable increase in train temperatures on the surface often achieved over that same time period, so this paper will focus primarily on the role of solar irradiation.

Even though we all experience the effect of sunshine in summer, there does not appear to be more than a superficial appreciation of just how powerful solar irradiation can be! In this link, under the “Measurement” section it explains that “…direct sunlight at Earth’s surface when the Sun is at the zenith (directly above) is about 1050 W/m2”.

This is generally supported by the monitoring and other evidence presented in my article “Cooling the Tube – On Ice till 2030”, and also by the fact that in the summer of 2018 my pale coloured sandstone patio was as red-hot as the sand on a Mediterranean beach.

However, the sun’s power is also affected by the Angle of Incidence, which reduces its intensity when it is at shallower angles. For example, at a 450 angle of incidence, although solar radiation can cover a 40 percent greater area, it is then 30 percent less intense than when at its maximum angle of incidence of 900. Consequently, we also need to consider how this changing intensity might affect trains.

Prof. Piercarlo Romagnoni and Prof. Fabio Peron of the Università Iuav di Venezia produced a factsheet which examines the temperature impact solar radiation has on thermal insulation materials in roofing applications. Although some train roofs are not insulated, this factsheet gives an indication of the potential external skin temperatures.

One test they undertook was on a roof sheet formed of a curved sandwich panel:

  • The external surface was aluminium metal sheet, thickness 7/10mm, painted red;
  • The insulation layer was a 40mm thickness of polyurethane foam;
  • The internal surface was a galvanized, corrugated metal sheet, thickness 4/10mm.

Whilst this is not exactly how a train roof is constructed, I would submit the external skin of a train roof would absorb similar levels of solar irradiation and reach similar temperatures. The maximum temperatures on curved roofs in more moderate climate zones like Venice can reach 67°C. Summer ambient air temperatures in Venice can reach 40°C, so the surface temperature of the aluminium external skin of this sandwiched panel is potentially around 25°C above ambient, which is akin to the difference between train rail temperatures and ambient air temperatures.

The next consideration is, how much of the train should we coat with solar reflective paint? Some railway staff have focused on the roof. However, focusing on the roof alone will limit the potential benefits.

The average carriage size is 2.9m wide with a “passenger compartment” body height of around 2.5m. Taking that as a basis, when the sun is at its zenith, it produces 1050 W/m2 x 2.9m per metre length of carriage or 3045 W/m (3.045 kW/m) on its roof.

However, with the sun at an “angle of incidence” of 450 and hence with the sun on both the roof and one or other side of the train, there is approximately 2.5m + 2.9m of train body exposed to the sun. At this angle the sun’s intensity is 1050 W/m2 x 70% (30% less than at its zenith) = 735 W/m2 but this is now shining on 5.4m per metre length of train body. In this scenario then the sun produces 735 W/m2 x 5.4m per metre length of carriage or 3969 W/m (3.969 W/m).


The 1972 British Rail Research calculation [abstract], had previously raised a concern about the challenge of how solar irradiation can be calculated. TfL have kindly provided figures from the original, full report (which no longer appears to be directly available in the RSSB’s SPARK Rail Knowledge Hub’s archive). The process of arriving at these figures, as set out in the abstract, appears completely unintelligible and this historic calculation of 7.8kW per trailer car or approximately 0.5kW per metre length of carriage, is clearly way off the mark for the following reasons:

  • Train saloon heaters for winter operation produce around 15kW of heat per carriage, approximately twice the 1972 claimed power of the summer sun!
  • Even in low ambient winter temperatures one’s body can be pleasantly comfortable when in the
    winter sunshine.
  • Recent posts on TfL’s Yammer Network about a trial investigation on the Central Line were brought to my attention. This investigation compared the levels of solar heat gain through saloon windows fitted with tinted film to those without, and the extent to which untreated windows contributed towards the elevated temperature in the carriages, in open sections of track, during the hottest portion of the day. A significant temperature difference was recorded, the saloons with the tinted glass windows being up to 4.50C cooler. The limited, low performance measures implemented by the year 2015 would only have delivered these notable improvements, if the effect of solar irradiation were significant, which it clearly is!

Let us now consider the benefits of using high-performance solar reflective paint on train bodies. The trials undertaken by the Australian Navy on their patrol boats have shown that the low solar-absorbing formulation reduced their surface temperature by 15-200C compared to conventional coatings, and consequently lowered the power load for on-board cooling systems. In the context of metro trains, reflecting the solar irradiation would:

  1. Reduce the train’s internal temperature in summer;
  2. Reduce the required size of the air conditioning, delivering greater payload and reduced weight;
  3. Reduce the in-train air conditioning running costs;
  4. Improve the passenger experience in terms of comfort; and very importantly,
  5. Reduce the safety risk to passengers in a stalled train event.

Similarly, in the context of reducing tunnel heat, reflecting the solar irradiation when travelling on the surface in summer would:

  1. Reduce the train’s external skin temperature; which in turn will reduce the absorbed heat load into the train body and thus the heat emitted from the train body into the tunnel;
  2. Reduce the train’s internal temperature, and consequently reduce the heat being discharged from the train’s air conditioning (if fitted) on entry into the tunnel; and
  3. As a result of 1 and 2 above, subsequently reduce the heat transferred across the network from hotter lines to cooler lines by the “pressure / suction” wave caused by the movement of trains, whilst satisfying the Laws of Thermodynamics – heat will go to cold.

