What is agile project management?

What is agile project management?


Agile project management is an incremental and iterative approach to delivering requirements throughout the project life cycle. At the core, agile projects should exhibit central values and behaviors of trust, flexibility, empowerment, and collaboration.

Agile project management principles There are several methodologies that can be used to manage an agile project; two of the best known to be Lean and Scrum. An agile project’s defining characteristic is that it produces and delivers work in short bursts (or sprints) of anything up to a few weeks.

These are repeated to refine the working deliverable until it meets the owner’s requirements. Where the known project management will establish requirements in detail and detailed plan at the start then attempt to follow the plan, agile starts work with a rough idea of what is required and by delivering something in a short period of time, clarifies the requirements as the project progresses.

These frequent iterative procedures are a key feature of an agile project and cooperative relationships are developed between stakeholders and the team members that deliver the job because of this manner of working. The scope has to be adaptable where no detailed requirements exist initially, but agile still have processes to ensure that, at each stage, the work to be done is defined and in-line with client needs.


The project manager’s role is different on agile construction projects (and is often known as the Scrum Master or Project Facilitator); it is the team member who deals with problems and handles interruptions to allow the other team members to concentrate on producing the work.

Agile projects need reviews, processes and documentation just as traditional projects do to meet requirements, manage schedules and costs and, deliver benefits and avoid scope creep; agile simply does not place as much emphasis on very detailed documentation and does not expect to fully understand the requirements before work can begin. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of delivering a working product as something tangible for the client that can then be refined until it fulfills the owner’s needs. The key measure of progress of the project is this series of working deliverables.


Why is agile project management is important?


Agile project management has its disadvantages such as less easy identification of project risks and poor management of resources, and many project teams don’t understand how to use agile project management effectively. However, with the fast pace of business change in the 21st century, many projects need to be sure they will deliver something that meets client needs at the end of the project and not expends wasted effort refining requirements that will be out of date by the time the end-product is delivered.

Agile project management has its disadvantages such as less easy identification of project risks and poor management of resources, and many project teams don’t understand how to use agile project management effectively. However, with the fast pace of business change in the 21st century, many projects need to be sure they will deliver something that meets client needs at the end of the project and not expends wasted effort refining requirements that will be out of date by the time the end-product is delivered.


Even in business environments that don’t change rapidly, it can be difficult to fully articulate requirements without seeing a tangible product first so there is still the risk of delivering something that does not quite meet the owner’s needs. That is why agile is becoming increasingly necessary for many different projects’ types.


Sieve Analysis Of Aggregate And Fineness Modulus Calculation Spreadsheet

Sieve Analysis Of Aggregate And Fineness Modulus Calculation Spreadsheet


The sieve analysis, commonly known as the gradation test, is a basic essential test for all aggregate technicians. The sieve analysis determines the gradation (the distribution of aggregate particles, by size, within a given sample) in order to determine compliance with design, production control requirements, and verification specifications.

The gradation data may be used to calculate relationships between various aggregate or aggregate blends, to check compliance with such blends, and to predict trends during production by plotting gradation curves graphically, to name just a few uses. Used in conjunction with other tests, the sieve analysis is a very good quality control and quality acceptance tool.


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Design of Cantilever Slab Spreadsheet

Design of Cantilever Slab Spreadsheet


Cantilever slabs are a typical one way slabs. They are projections from wall face of lintel beams or floor slabs. Even while designing they are considered as one-slabs with cantilever fixed or continuous at supports.

The trial depth is selected based on span/depth ratio of 7, as in IS:456. The reinforcement provided at the tension face should be checked for anchorage length near supports.

The thickness of such slabs is varied from max. at the fixed end to the min. of 100 to 150 mm at the free end. Distribution steel should be provided at the transverse direction.

Proper selection of depth and detailing of reinforcements will safeguard against excessive deflections and cracking of the cantilever slabs. Also, cantilever structural elements should be checked for safety against overturning.


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Capacity Calculations of Structural Members Excel Sheet

Capacity Calculations of Structural Members Excel Sheet

Capacity Calculations of Structural Members Excel Sheet calculate the capacity of different structural members such as beams modules , Columns, Foundations and Slabs.The excel sheet also allow you to design the required reinforcement area and a spacing of reinforcing bars within the cross-section of a concrete structure element. The RC Member Design module allows you to obtain a theoretical (required) area of reinforcement for selected concrete members.

