What is 5D BIM?

What is 5D BIM?


It has been a great void in the pre-construction and general design process in the construction industry. Customarily, initial architectural concepts and designs are mostly depending on the sketches, free floor plans, and area discussions. While with the onset of new technologies in the construction sector, the AEC industry has been in a boom in the current scenario and the 5D BIM is helping to fill the void in an appropriate manner.

What is 5D BIM?

When you create an information bim modeling, you can add the scheduling data to a different component, creating the specific program data for your project, this technique is said to be as 4D BIM modeling. The further step is to create accurate cost evaluation from the components of the information model which is known as 5D BIM.

5D BIM (Fifth-Dimensional Building Information Modeling) is used for proper budget tracking as well as related activities of cost analysis. The fifth dimension of BIM modeling is associated with the 3D and 4D (Time) acknowledges the participants to envision the progress of their operations and related cost-over-time.

With the application of 5D BIM technology, the users can notice greater accuracy and predictability of project’s estimates, changes in scope, materials, equipment or workforce changes. what is 5D BIM indeed provides methods for extracting and determining costs and evaluating scenarios.

Benefits of 5D BIM

  1. 5D BIM Modeling can boost the visualization of projects such as construction details.
  2. It helps the people to work together to make the model productive and thus improve the collaboration on projects.
  3. 5D BIM advances the quality level of the finished projects because the users maintain the quality of data in BIM models.
  4. As the costing of design options are accomplishing in the early design stage with the help of 3D and so 5D BIM modeling makes project conceptualization easier.
  5. Using 5D software, design details are pointed out with more clarity, and it facilitates the analysis capability of the model.
  6. 5D ensures more take-offs during the stage of budget assessment.
  7. Its efficiency to develop quantities for cost planning is higher than the conventional software and manually takes off during the detailed cost plan stage.
  8. As it helps diagnose potential risks at an earlier stage, the team can improve clash detection in design stage itself.
  9. It increases the ability to resolve RFI’s in real time.
  10. As 5D BIM can model project options before and during construction, it improves estimating.
  11. Integrating BIM with 5D CAD simulation models empowers the development of more efficient, cost-effective and feasible developments.

What is 4D BIM ?

What is 4D BIM ?


4D BIM (Building Information Modeling) is extensively used term in the 3D CAD industry in the current scenario. It refers to the intelligent linking of individual 3D CAD components or the assemblies with time or schedule-related information. The use of the term 4D BIM is proposed to apply to the fourth dimension (time) i.e. 4D is 3D plus schedule (time).

The construction building of the 4D BIM models facilitates the various participants of a building project from architects, designers, contractors to the clients to visualize the total duration of a series of events and also displays the progress of the overall on-going construction activities through the lifetime of the project.

Advantages of using 4D BIM

This BIM-centric way towards the project management technique has a very high potential to enhance the project management and the delivery of the construction project of any size or intricacy.

  1. The 4D BIM sums up a new dimension to 3D CAD or solid modeling enabling a sequence of events to be portrayed visually on a timeline that has been settled by a 3D model.
  2. The construction building management sequences can be inspected as a series of problems using 4D BIM that enables users to explore options, manage solutions and improve the results.
  3. It also enables construction product development, collaborative project implementation.
  4. 4D is recognized as an advanced construction building management technique that is progressively used by the project delivery teams working on larger projects including tall buildings, bridges, highways, tunnels, hospital complexes, many luxurious residential projects as well as industrial projects. Due to an emergence of new technologies, 4D BIM is extensively used by the laymen in comparison with the traditional use for only high-end projects.


Learn What Is Photogrammetry And Its Various Applications

Learn What Is Photogrammetry And Its Various Applications


In this article, we are presenting a brief introduction to what is photogrammetry and its various applications for those who are new to this technology.

What is Photogrammetry?

In a straightforward language, Photogrammetry is a technology that combines photography and geometry. It has a significant impact on the current architectural works.

As the name implies, Photogrammetry is a 3-Dimensional coordinate measuring method that makes use of photographs as the primary medium for measurement. The classical definition of the Photogrammetry is the simple process of deriving metric information about an object through measurements made on the photograph of that object.