However, it should be noted that the benefits do not stop there ….. For tunnels with adequate and comprehensive cooling systems, with the use of solar reflective paint these systems may become less crucial, be under-run or even become fully or partially redundant. For those where such measures have not already been installed, solar reflective paint may obviate the need to install them at all.

As obvious as all the above may be by now, testing still needs to be carried out. Whilst it is simple to compare the reductions in internal train temperatures, accurately assessing the cumulative reduction in tunnel temperatures as each train is treated is less straightforward.

Testing should involve the continuous temperature measurements, along its route, of all the relevant train temperatures and be related to time, location and external ambient temperature: but there are several things that will need careful consideration in order to quantify accurately the collective benefits in respect of reduced tunnel temperatures. The sooner these relevant train temperature readings can commence the sooner a reliable baseline can be established.

Undoubtedly the optimum test would be to treat all the trains on one line, and I would suggest the most appropriate line would be the Central Line, especially bearing in mind the 40+0C temperatures experienced this last summer (2018). Doing this optimum test would be the only way to measure, rather than theoretically predict, the overall reduction of tunnel temperatures. It would not be deemed sensible to treat all the trains without some evidence of the benefit; however, the limitations of data from a less comprehensive test will need to be fully understood and well thought through.

Such a comprehensive test would also avoid skewing the results with such elements as the carry-in heat of untreated trains being transferred within the tunnel, to the treated trains – we have a possible Catch 22 situation here!

Monitoring the winter temperature would be useful to compare the train’s external skin temperatures with those in the summer. On the face of it, there would seem little to be gained monitoring internal saloon temperatures with their heaters operating. However, it is yet another legitimate cyclical heat source to be considered within the seasonal differential and I believe it would be useful, provided it is interpreted appropriately. Unlike the practice to date, ALL possible heat sources should be robustly accounted for!

Monitoring the train’s external skin might best be achieved with sensors on the internal face of the external skin, suitably insulated from the train’s internal space. This will mitigate the inaccuracies caused by unrepresentative cooling effects – e.g. local eddy currents caused by turbulent air flows, which have certainly proved difficult in the context of modern cars. Monitoring of undercarriages and bogies would need some serious thought, in order to be able to identify the effects of the various heat sources operating on these – see below.

However, with every further treated train, first on the Central Line and then throughout the network, the cumulative reductions on tunnel temperatures, and thus sub-surface network temperatures would become significant. Hence the fullest benefits will only become apparent when all lines, with the possible exceptions of the Victoria and the Waterloo & City Lines, have had all their trains treated.

Whilst the foregoing looks at the general solar irradiation effect on the passenger compartment of the train, it should not be overlooked that the undercarriage (bogies) will also be affected. Two NON- seasonal heat sources acting on these are obvious: traction and braking. However, there are three seasonal ones that need to be considered and the overlooking of these may have skewed the previous perception of the heat load from braking.

  1. The considerable mass of steel in the bogies and wheels, which will be affected when the sun is
    striking one or other side of the train;
  2. The heat being constantly emitted / transferred from the rails, which in the summer sun can often
    reach 20°C above ambient; and
  3. The solar irradiated sleepers and ballast, which will also absorb the sun’s heat, reflected to the
    underside of the train and bogies.

These additional heat loads are less likely to have a significant effect on the passenger compartments when overground but will add to the carry-in heat within the tunnels and so it would make total sense to treat the exposed areas of undercarriage and wheels with the high-performance solar reflective paint.

It should be noted that more recently Railtrack have been painting non-wearing exposed surfaces of rails with white paint to mitigate rail buckling. Additionally, implementing this on London Underground will reduce the heat absorbed by the rails and consequently what they “emit” when the train passes over them.

In considering the issues raised in this paper, clearly painting the train body and undercarriage in this way is still only part of the solution, albeit a significant one. In addition, there is the matter of the windows, which at present is a crucial factor in turning carriages into “greenhouses”.

The effect of solar gain through glass windows into a room (aka a carriage) is well illustrated. The next logical step
to the use of high-performance solar reflective paint would be to fit “low emissivity glass” windows in all trains.

Managing the two-way passage of heat through glass has come a long way with Low-E glass. Given the high percentage of window glass in the body of a carriage, using this highly reflective glass meansthat the external solar heat will not be absorbed whilst the train is on the surface (as with solar reflective paint) and so:

  •  the internal carriage temperatures will be reduced; and
  •  the external glass surface temperature will be reduced, which in turn will reduce the carry-in heat being emitted when the trains pass into the tunnels.

Treatment with solar reflective measures would probably be best undertaken in stages:

  1. Establish the baseline for tunnel temperatures with “all trains being untreated”;
  2. Treat one train, including the undercarriage, initially with high-performance solar reflective paint
    and low emissivity windows;
  3. Compare the reduction in heat absorbed by this treated train with the baseline data;
  4. Extrapolate the above results to get a sense of the cumulative reductions in tunnel temperatures that can be achieved once all trains are treated.

Clearly treating only one train will have a negligible effect on tunnel temperatures but treating all the line’s rolling stock will achieve a significant reduction in tunnel temperatures across the treated line.

Some insight as to the consequences of heat emittance on the treated train from the untreated trains in the tunnel would also be useful, since such a transfer of heat would result in an under-estimation of the ultimate benefits. However, by virtue of an inefficient transfer mechanism, the effect of overheated tunnel air on the treated train skin may not be of great significance.

