Concrete Buildings In Seismic Regions Free PDF Engineering Book
19 November 2021Concrete Buildings In Seismic Regions Free PDF Engineering Book
Bearing in mind that reinforced concrete is a key component in a majority of built environment structures, Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions combines the scientific knowledge of earthquake engineering with a focus on the design of reinforced concrete buildings in seismic regions. This book addresses practical design issues, providing an integrated, comprehensible, and clear presentation that is suitable for design practice.
It combines current approaches to seismic analysis and design, with a particular focus on reinforced concrete structures, and includes:
- an overview of structural dynamics
- analysis and design of new R/C buildings in seismic regions
- post-earthquake damage evaluation, pre earthquake assessment of buildings and retrofitting procedures
- seismic risk management of R/C buildings within urban nuclei
- extended numerical example applications
Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions determines guidelines for the proper structural system for many types of buildings, explores recent developments, and covers the last two decades of analysis, design, and earthquake engineering.
Divided into three parts, the book specifically addresses seismic demand issues and the basic issues of structural dynamics, considers the “capacity” of structural systems to withstand seismic effects in terms of strength and deformation, and highlights existing R/C buildings under seismic action.
All of the book material has been adjusted to fit a modern seismic code and offers in-depth knowledge of the background upon which the code rules are based. It complies with the last edition of European Codes of Practice for R/C buildings in seismic regions. It also includes references to the American Standards in effect for seismic design.