Furthermore, photogrammetry is the science or the art of making measurements from the photographs. It means the measuring of features on photographs.

Photogrammetry uses the fundamental principles of triangulation called as Aerial Triangulation. In this method, a photograph gets snap from at least two different locations called “Line of sight,” and it can develop from each camera to points on the object.
The mathematical intersection of these lines can generate the 3D coordinates of the points of interest.

History of Photogrammetry

The Photogrammetry method was initially in use by the Prussian Architect in 1867 who designed some of the earliest topographic maps and some elevation drawings. The photogrammetry service in the topographic mapping is well-established but in the current scenario, the application of photogrammetry is common in the fields of architecture, engineering, forensic, underwater, medicine and much more for the production of accurate 3D data.

The term photogrammetry describes from the three simple words:
‘Photo’ – Light
‘gram’ – Drawing
‘metry’ – Measurement
“Photogrammetry means Light Drawing Measurement”

The output of this method is typically a map, drawings, measurement or a 3D model of some real-world objects. Many of the maps we are using are generated with the help of this technique, while the photographs are taken from the aircrafts.

Application of Photogrammetry

The categorization of the photogrammetry is based on the camera location during the actual photography. On these terms, we have Aerial Photogrammetry, Terrestrial Photogrammetry and Space Photogrammetry.
Now let’s understand each application of Photogrammetry in detail.

Aerial Photogrammetry

In this type of photogrammetry, the cameras are launch on a machine that flies aircraft and therefore takes pictures. These pictures are useful in generating the measurements. In this case, for the statistical comparisons, at least two photos of the same object or surface are clicked. This type of photography uses special design planes.

The aircrafts fly over a preset piece of land, pointed with a particular landmark. The camera speed is controlling accordingly to the speed of the plane. Also, the height of the plane from the land is initially defined. The stereo-plotter (an instrument that allows an operator to view two photos at once in a stereo view) processes the photographs. The photographs are also useful in automation processing for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) creation.

Terrestrial Photogrammetry

It is this kind of Photogrammetry technique in which the camera is usable in a stationary position, and hence photographs need to capture from a fixed, known position on or near the ground. The camera tilt and other specifications are in command. Photo Theodolite is a unique instrument that utilizes in exploring the photographs.

Space Photogrammetry

The space photogrammetry adapts all the aspects of extraterrestrial photography as well as measurements wherein the camera is non-moving on the earth or place on artificial satellite or in the space.

The term Photo Interpretation is applicable to that branch of photogrammetry wherein aerial or terrestrial photographs utilize to calculate, analyze, classify and interpret images of objects that are visible on the photographs. As a result, Photogrammetry is a combination of measurement and interpretation of a particular object.

Advantages of Photogrammetry

Photogrammetry has numerous advantages that are beneficial in modern construction as well as various other sectors like:

  •  Covers large areas quickly.
  •  The photogrammetry technique is cost-efficient.
  •  The method is the easiest way to obtain or access information from the air.
  •  The photographic images illustrate great details.

Application of Photogrammetry


  •  To quickly verify the spatial positions of the ground objects.
  •  To prepare topographical maps (surveying/mapping).
  •  Helpful in Military/Artificial Intelligence.
  •  For the interpretation of Geology/Archaeology.
  •  Analysis of crop damages due to floods or other natural disasters.
  •  To prepare a composite picture of ground objects.
  • To relocate existing boundaries of properties.
  • Helpful in the field of medicine.

The photogrammetry can generate a data set that will help many organizations or the stakeholders, therefore, helping to create most efficient and effective plan for any construction project.

Laser Scanning Technology and Its Advantages in Construction Industry

Laser Scanning Technology and Its Advantages in Construction Industry


Laser Scanning is a method of collecting external data using a laser scanner which captures the actual distance of densely scanned points over a given object at breakneck speed. The process is usually known as a point cloud survey or as light detection and ranging (LIDAR, a combo of the words ‘light’ and ‘radar’).