Of course, when the temperature of one line (the hottest line) is reduced significantly, other lines would now be relatively hotter, as then by the Laws of Thermodynamics there would be a transfer of heat from untreated lines to the now cooler line. Therefore, as a result of the interdependencies of one line with the others, after the completion of the preceding hottest line, a decision on the treatment sequence of the other lines would require identifying the next hottest remaining line!

In conclusion, a metro that has no surface lines would not benefit from having its trains painted with solar reflective paint or being fitted with low emissivity glass windows, provided stabled trains are properly managed. Conversely, metros with a mix of surface and sub-surface lines and indeed overground trains would benefit greatly from having their rolling stock painted with solar reflective paint and windows fitted with highly reflective glass.

Furthermore, in an era of heightened and pressing environmental concern, the application of solar reflective paint and the incorporation of highly reflective glass windows are very cost-effective, particularly when compared to the capital cost of installing mechanical cooling solutions, and longer term will deliver real on-going reductions in maintenance and energy running costs.

A final thought! Of all the mitigation works ever implemented under the Cooling the Tube Project, the limited solar reflective foil and film treatment of Central Line trains, reducing the internal temperature of the saloons by some 40C, has proved by far the most successful. If my information is correct, and I believe it is, the Green Park Station Ground Source Cooling Project was tendered at around £12M and the final costs was more like £25M …… and it would have made little or no difference to train temperatures.

For that sort of money, you can buy and apply an awful lot of high-performance solar reflective paint and install a lot of Low-E glass windows.

On reflection – absolutely pun intended – the solar reflective paint and Low-E glass windows will reduce the amount of heat absorbed by trains travelling on the surface in the summer, because the trains will be able to jettison this heat continually along the overground route BEFORE THEY REACH AND ENTER THE TUNNEL.

“I wish we were on the right track!” Think Sun Cream for trains!


Author: Calvin R Barrows, BSc (Hons), CEng, MICE

Cooling the Tube – on Ice till 2030?

Cooling the Tube – on Ice till 2030?

Author: Calvin R Barrows, BSc (Hons), CEng, MICE


Hang onto your handrail, if it’s not too hot, fellow tube users, I am just about to share my controversial theory about Cooling the Tube, which has resulted in some folk getting rather hot under the collar.

Please stay aboard, because for the Cooling the Tube Project ever to be successful, there are fundamental points at issue that still need to be considered and resolved. I am hoping that summarising my findings and research to date along with my interpretation of these, will initiate some serious and constructive debate among engineers, scientists and anyone with an interest in this matter.

In this article, I shall:

  • consider the extent of the problem, and how it affects passengers;
  • set out the circumstances that led me down this very different route;
  • identify the probable causes of the over-heating, based on my direct experiences,observations and temperature measurements;
  •  discover how another underground network, conceptually similar, albeit with some
    subtle differences, fares with overheating; and
  •  suggest possible solutions specifically for the configuration of London Underground’s

Finally – for the reader – there is an enlightening question to be considered!

A well-defined problem is half solved – paraphrased from Charles Kettering.


First, the very title of the project “Cooling the Tube” is a misnomer. Consequently, the search for a solution to the problem has been misled. The challenge is not simply “Cooling the Tube” or even “Cooling the Underground Network”: to be precise I would define it as “Cooling the Whole LU Network in the Summer”, since both overground and underground overheat in the summer!

Secondly, having spent years commuting on the Central Line and monitoring the seasonal temperatures differences at various times of day, I came to the irrefutable conclusion that the trains were gaining more heat overground than underground in the summer.

Let’s dispel the myth circulating that the Tube is hot all the year round, because in the winter passengers wear their thick coats and scarves while standing or sitting comfortably inside an electrically heated carriage. Conversely in the summer, passengers wear light clothing – yet are still frequently getting close to heat exhaustion during heatwaves and the hotter weather generally.

The project’s stated objective is two-fold – comfort and safety. For comfort cool trains are the priority, since passengers may spend 5-10 minutes on a platform but perhaps 45 minutes to an hour on a train.

For safety we need cool trains and cool tunnels, the cool tunnels being key to maintaining cool trains when underground. If passengers were trapped for some considerable time in an overheated, stalled train, within an
overheated tunnel, the outcomes for them could be very grave. So, the decision to expend all that effort and money cooling underground stations was erroneous, and indeed has been a wasteful diversion from addressing the real problem – because passengers are free to leave a station, for a place of safety, if they are overheating there!

Heat Sources

Many alternative reasons for the overheating in the summer have been proffered – including the combined effect of the tunnel, train and station systems; traction; braking; mechanical losses; passengers; the heat accumulating in the London clay; and so on.

All these are red herrings – either because they do not change significantly throughout the year, so they don’t explain the seasonal variations, or in the case of the London clay temperature, it’s not a cause – it’s an effect. The key issue
is that many of the tube trains run both over- and underground.

These are inevitably going to be affected by the overground, ambient temperature and solar heat gain. So rather than “the primary heating of the carriages happens in the tunnels”, my assertion is that “the primary heating of the carriages does not happen in the tunnels”.

My initial, subjective observation struck me as odd in that, travelling overground towards Epping during a late summer afternoon with progressively less passengers on board, the carriage seemed to become markedly hotter. My subsequent temperature monitoring clearly confirmed that up to a 6°C increase in temperature was not uncommon in the summer between Leyton and Epping.

