Bore Pile Design BS 8004 Excel Sheet

Bore Pile Design BS 8004 Excel Sheet

Bore Pile Design BS 8004 Excel Sheet


Spreadsheet to calculate pile bearing capacity of drilled shaft foundation – bore pile according to BS 8004. For preliminary design purposes, BS 8004 gives presumed bearing values which are the pressures which would normally result in an adequate factor of safety against shear failure for particular soil types, but without consideration of settlement.

Category Types of rocks and soils Presumed bearing value
Non-cohesive soils Dense gravel or dense sand and gravel >600 kN/m²
  Medium dense gravel,
or medium dense sand and gravel
<200 to 600 kN/m²
  Loose gravel, or loose sand and gravel <200 kN/m²
  Compact sand >300 kN/m²
  Medium dense sand 100 to 300 kN/m²
  Loose sand <100 kN/m² depends on 
degree of looseness
Cohesive soils Very stiff bolder clays & hard clays 300 to 600 kN/m²
  Stiff clays 150 to 300 kN/m²
  Firm clay 75 to 150 kN/m²
  Soft clays and silts < 75 kN/m²
  Very soft clay Not applicable
Peat   Not applicable
Made ground   Not applicable

Calculation Reference
Reinforced Concrete Design

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