Laser scanning is currently acquiring the impetus in the construction industry for its competency in helping Building Teams to collect tons of remarkably authentic information in a very short span of time. When done in a perfect way, Laser scanning can prove to be beneficial to all the involved parties in the life cycle of the project.

The laser scanning method can be used to create 3D representations that can be converted for use in 3D CAD modeling or BIM (Building Information Modeling).

While the construction industry is relatively gradual in adopting the newer technology, the designers and the construction professionals are challenging themselves to complete the project in rapid pace with the use technologies like BIM and custom-designed apps. The 3D laser scanning is less promoted technology in the adoption phase, though the AEC industry is now noticing the benefits of laser scanning can bring the boost in their projects.


The laser scanning technology determines to be much quicker, more exact and inexpensive than the traditional survey measurement. The exactness of the process depends on the stability of the instrument base and the distance from the object.

Benefits of using the Laser Scanning Technology in Construction Industry

Laser Scanning has been a boon to the construction industry that allows obtaining a level of detail, accuracy which was not feasible with the other traditional methods. Let’s have a brief look at the benefits of implementing the Laser Scanning technology to build in a smarter way.

  1. Enhanced Planning and Designing

Using the laser scanning method, a tremendous boost in planning and designing is seen. The clashes between newly designed elements and existing conditions have been analyzed before the construction. The exactness of dimensions obtained from laser scans can also help improve planning by providing exact measurements for destruction and removal of components as well as assist in minimizing the waste materials.

  1. Reduction in cost and Schedule

It has been seen that the 3D scanning can curtail the total project cost by 5% to 7%. The scanning can be performed in minimal hours to a few days, depending on the site as compared to several weeks in the traditional data collection methods.

  1. Safety and Regulatory Agreement

The Laser scanning methods are often safer that the manual data collection method and are increasingly used to help satisfy with health, safety, and environmental responsibilities. The features such as remote sensing ability and quick data capture of the laser scanner trim the teams’ exposure to harmful environments. For example, when used in nuclear power plants, the laser scanner helps in reducing the size and the time of group’s exposure to the high radiation areas.

The laser scanning provides booming methods for surveying remote surfaces as well as complex geometrical surfaces are also surveyed with absolute ease. All the major providers of CAD 3D modeling and BIM have built compatibility that acknowledges their system to import the point cloud data into the 3D visual graphic material.

The use of drones with laser scanning has indeed become a recognized method of getting the exact detail of topography. LIDAR has been widely used for surveys from rail to the road vehicles. The instrument can easily operate at night when the targeted surfaces are less interfere with people and can produce outstanding accuracy.

What is 3D Concrete Printing? Its advantages and disadvantages

What is 3D Concrete Printing? It’s advantages and disadvantages


Imagine a 3D print you get, of your dream home before the actual construction starts, wow that’s amazing! You can then even make the changes if you wish to or can even design the better ideas. Yes, 3D printing proving to be a revolutionary tool in this behemoth world of construction technology and management.

The construction industry in today’s scenario is known for its ability to adapt quickly or frequently the new innovative ideas that can raise the building sector. One the most innovations in this area are 3D printing. Let’s have a close look at what 3D printing is and how can it be beneficial in transforming into a lean, responsive sector.

3D printing these days is gaining more and more traction and has potential to ease some of the aches of the construction technology and management industry. 3D printing, which is the domain of engineering possibly, could make an extreme change in the ways that our building structures are built. Yes, the 3D printing technique is being looked like a must-have technology in the construction industry.

First a quick look on…

What 3D Printing Means?

3D printing is a production method of creating solid objects from a digital source uploaded to a 3D printer. The printer intelligently reads the files and lays down consecutive layers of materials such as plastic, resins, concrete, sand, metals until the entire object is created.

Unlike inkjet printers, a 3D printer has containers of raw material, like plastic which forces out the exact patterns to lay down layers.

Currently, 3D printers are only used to create 3D models of structural designs, various prototypes, landscaping bricks or decorative components. Uses of 3D Printers in Construction Technology and Management

3D printers are already in use in the construction industry. Gigantic 3D printers have already been built that can use solid materials to manufacture a variety of the major structural components, even the whole buildings.