The only logical conclusion was that the train was being heated by the surrounding hot, ambient air and “superheated” by solar irradiation (heat gain from the sun).

However, what, if anything, could that have to do with the over-heating in the tunnels? When travelling overground, the sun not only heats the inside of carriages directly, but the solar irradiation is also absorbed by the external skin of the train.

If a child’s slide can get so hot in the sun as to cause them serious burns; if tarmac roads can melt; if a car can become too hot to touch; and if untreated train tracks can reach 20°C above ambient temperature and buckle – then by the same token train bodies can absorb heat from the sun on their external surfaces and then emit some of that “super-heat”.

These overheated “storage radiators” will constantly emit this absorbed heat until they reach a state of equilibrium. However, being continuously heated by the sun, they cannot reach a state of equilibrium before entering the tunnel, so they continue emitting heat into the tunnel. Clearly then overheating is a network problem – the Laws of Thermodynamics can’t have it any other way!

Although the level of heat emission is unharmful on the surface, when these 200 tonnes of train enter the tunnel, with a thermal capacity estimated at 100-200 MJoules/°C, they continue to emit heat to detrimental effect. If all that were not enough, every time these trains enter the portals in the summer, they are also pushing/dragging in a plug of hot, ambient air, adding to the heat load in the underground network.

The yearly cycle from Autumn 2017 has seen ambient overground temperatures vary from -5°C to +35°C. This 40°C temperature difference of the air introduced into the tunnels by the piston and drag effects undeniably makes a significant difference to the tunnel temperatures between summer and winter.

When comparing the London network with that of Glasgow, similar in concept but ALL underground and with shallower tunnels at a depth of ≈ 9 metres (30 feet), their tunnel ambient temperature hovers around 16°C all year-round, even during their 31°C heatwave of the summer of 2018. Because it is wholly underground, it suffers neither from solar irradiation nor the portal piston/drag effect.

Additionally, unlike most of the London Underground rolling stock, Glasgow’s trains are stabled appropriately during the heat of the day, in roofed train sheds with the doors open – parasol effect!

Mitigating the factors causing this specific overheating problem on London Underground’s network really does not need to be difficult but does require an uncommon solution. Whilst many national overground trains are already being successfully air-conditioned, with trains underground the waste heat would be expelled into the overheated tunnels, leading to probable equipment failure.

Moreover, any cooled air in the trains would soon be overwhelmed by this overheated tunnel air. Therefore, installing or retro-fitting air-conditioning to the entire London Underground train stock, even if feasible, would be wholly unrealistic and ineffective.

However, to deal with solar irradiation there is no sensible reason why trains that run both over- and underground should not be coated with a high-performance, solar-reflective paint and be fitted with high-performance, solar-reflective glass windows. Equally, trains should be appropriately stabled in the non-peak times – some depot buildings may not be very suitable, if they are likely to be affected by solar heat gain themselves. It might be better to provide well ventilated shading, built with a finned roof and walls (Venetian blind form) and with the openings facing north – parasol effect again.

Additionally, limiting the transfer of ambient summer air into the underground network should be addressed – indeed The Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) recommends this be considered! On sub-surface lines the piston/drag effect is less marked because of the configuration of the portal openings, the more frequent “cross-passages” between the two tracks and the less restricted, overline ventilation shafts and openings. For the deep lines it’s a different story.

Their portals will probably need some remodelling; perhaps incorporating some form of cooling, diversion or dispersal of the ambient summer air – or a combination of all three.

Clearly, there is a need for appropriate and detailed train temperature monitoring throughout an entire year, to agree upon the real causes of summer overheat – and dispel the myths. Evidently TfL has not undertaken such formal monitoring to date, since they still mistakenly claim that “the primary heating of the carriages happens in the tunnels”.

In summary, whilst not confusing causes with effects, we need to be very clear about both the problem, and the root causes, the removal of which will resolve or dramatically reduce that problem.
Therefore, with an over- and underground network such as London Underground’s, this demonstrates the key factors causing overheating are trains travelling on the OVERGROUND sections of the network combined with the summer weather.

Finally, a quote from the Vienna Metro in their e-mail to me – “We appreciate your interest. As a
matter of fact, the sun is the main cause for the overheating problem for the U6 [be]cause of the long
overground route”.


Author: Calvin R Barrows, BSc (Hons), CEng, MICE

Prestressed Concrete Applications

Prestressed Concrete Applications


Prestressed concrete is adaptable to a wide variety of structural systems. These include pretensioned and post-tensioned structures, both cast-in-place and precast, and other prestressed elements in conjunction with normally reinforced concrete.

While there is no general classification for precast and prestressed concrete, it is useful to group certain elements and structures together to explain how prestressed and precast concrete is designed and constructed.

Prestressed and precast concrete may be considered in four broad categories:

  • Standardized Elements
  • Fixed Cross Section Elements
  • Fully Engineered Elements
  • Precast Nonprestressed Elements

While there is some overlap, each group has its own unique characteristics.

The role of the engineer varies with the type and complexity of the structural system being constructed. Indeed, multiple engineers may be involved in some aspect of the design, fabrication, and construction of the project. In general, the design engineer who is typically the licensed design professional or engineer of record is responsible for the overall design.

The unique characteristics of prestressed concrete often require the additional services of a specialty engineer. The specialty engineers can either provide consulting services to or be employed by a precast plant or contractor. Specialty engineers can also be associated with post-tensioning companies either as an employee or consultant.

