Pile Design and Construction Practice 6th Edition Free PDF

Pile Design and Construction Practice 6th Edition Free PDF

By Michael Tomlinson


Piling is both an art and a science. The art lies in selecting the most suitable type of pile and method of installation for the ground conditions and the form of the loading. Science enables the engineer to predict the behavior of the piles once they are in the ground and subject to loading.

This behavior is influenced profoundly by the method used to install the piles, and it cannot be predicted solely from the physical properties of the pile and of the undisturbed soil. Knowledge of the available types of piling and methods of constructing piled foundations is essential for a thorough understanding of the science of their behavior.

For this reason, the author has preceded the chapters dealing with the calculation of allowable loads on piles and deformation behavior by descriptions of the many types of proprietary and non-proprietary piles and the equipment used to install them.

In recent years, substantial progress has been made in developing methods of predicting the behavior of piles under lateral loading. This is important in the design of foundations for deep-water terminals for oil tankers and oil carriers and for offshore platforms for gas and petroleum production.

The problems concerning the lateral loading of piles have therefore been given detailed treatment in this book.


Content :
  • General principles and practices
  • Types of pile
  • Piling equipment and methods
  • Calculating the resistance of piles to compressive loads
  • Pile groups under compressive loading
  • Design of piled foundations to resist uplift and lateral loading
  • Some aspects of the structural design of piles and pile groups
  • Piling for marine structures
  • Miscellaneous piling problems
  • The durability of piled foundations
  • Ground investigations, piling contracts, and pile testing
  • Appendix A: Properties of materials

Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook by Robert W. Day

Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook by Robert W. Day


The purpose of this book is to present the practical aspects of geotechnical earthquake engineering. Because of the assumptions and uncertainties associated with geotechnical engineering, it is often described as an “art” rather than an exact science.

Geotechnical earth- quake engineering is even more challenging because of the inherent unknowns associated with earthquakes. Because of these uncertainties in earthquake engineering, simple analy- ses are prominent in this book, with complex and theoretical evaluations kept to an essen- tial minimum.

Content :
  • Introduction
  • Basic Earthquake Principles
  • Common Earthquake Effects
  • Earthquake Structural Damage
  • Site Investigation For Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
  • Liquefaction
  • Earthquake-induced Settlement
  • Bearing Capacity Analyses For Earthquakes
  • Slope Stability Analyses For Earthquakes
  • Retaining Wall Analyses For Earthquakes
  • Other Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Analyses
  • Grading And Other Soil Improvement Methods
  • Foundation Alternatives To Mitigate Earthquake Effects
  • Earthquake Provisions In Building Codes


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Airport Design And Operation PDF

Airport Design And Operation PDF


This book is titled ‘Airport Design and Operation’. However, the reader will not find chapters devoted exclusively to airport design or airport operation.

Airport design and airport operation are closely related and influence each other. A poor design affects the airport operation and results in increased costs. On the other hand it is difficult to design the airport infrastructure without sound knowledge of airport operations. This is emphasised throughout the book.


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Pavement Management for Airports Roads and Parking Lots PDF

Pavement Management for Airports Roads and Parking Lots PDF


Pavements need to be managed, not simply maintained. Although it is difficult to change the way we do business, it will be more difficult to explain to future generations how we failed to manage our resources and preserve our infrastructure.

When asked for reasons why they did not use the latest in pavement management technology, pavement managers gave many answers.
“The only time I have is spent fighting fires.”
“We normally use a 2-inch overlay.”
“Just spray the pavement black at the end of the year.”
“I can’t afford to do inspections; I’d rather use the money to fix the pavement.”

Managers and engineers who have adopted pavement technology understand that pavement management is a matter of “Pay now, or pay much more later.”

Agencies are finding that they cannot afford to pay later; it is more costly to rehabilitate badly deteriorated pavements.

Unfortunately, the pavement infrastructure managed by some agencies is at a point where a large sum of money will be needed for restoration. Agencies blessed with a good pavement infrastructure need to start a pavement management system as soon as possible.

They need to: inventory the pavement infrastructure, assess its current and projected condition, determine budget needs to maintain the pavement condition above an acceptable level, identify work requirements, prioritize projects, and optimize spending of maintenance funds.

The primary objective of this book is to present pavement management technology to engineering consultants, highway and airport agencies, and universities.


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Planning and Design of Airports Fifth Edition PDF

Planning and Design of Airports Fifth Edition PDF


In the 16 years since this last update, it may be said that the changes to the practice of airport planning and design have been more significant than in any other era in the history of aviation.