Initially, printers can only extrude one type of equipment at a time, but now with the advent in the technology world, more advanced printers have been built that can extrude multiple materials providing a significant level of speed and resilience that was not before.

The printers may manufacture wall sections that can snap together like Lego’s, or they may print formative stage that can be latterly filled to create a full-size wall. The printer can be shifted to a construction site to manufacture on demand.

Benefits of 3D Printing in Construction

The 3D printing benefits include:

  • Consumption of material is optimized.
  • Increases the ability to design a larger variety of customized homes and buildings.
  • The construction waste is saved.
  • Huge save in labour cost
  • Growth in productivity.
  • Faster construction.
  • Quality can be maintained.

Some disadvantages of 3D printing include:

  • Reduced employee number in theconstruction industryas the machine does most of the work.
  • A finite number of materials can be used since the printer cannot be able to print the required design in various materials.
  • Transportation of printers on job site becomes risky.
  • Any errors occur in a digital model can result in an uncertain situation on site during the printing or construction phase.


What is a Landslide?

 What is a Landslide?


Geologists, engineers, and other professionals often rely on unique and slightly differing definitions of landslides. This diversity in definitions reflects the complex nature of the many disciplines associated with studying landslide phenomena.

For our purposes, landslide is a general term used to describe the downslope movement of soil, rock, and organic materials under the effects of gravity and also the landform that results from such movement (please see figure 1 for an example of one type of landslide).

Figure 1. This landslide occurred at La Conchita, California, USA, in 2005. Ten people were killed. (Photograph by Mark Reid, U.S. Geological Survey.)

Varying classifications of landslides are associated with specific mechanics of slope failure and the properties and characteristics of failure types; these will be discussed briefly herein.

Figure 2. A simple illustration of a rotational landslide that has evolved into an earthflow. Image illustrates commonly used labels for the parts of a landslide (from Varnes, 1978, Reference 43).

There are a number of other phrases/terms that are used interchangeably with the term “landslide” including mass movement, slope failure, and so on. One commonly hears such terms applied to all types and sizes of landslides.
Regardless of the exact definition used or the type of landslide under discussion, understanding the basic parts of a typical landslide is helpful.

Figure 2 shows the position and the most common terms used to describe the unique parts of a landslide.



What are the Effects and Consequences of Landslides?

What are the Effects and Consequences of Landslides?


Landslide effects occur in two basic environments: the built environment and the natural environment. Sometimes there is intersection between the two; for example agricultural lands and forest lands that are logged.

Effects of Landslides on the Built Environment

Landslides affect manmade structures whether they are directly on or near a landslide. Residential dwellings built on unstable slopes may experience partial damage to complete destruction as landslides destabilize or destroy foundations, walls, surrounding property, and above-ground and underground utilities. Landslides can affect residential areas either on a large regional basis (in which many dwellings are affected) or on an individual site basis (where only one structure or part of a structure is affected). Also, landslide damage to one individual property’s lifelines (such as trunk sewer, water, or electrical lines and common-use roads) can affect the lifelines and access routes of other surrounding properties. Commercial structures are affected by landslides in much the same way residential structures are affected. In such a case, consequences may be great if the commercial structure is a common-use structure, such as a food market, which may experience an interruption in business due to landslide damage to the actual structure and (or) damage to its access roadways.

Fast-moving landslides such as debris flows are the most destructive type of landslide to structures, as they often occur without precursors or warnings, move too quickly for any mitigation measures to be enacted, and due to velocity and material are often very powerful and destructive. Fast-moving landslides can completely destroy a structure, whereas a slower moving landslide may only slightly damage it, and its slow pace may allow mitigation measures to be enacted. However, left unchecked, even slow landslides can completely destroy structures over time. Debris avalanches and lahars in steep areas can quickly destroy or damage the structures and lifelines of cities, towns, and (or) neighborhoods due to the fact that they are an extremely fast-moving, powerful force.