In either case, the specialty engineer takes the concept prepared by the licensed design professional and prepares final detailed design calculations as well as developing fabrication or construction details necessary to complete the project.

Figure 1 : Typical standardized sections


Standardized Precast Prestressed Elements


Pretensioned concrete beams and slabs are typically constructed in reusable steel forms in a precast plant. Although a modest amount of custom formwork is used at precast plants, improved quality and reduced costs are realized only when standardized elements are used.

They consist of standard sections such as single-T and double-T beams, box girders, hollowcore slabs, inverted T-beams, and bridgegirders (Fig. 1). The capital investment required to construct and equip a precast plant includes the concrete mixing equipment, forms, stressing beds, curing systems, and heavy lifting equipment.

To obtain a return on this investment, the forms and  stressing facilities must be in constant use. Efficiencies in production allow the precast pieces to be fabricated on a routine and daily basis.

The cost efficiencies of this type of fabrication allow architects and engineers to select the sections for a wide number of uses and be sure of availability and competitive cost. Hollowcore planks, single-T, and double-T beams are used for as floor elements in building construction, Figs. 2 and 3. Inverted-T beams support double-T and hollowcore elements.
These elements are commonly used in combination in office space, bridges, and parking garages, Fig. 4.

Figure 2 : Single-T floor beam before topping and cast-in-place beam

Figure 3 : Double-T floor element with suspended ceiling removed

Figure 4 : Precast concrete panel for parking garage

Figure 5 : Precast concrete double-T specialty bridge


Standardized elements are creatively incorporated in building structures. For example, entire buildings have been constructed of double-T sections as is discussed in the commercial building case study. Double-T beams and box girders are used for short-span low-volume bridge girders.

For example, following the flood in the Big Thompson Canyon in Colorado, double-T bridges were installed to replace the original structures, Fig. 5. The double-T bridges allowed a standard design to be developed and installed in multiple locations in the canyon. This solution accelerated the reconstruction effort.


Figure 6 : Flat plate system with banded tendons


Figure 7 : Flat plate system with banded tendons


Engineer’s Role Standardized elements

The design engineer typically selects one of these standardized elements from references such as the PCI Design Handbook (2017) or the Manual for the Design of Hollow Core Sections (1998).

The design engineer may also contact precast plants located near the project to determine availability of sections.

The section type and the design loads are provided to the precast plant. Final detailed design engineering is completed by the precast plant or their specialty engineer in the form of shop drawings.

This process allows the design engineer the efficiency of selecting desired shapes for their function and allows the plant to select the appropriate number of strands, strand configurations, harping locations, and other details to maximize the performance of the plant operations to meet the project objectives.

Fixed Cross Section Elements

The design engineer is required to determine the prestressing forces and tendon locations in fixed cross section situations. Two common fixed section design conditions are post-tensioned beams and slabs for building or parking garage construction, and girders for bridge construction.

Other applications of fixed section elements include structures such as water tanks and post-tensioned slabs on-ground.

Flat plate and flat slab floor systems are ideally suited for the use of post-tensioning tendons, Figs. 6 and 7. Another popular system is one-way slab and beam floor systems that are cast-in-place, Figs. 8, 9, 10, and 11. The design engineer specifies a tendon profile geometry and an average effective post-tensioning force necessary to satisfy the design requirements.

The specialty engineer for the post-tensioning company then takes this requirement and produces a detailed design with tendon sizes and spacing along with anchorage and splice locations.
Pour strips and other detailing requirements necessary to isolate the post-tensioned element from other elements in the structure should be detailed by the engineer.
Selection of the tendon location is determined by the thickness of the slab. The maximum tendon eccentricity available to the engineer is determined by minimumcover requirements for corrosion and fire protection over the top and bottom of the  tendon.

Therefore, in these applications, the section shape does not vary, but rather the design is controlled by the selection of the prestressed force and tendon spacing.
Another popular fixed section are two-way slab systems used as podium slabs.
Podium slabs are typically a single-story post-tensioned concrete floor system supported by columns that support a lighter superstructure above, which is usually wood or metal stud walls with a light floor system. These are popular for use in residential construction where the upper stories serve as the living areas and the area below the podium slab serves as parking. The podium slab is usually designed as a separate structure from that of the wood or metal stud superstructures. The individual structures may have two separate structural engineers.

Spliced bridge girders are an example of design to a fixed section using partially standardized precast, pretensioned elements that are also post-tensioned during the final stage of assembly, Fig. 12. State departments of transportation and AASHTO specify standard beam sections.

Precast plants have forms for bridge girder sections used in their market area. The section selection is dependent on the state practice and is further influenced by the distance that the girders are shipped. The variation and the magnitude of loads, load placement on the bridge, the girder spacing in the bridge, and the bridge deck design, preclude defining standard prestressing tendon forces and locations.

The design engineer selects from several choices regarding the layout and loading of the bridge prior to design of the prestressing force and location. Unlike standardized products, the design engineer specifies all details of the bridge girder.

Another example of spliced segmented precast construction using standardized shapes involves the use of plant-produced horizontally curved, precast concrete U-girders (Hamilton & Dolan, 2016). These U-girders use standardized shapes andgeometry along with post-tensioning to facilitate design and construction efficiency.

One example of this approach is shown in Fig. 13. Walls and tanks are a condition where the tendon location and force are determined within a fixed rectangular section, Fig. 14.

