How to Make the Right Civil Engineering Career Decisions

How to Make the Right Civil Engineering Career Decisions


Align your civil engineering education with future expectations so you have the best chances of being the top candidate.

You have a long, but interesting road ahead of you. With civil engineering as your chosen career, you’ll enjoy being innovative and purposeful on a daily basis.

The term ‘civil’ is taken from ‘civilisation’. It’s the responsibility of civil engineers to plan, create and maintain the buildings & structures communities use:

  • Roads and transportation
  • Water infrastructures
  • Tunnels
  • Bridges

This is a noble cause to work for.

If you want satisfaction and enjoyment as part of your career path, read on. There’s much to learn. The civil engineering path doesn’t start the day you get your first job. You need to align your current decisions with where you want to end up.

We’ll help you get there.

Before You Decide—Read What it’s All About

Are you sure this is what you want? It’s important you understand all facets of civil engineering jobs. When you have a realistic expectation of your future, it will be less challenging and more enjoyable.

Does this sound like a job you’ll relish?

  • See the difference you’re making, by planning and creating different structures in & around cities.
  • Help cities function well by helping improve infrastructures.
  • Benefit the environment while engineering civil projects.
  • Work with many people and occasionally lead them as part of management.
  • Take initiative during planning and on site to solve & prevent problems.
  • Use computer software to design structures.
  • Offer consulting services.
  • Research civil engineering projects.

Are there enough aspects you’ll love doing, making this the right long-term decision for you?

If your answer is yes, your preparation starts now.

Make the Right Decisions at School

How well are you doing at school?

A civil engineering degree is a tough course. Because universities don’t want to waste resources, they only allow students into these courses who prove their capability.

And how do learning centers gauge this? They look at your subjects and marks.

These are required civil engineering subjects during school years:

  • Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and Calculus
  • Science: Advanced Physics and Chemistry, Applied Biology, Physical Science

Make sure 2018 marks are better than 2017’s. You must achieve top marks for these subjects, or universities may not even consider you.

Does that motivate you to study more for your next test?

Alternative Option

Are you already studying, but you’re considering doing a civil engineering course? The good news is universities may consider you if you already have BTech qualifications.

Pick the Right Course

What do you do if a university selects you? Do you know what course to pick?

Civil engineering can be approached from two angles:

-Doing a BEng

-Start with a BSc in civil engineering

Here is where it gets complicated. If your goal is to be accredited as an engineer, the BEng is the safest route. Some BSc courses don’t meet the requirements and may not be recognized for this honor.

This is why researching your course options is so important. Also, make sure your course is accredited by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology).

If these civil engineering subjects interest you, you’ll enjoy your coursework:

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Ethics
  • Structural mechanics
  • Surveying
  • Engineering math
  • Statistics and analysis
  • Design
  • Engineering materials

Students usually study for four years. If they pass they’re qualified to act as engineers, but still need to be supervised. Further experience and licenses are necessary to obtain senior positions.

The Next Step

Additional Studies

An additional option—which can open the career door you’re aiming for—is doing a MEng. You need to graduate a basic degree first. Occasionally the MEng aspect is built into undergraduate coursework.

But if you need an MEng degree, be prepared for even higher performance expectations than you faced getting in for your first degree.

Practical Experience

One of the best parts of studying civil engineering is the interesting coursework. Practical laboratory work and partnering with people in the industry are common features at most universities.

While practical experience takes place throughout your study years, you’ll enjoy your ‘sandwich year’ the most. This is your year out in the field where you see what civil engineering systems are all about. You may even get the opportunity to do yours internationally. And if you impress your temporary bosses with your skills, they may offer you a full-time position.

You can see civil engineering requires you to give your best from school years until you land your first job. Are you ready to start building your career today?

The Goal

What are the titles you’ll put on your business card one day?

When your studies and practical education are finished, you’re eligible for roles such as:

-Construction manager

-Site engineer

-Quality engineer

-Research engineer

-Development engineer



-Geotechnical engineer

Which of these roles do you covet?

Is this the career that makes your heart beat with excitement? Start preparing today. Align your education with future expectations so you have the best chances of being the top candidate. You can one day change the world around you. And it starts today.

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