Implementation of twenty-first-century technologies has resulted in the first major overhaul to aircraft and air navigation systems in generations, computer-based analytical and design models have replaced antiquated monographs and estimation tables, and highly significant geopolitical events have all but rewritten the rules of
planning, designing, and operating civil-use airports.


These significant enhancements to the aviation system have resulted in unique challenges in creating an updated fifth edition of this important and highly accepted text. While every attempt was made to keep to the traditional structure of the book and to preserve the theoretical strengths for which it is most well known, much of the material in the previous edition required more replacement than simply being made current.

Within this latest edition the reader will find, for example, new and entirely different strategies to estimate required runway lengths and their associated required pavement thicknesses. This text attempts to maintain the flavor of previous editions while understanding, for example, that airport navigational aids of the previous century are becoming all but obsolete, in favor of a digital, satellite-based communication and navigational system, and that airport financing strategies are in a revolutionary state, given anticipated changes to federal aviation funding mechanisms.

Updating this edition has, in fact, been a continuous “race against time,” as important changes to the aviation system were constantly occurring during the process.


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Fundamentals Of Bridge Design Free PDF Notes

Fundamentals Of Bridge Design Free PDF Notes


A bridge is a structure providing passage over an obstacle. The obstacle may be a river, valley, road or railway. The  passage may be for highway or railway traffic, pedestrian, canal or pipeline.

As the saying “Build bridges and you will have a friend” goes, bridges have a unique attribute of connecting different people. Rivers and mountains form physical barriers between people to interact, trade with one another, live and work together. For Ethiopia this holds especially true as the country is known as “The Water Tower of Africa” due to the high
rainfall we receive, which resulted in quite many big rivers dissecting the rough terrain and flowing deep in the valleys. Consequently we are composed of people speaking about 82 different languages.

Transportation network is crucial for the development and prosperity of a country. Investment by both nationals and foreigners is crucial for economic development of a country, and one of the criteria that foreign investors weigh in their investment decisions in a country is the level of development of the transportation network. Bridges provide essential
links in highways and railways at obstacles. The cost of bridges (and culverts) is a significant proportion of a highway project.

Many cities and towns are established near rivers and bridges add to the beauty of cities and towns. Bridges aid the social, cultural and economic improvements of the locations around them.

Bridges also have military strategic importance. The mobility of an army at war is often affected by the availability or otherwise of bridges to cross rivers. Military training puts special emphasis on learning how to build new bridges quickly while advancing and destroy bridges while retreating.

Bridge engineering is one of the fascinating fields in civil engineering calling for expertise in many areas: structural analysis and design, geotechniques, traffic projection, surveying, runoff calculation and methods of construction. A bridge engineer has to have an appreciation of economics and aesthetics besides ability in analysis and design.


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Traffic And Pavement Engineering Free PDF

Traffic And Pavement Engineering Free PDF


This book implements a unique kind of approach and categorizes transportation engineering topics into fve major key areas, as shown below:
    • Volume I: Traffic and Pavement Engineering
      • Part I ”Traffic Engineering” deals with the functional part of transportation systems and introduces engineering techniques, practices, and models that are applied to design traffc systems, control traffc fow and movement, and construct proper roads and highways to achieve safe and effcient movement of people and traffc on roadways.
      • Part II ”Pavement Materials, Analysis, and Design” deals with both the structural and functional parts of transportation facilities and introduces engineering techniques and principles of the uses of high-quality and sustainable materials that are employed to design, maintain, and construct asphalt-surfaced road pavements and concrete rigid pavements. The ultimate goal of pavement engineering is to provide a pavement structure that is safe, durable, sustainable, and capable of carrying the predicted traffc loads under prevailing climatic conditions. Proper structural design of pavements is one that takes into consideration the mechanistic analysis of pavements for stresses and strains that can predict the performance of the pavement with time. This section fulflls this goal by presenting the subject in a unique manner.
  • Volume II: Highway Planning, Survey, and Design
    • Part I ”Urban Transportation Planning” presents a process that involves a multi-modal approach and comprehensive planning steps and models to design and evaluate a variety of alternatives for transportation systems and facilities, predict travel demand and future needs, and manage the facilities and services for the different modes of transportation to fnally achieve a safe, effcient, and sustainable system for the movement of people and goods.
    • Part II ”Highway Survey” presents the basic concepts and standard procedures necessary to make precise and accurate distance, angle, and level measurements for highway alignment, cross-sections, and earth quantities used in the design of highways.
    • Part III ”Geometric Design of Highways” deals with engineering design techniques, standards, and models that control the three main elements of highway geometric design: horizontal and vertical alignments, profle, and cross-section to achieve the primary objectives of geometric design: safety, effciency, and sustainability.

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