Figure 8 : One-way beam and slab system showing tendon passing through column at the top of the section and coiled slab tended ready to be placed


Figure 9 : One-way beam and slab system. Bundled tendons are seen at the beam bottom. Single slab tendons are on top of beam

Figure 10 : One-way slab and beam floor system. Slab tendons placed parallel with the slab span

Figure 11 : One-way beam end anchorage detail


Figure 12 : Spliced girder bridge

Figure 13 : Boggy Creek Road interchange at State Road 417 and Orlando International Airport’s

Figure 14 : Liquified Natural Gas tank showing circumferential post-tensioning tendons to ensure tank wall integrity under cryogenic conditions

Figure 15 : Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Texas. Seven stories are supported by girders with 62-ft cantilevers and 120-ft spans over an opening

Engineer’s Role with fixed section elements

The engineer’s role with fixed cross section element structures varies with the client and project. Some examples include:

  • Building design engineers specify the desired final prestress force. The contractor or post-tensioning company specialty engineer completes the design by determining the tendon spacing and stressing forces. The design engineer thenapproves the contractor’s shop drawing submittal.
  •  Building design engineers specify the final prestress force, tendon location, and hardware detailing. Post-tensioning company engineer develops the tendon layout, anchorage location, and stressing sequence.
  •  Bridge design engineers prepare the complete beam design, including detailed determination of prestress forces, tendon location, and construction sequence.
  • Projects such as tanks are often procured on a design–build basis. The contractor and either the contractor’s in-house engineering staff or a consulting engineer prepares the design to meet project requirements and the contractor’s preferred construction practice.

Fully Engineered Elements

Fully engineered elements require detailed engineering continuously during design and construction. Examples of fully engineered structures include segmental bridges, specialty transit structures, tanks, towers, stadiums, floating facilities, and unusual building construction. Design of these structures requires considerable engineering effort and often includes on-site inspection.

The complexity of these structures necessitates the engineer have a fundamental understanding of structural
behavior, loads, prestressing effects, and material behavior. Collaboration of efforts among engineers, precast plants, and general contractors is required.

Engineer’s role in fully engineered elements

Fully engineered elements require the engineer to define the loads, structural system, concrete section, prestressing
force, tendon location, and details (Figs. 15, 16, 17, and 18).

Figure 16 : Construction of Ironton Russell Bridge over the Ohio River. Longitudinal and transverse post-tensioning was used in the deck, which was cast-in-place using a form traveler.

Figure 17 : St. Anthony Falls Bridge over the Mississippi in Minneapolis.

Each bridge has a main span of 154 m that consists of precast concrete box girder segments supported by eight 21 m high piers. The end spans are 108 m longeach cast-in-place, post-tensioned concrete box girders built on false work which seamlessly blends  into the precast main span sections


Precast Nonprestressed Elements


The major difference in grouping is that pretensioned elements require significant plant capitalization and stressing beds. Precast pieces can be fabricated on the jobsite or in a facility without stressing beds and other equipment associated with a plant operation. Tilt-up walls are an example of on-site precasting.

If a small amount of prestressing is required for delivery, erection or final loads, it is provided in the form of single-strand post-tensioned tendons.

Two examples of precast nonprestressed elements are architectural precast panels and tilt-up construction. Architectural precast panels can be used either as structural elements or the exterior finish of buildings, Figs. 1, 4, and 6.

The architectural panel finish can include color, texture, or simulated alternative materials such as a brick or stone (Fig. 19). Dyes or colorants are used in these special concrete mixtures.

The architectural surfaces are made in small quantities and placed only on the outermost one to 1–1/2 in. of the precast piece. The backing concrete would be normal concrete to reduce costs. Textures are fabricated by sandblasting, retardants that are power washed off, Fig. 19, or liners in the form to develop more complex surface features like Fig. 20.

Figure 18 : Woodrow Wilson Bridge replacement across the Potomac River near Washington, DC

Figure 19 : Architectural wall panel finishing

Figure 20 : Architectural panel finish simulating sandstone rock

Figure 21 : Tilt-up wall panel construction

Tilt-up construction is a specialized form of precast construction where wall elements are fabricated on-site in a horizontal position. The floor of the structure is cast first. Edge forms are then laid out on the floor and the floor surface becomes the bottom of the wall form.

The wall elements, complete with block-outs for windows and electrical or mechanical inserts, are then cast and allowed to cure in-situ.

After the concrete has cured, the entire wall panel is lifted into a vertical position (ACI 551.2R, 2015). The tilt-up panel is temporarily braced against wind loads, Fig. 21.

Connections between wall elements and roof elements provide stability. The roof diaphragm carries lateral loads to the end panels, which act as shear walls.

Tilt-up construction is commonly used for commercial structures such as warehouses, and industrial facilities. While some architectural finish is possible, the most economical tilt-up construction uses a plain or painted concrete finish. Tilt-up elements require two design considerations in addition to the design for vertical and lateral loads.

These conditions are determination of the lifting positions and associated lifting hardware and the temporary bracing systems. The temporary bracing prevents damage under wind loads and is designed for a 6 month return period rather than the full 50 or 100-year return period (ACI 551.1R, 2014; Shah, 1995).

Engineer’s Role Precast concrete

The design engineer is typically responsible for all design elements in precast pieces. The specialty engineer is responsible for the lifting details and temporary bracing as part of the construction effort.