Euro Steel Beam Load and Rest on Bottom Flange Spreadsheet

Euro Steel Beam Load and Rest on Bottom Flange Spreadsheet


When a beam is subjected to major axis bending, i.e. bending about the y-axis, it will deflect in the z-direction. This type of bending is sometimes referred to as bending about the strong axis. Analogous, minor axis bending is when a beam is bent about the z-axis, deflecting in the y-direction. This is sometimes called lateral bending or bending about the weak axis.A beam element can be considered to have seven degrees of freedom in each node.
These are translation in x-, y-, and z-direction, rotation about x-, y-, and z-axis and warping.

Punching Shear Strength Design of RC Slab According ACI318M-08 Spreadsheet

Punching Shear Strength Design of RC Slab According ACI318M-08 Spreadsheet


The main objective of this sheet is to evaluate the effect of design tje RC slab for punching shear strength . The increasing of the punching shear strength and deformation capacity  when subjected to patch load was studied here.

An experimental study was carried out on reinforced concrete slabs under a central patch load with circular, square and rectangular shapes of patch areas. A single concrete mix design was used throughout the test program. All of slab specimens were reinforced with distributed mesh reinforcement with equal steel ratios in both directions.

The validation of the experimental work was made by analyzing the tested slabs by finite element method under cracking load. The results obtained by the finite element method were found to compare well with those obtained
experimentally. In order to calculate the ductility for the tested slabs, the punching load has been determined by applying the published failure criterion and a load-rotation relationship obtained from semi-empirical relationship for the tested slabs.

Conclusions on the influence of patch area on the punching shear capacity of reinforced concrete slabs were drawn. The experimental results confirm that the strength and deformation capacity are slightly influenced by the shape of the patch area. Among all specimens, the slabs with circular shape of patch area exhibited the best
performance in terms of ductility and splitting failure.

In flat-plate floors, slab-column connections are subjected to high shear stresses produced by the transfer of the internal forces between the columns and the slabs (ACI-421.1R-08, 2008; ACI-421.1-99, 1999). Normally it is desired to increase the slab thickness or using drop panels or column capitals of exceptionally high strength for shear in reinforced concrete slab around the supporting column. Occasionally, methods to increase punching shear resistance without modifying the slab thickness are often preferred (Cheng and Montesinos, 2010).

The ways to transfer the force from column to the slab need to be studied to increase the shear resistance. Several reinforcement alternatives for increasing punching shear resistance of slab-column connections, including bent-up bars (Hawkins et al., 1974; Islam and Park, 1976), closed stirrups (Islam and Park, 1976), shearheads (Corley and Hawkins, 1968), and shear studs (Dilger and Ghali, 1981), have been evaluated in the past five decades. But there is a little experimental and theoretical information about the influence of patch area or cross section area shape for supporting column in the reinforced concrete shear resistance.


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RC Element Analysis and Design Spreadsheet

RC Element Analysis and Design Spreadsheet


The theory and techniques relative to the design and proportioning of concrete mixes, as well as the placing,
finishing, and curing of concrete, are outside the scope of this book and are adequately discussed in many other
publications . Field testing, quality control, and inspection are also adequately covered elsewhere. This is not to
imply that these are of less importance in overall concrete construction technology but only to reiterate that the objective of this book is to deal with the design and analysis of reinforced concrete members.

The design and construction of reinforced concrete buildings is controlled by the Building Code Requirements for
Structural Concrete (ACI 318-11) of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) [1]. The use of the term code in this text
refers to the ACI Code unless otherwise stipulated.

The code is revised, updated, and reissued on a 3-year cycle. The code itself has no legal status. It has been incorporated into the building codes of almost all states and municipalities throughout the United States, however. When so incorporated, it has official sanction, becomes a legal document, and is part of the law controlling reinforced concrete design and construction in a particular area.

Therefore, tensile reinforcement must be embedded in the concrete to overcome this deficiency. In the United States, this reinforcement is in the form of steel reinforcing bars or welded wire reinforcing composed of steel wire. In addition, reinforcing in the form of structural steel shapes, steel pipe, steel tubing, and high-strength steel tendons is
permitted by the ACI Code.

Prestressed Post-Tensioned Concrete Section Spreadsheet

Prestressed Post-Tensioned Concrete Section Spreadsheet


Prestress is defined as a method of applying pre-compression to control the stresses resulting due to external loads below the neutral axis of the beam tension developed due to external load which is more than the permissible limits of the plain concrete.

The pre-compression applied (may be axial or eccentric) will induce the compressive stress below the neutral axis or as a whole of the beam c/s. Resulting either no tension or compression.Prestressed concrete is basically concrete in which internal stresses of a suitable magnitude and distribution are introduced so that the stresses resulting from the external loads are counteracted to a desired degree.


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