Description And Uses Of Bituminous Binders

Description And Uses Of Bituminous Binders


 Bituminous binders can be classified into three general groups: asphalt cement, asphalt cutbacks, and emulsified asphalt.
Blown asphalt and road tars are also other types of bituminous material that now are not used commonly in highway construction.

Asphalt Cements


Asphalt cements are obtained after separation of the lubricating oils. They are semisolid hydrocarbons with certain physiochemical characteristics that make them good cementing agents. They are also very viscous, and when used as a binder for aggregates in pavement construction, it is necessary to heat both the aggregates and the asphalt cement prior to mixing the two materials.

For several decades, the particular grade of asphalt cement has been designated by its penetration and viscosity, both of which give an indication of the consistency of the material at a given temperature. The penetration is the distance in 0.1 mm that a standard needle will penetrate a given sample under specific conditions of loading, time, and temperature.

The softest grade used for highway pavement construction has a penetration value of 200 to 300, and the
hardest has a penetration value of 60 to 70. For some time now, however, viscosity has been used more often than penetration to grade asphalt cements.

Asphalt cements are used mainly in the manufacture of hot-mix, hot-laid asphalt concrete, which is described later in this chapter. Asphalt concrete can be used in a variety of ways, including the construction of highways and airport pavement surfaces and bases, parking areas, and industrial floors. The specific use of a given sample depends on its grade. 

Asphalt Cutbacks


The asphalt cutbacks are slow-curing asphalts, medium-curing cutback asphalts, and rapid-curing cutback asphalts. They are used mainly in cold-laid plant mixes, road mixes (mixed-in-place), and as surface treatments.

Slow-Curing Asphalts

Slow-curing (SC) asphalts can be obtained directly as slow-curing straight run asphalts through the distillation of crude petroleum or as slow-curing cutback asphalts by “cutting back” asphalt cement with a heavy distillate, such as diesel oil.

They have lower viscosities than asphalt cement and are very slow to harden. Slow-curing asphalts usually are designated as SC-70, SC-250, SC-800, or SC-3000, where the numbers relate to the approximate kinematic viscosity in centistokes at 60°C (140°F). Specifications for the use of these asphalts are no longer included in The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials.

Medium-Curing Cutback Asphalts

Medium-curing (MC) asphalts are produced by fluxing, or cutting back, the residual asphalt (usually 120 to 150 penetration) with light fuel oil or kerosene. The term medium refers to the medium volatility of the kerosene-type diluter used. Mediumcuring cutback asphalts harden faster than slow-curing liquid asphalts, although consistencies of the different grades are similar to those of the slow-curing asphalts.

However, the MC-30 is a unique grade in this series as it is very fluid and has no counterpart in the SC and RC series.
The fluidity of medium-curing asphalts depends on the amount of solvent in the material. MC-3000, for example, may have only 20 percent of the solvent by volume, whereas MC-70 may have up to 45 percent. These medium-curing asphalts can be used for the construction of pavement bases, surfaces, and surface treatments.


Rapid-Curing Cutback Asphalts

Rapid-curing (RC) cutback asphalts are produced by blending asphalt cement with a petroleum distillate that will evaporate easily, thereby facilitating a quick change from the liquid form at the time of application to the consistency of the original asphalt cement. Gasoline or naphtha generally is used as the solvent for this series of asphalts.

The grade of rapid-curing asphalt required dictates the amount of solvent to be added to the residual asphalt cement. For example, RC-3000 requires about 15 percent of distillate, whereas RC-70 requires about 40 percent. These grades of asphalt can be used for jobs similar to those for which the MC series is used. Specifications for the use of these asphalts are given in AASHTO’s Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials.


Emulsified Asphalts


Emulsified asphalts are produced by breaking asphalt cement, usually of 100 to 250 penetration range, into minute particles and dispersing them in water with an emulsifier.

These minute particles have like-electrical charges and therefore do not coalesce. They remain in suspension in the liquid phase as long as the water does not evaporate or the emulsifier does not break.

Asphalt emulsions therefore consist of asphalt, which makes up about 55 to 70 percent by weight, water, and an emulsifying agent, which in some cases also may contain a stabilizer.

Asphalt emulsions generally are classified as anionic, cationic, or nonionic. The first two types have electrical charges surrounding the particles, whereas the third type is neutral. Classification as anionic or cationic is based on the electrical charges that surround the asphalt particles.

Emulsions containing negatively charged particles of asphalt are classified as anionic, and those having positively charged particles of asphalt are classified as cationic.

The anionic and cationic asphalts generally are used
in highway maintenance and construction, although it is likely that the nonionics may be used more frequently in the future as emulsion technology advances.

Each of these categories is further divided into three subgroups based on how rapidly the asphalt emulsion returns to the state of the original asphalt cement. These subgroups are rapid-setting (RS), medium-setting (MS), and slow-setting (SS).

A cationic emulsion is identified by placing the letter “C” in front of the emulsion type; no letter is placed in front of anionic and nonionic emulsions. For example, CRS-2 denotes a cationic emulsion, and RS-2 denotes either an anionic or nonionic emulsion.

Emulsified asphalts are used in cold-laid plant mixes and road mixes (mixedin-place) for several purposes, including the construction of highway pavement surfaces and bases and in surface treatments.

Note, however, that since anionic emulsions contain negative charges, they are more effective in treating aggregates containing electropositive charges (such as limestone), whereas cationic emulsions are more effective with electronegative aggregates (such as those containing a high percentage of siliceous material).

Also note that ordinary emulsions must be protected during very cold spells because they will break down if frozen. Three grades of high-float, medium-setting anionic emulsions designated as HFMS have been developed and are
used mainly in cold and hot plant mixes and coarse aggregate seal coats. These highfloat emulsions have one significant property: They can be laid at relatively thicker films without a high probability of runoff.

Specifications for the use of emulsified asphalts are given in AASHTO M140 and
ASTM D977.

Blown Asphalts


Blown asphalt is obtained by blowing air through the semisolid residue obtained during the latter stages of the distillation process.

The process involves stopping the regular distillation while the residue is in the liquid form and then transferring it into a tank known as a converter. The material is maintained at a high temperature while
air is blown through it.

This is continued until the required properties are achieved.
Blown asphalts are relatively stiff compared to other types of asphalts and can maintain a firm consistency at the maximum temperature normally experienced when exposed to the environment.

Blown asphalt generally is not used as a paving material. However, it is very useful  as a roofing material, for automobile undercoating, and as a joint filler for concrete

If a catalyst is added during the air-blowing process, the material obtained usually will maintain its plastic characteristics, even at temperatures much lower than that at which ordinary asphalt cement will become brittle. The elasticity of catalytically blown asphalt is similar to that of rubber, and it is used for canal lining.


Road Tars


Tars are obtained from the destructive distillation of such organic materials as coal.
Their properties are significantly different from petroleum asphalts. In general, they are more susceptible to weather conditions than similar grades of asphalts, and they set more quickly when exposed to the atmosphere. Because tars now are used rarely for highway pavements, this text includes only a brief discussion of the subject.

The American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) has classified road tars into three general categories based on the method of production.

  1. Gashouse coal tars are produced as a by-product in gashouse retorts in the manufacture of illuminating gas from bituminous coals.
  2. Coke-oven tars are produced as a by-product in coke ovens in the manufacture of
    coke from bituminous coal.
  3. Water-gas tars are produced by cracking oil vapors at high temperatures in the
    manufacture of carburated water gas.

Road tars also have been classified by AASHTO into 14 grades: RT-1 through RT-12, RTCB-5, and RTCB-6. RT-1 has the lightest consistency and can be used effectively at normal temperatures for prime or tack coat (described later in this

The viscosity of each grade increases as the number designation increases to RT-12, which is the most viscous. RTCB-5 and RTCB-6 are suitable for application during cold weather, since they are produced by cutting back the specific grade of tar with easily evaporating solvent. Detailed specifications for the use of tars are given by AASHTO Designation M52-78.

What is Frost Action In Soils?

What is Frost Action In Soils?


When the ambient temperature falls below freezing for several days, it is quite likely that the water in soil pores will freeze. Since the volume of water increases by about 10 percent when it freezes, the first problem is the increase in volume of the soil.

The second problem is that the freezing can cause ice crystals and lenses that are several centimeters thick to form in the soil. These two problems can result in heaving of the subgrade (frost heave), which may result in significant structural damage to the pavement.

In addition, the ice lenses melt during the spring (spring thaw), resulting in a considerable increase in the water content of the soil. This increase in water significantly reduces the strength of the soil, causing structural damage of the highway pavement known as “spring break-up.”

In general, three conditions must exist for severe frost action to occur:
1. Ambient temperature must be lower than freezing for several days.
2. The shallow water table that provides capillary water to the frost line must be
3. The soil must be susceptible to frost action.

The first condition is a natural phenomenon and cannot be controlled by humans. Frost action therefore will be more common in cold areas than in warm areas if all other conditions are the same.

The second condition requires that the groundwater table be within the height of the capillary rise, so that water will be continuously fed to the growing ice lenses.

The third condition requires that the soil material be of such quality that relatively high capillary pressures can be developed, but at the same time that the flow of water through its pores is restricted.

Granular soils are therefore not susceptible to frost action because they have a relatively high coefficient of permeability. Clay soils also are not highly susceptible to frost action because they have very low permeability, so not enough water can flow during a freezing period to allow the formulation of ice lenses.

Sandy or silty clays or cracked clay soils near the surface, however, may be susceptible to frost action. Silty soils are most susceptible to frost action. It has been determined that 0.02 mm is the critical grain size for frost susceptibility.

For example, gravels with 5 percent of 0.02 mm particles are in general susceptible to frost action, whereas well-graded soils with only 3 percent by weight of their material finer than 0.02 mm are susceptible, and fairly uniform soils must contain at least 10 percent of 0.02 mm particles to be frostsusceptible.

Soils with less than 1 percent of their material finer than the critical size are rarely affected by frost action.

Current measures taken to prevent frost action, include removing frost-susceptible soils to the depth of the frost line and replacing them with gravel material, lowering the water table by installing adequate drainage facilities, using impervious membranes or chemical additives, and restricting truck traffic on some roads during the spring thaw.

The truth about the 50 Lane Highway in China

The truth about the 50 Lane Highway in China


Yes, there exists a 50 lane highway in China and it merges to 4 lanes!!!


It is a 50-lane parking lot on the G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway, one of the country’s busiest roads.

An aerial view from Google maps shows that the G4 Expressway is typically a 4-lane highway. The road expands to the width of approximately 50 cars when it approaches the Zhuozhou Toll Gate, but before and after this toll checkpoint it is only a 4-lane road.

Here’s an aerial view of the toll we stitched together from Google Maps. Note how both the the northbound and southbound portions of this highway are merely 4-lane roads after they leave the toll area:

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