The nature of landslide movement and the fact that they may continue moving after days, weeks, or months preclude rebuilding on the affected area, unless mitigative measures are taken; even then, such efforts are not always a guarantee of stability.

One of the greatest potential consequences from landslides is to the transportation industry, and this commonly affects large numbers of people around the world. Cut and fill failures along roadways and railways, as well as collapse of roads from underlying weak and slide-prone soils and fill, are common problems. Rockfalls may injure or kill motorists and pedestrians and damage structures. All types of landslides can lead to temporary or long-term closing of crucial routes for commerce, tourism, and emergency activities due to road or rail blockage by dirt, debris, and (or) rocks . Even slow creep can affect linear infrastructure, creating maintenance problems.

Figure 1. A landslide on the Pan American Highway in El Salvador, Central America, near the town of San Vicente, in 2001. (Photograph by Ed Harp, U.S. Geological Survey.)


Figure 1 shows a landslide blocking a major highway. Blockages of highways by landslides occur very commonly around the world, and many can simply be bulldozed or shoveled away. Others, such as the one shown in figure 1, will require major excavation and at least temporary diversion of traffic or even closure of the road.

As world populations continue to expand, they are increasingly vulnerable to landslide hazards. People tend to move on to new lands that might have been deemed too hazardous in the past but are now the only areas that remain for a growing population. Poor or nonexistent land-use policies allow building and other construction to take place on land that might better be left to agriculture, open-space parks, or uses other than for dwellings or other buildings and structures. Communities often are not prepared to regulate unsafe building practices and may not have the legitimate political means or the expertise to do so.

Effects of Landslides on the Natural Environment

Landslides have effects on the natural environment:

  • The morphology of the Earth’s surface—mountain and valley systems, both • on the continents and beneath the oceans; mountain and valley morphologies are most significantly affected by downslope movement of large landslide masses;
  • The forests and grasslands that cover much of the continents; and
  • The native wildlife that exists on the Earth’s surface and in its rivers, lakes, • and seas.
    Figures 2, 3, and 4 show the very large areal extent of some landslides and how they may change the face of the terrain, affecting rivers, farmland, and forests.

Figure 2. The active volcano, Mount Shasta in California, USA. Note the landforms in the foreground, caused by a debris avalanche that occurred about 300,000 years ago. The debris avalanche traveled great distances from the volcano and produced lasting landform effects that can still be seen today. (Photograph by R. Crandall, U.S. Geological Survey.)


Figure 3. View looking downstream at the confluence of the Río Malo (flowing from lower left) and the Río Coca, northeastern Ecuador, in South America. Both river channels have been filled with sediment left behind by debris flows triggered by the 1987 Reventador earthquakes. Slopes in the area had been saturated by heavy rains in recent days before the earthquake. Debris/earth slides, debris avalanches, debris/mudflows, and resulting floods destroyed about 40 kilometers of the Trans-Ecuadorian oil pipeline and the only highway from Quito. (Photograph by R.L. Schuster, U.S. Geological Survey; information from Reference 32.)


Figure 4. The Slumgullion landslide, Colorado, USA. This landslide (formally referred to also as an earthflow) dammed the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River, which flooded the valley and formed Lake Cristobal. (Photograph by Jeff Coe, U.S. Geological Survey.)

Forest, grasslands, and wildlife often are negatively affected by landslides, with forest and fish habitats being most easily damaged, temporarily or even rarely, destroyed. However, because landslides are relatively local events, flora and fauna can recover with time. In addition, recent ecological studies have shown that, under certain conditions, in the medium-to-long term, landslides can actually benefit fish and wildlife habitats, either directly or by improving the habitat for organisms that the fish and wildlife rely on for food.

The following list identifies some examples of landslides that commonly occur in the natural environment:

  • Submarine landslide is a general term used to describe the downslope mass movement of geologic materials from shallower to deeper regions of the ocean. Such events may produce major effects to the depth of shorelines, ultimately affecting boat dockings and navigation. These types of landslides can occur in rivers, lakes, and oceans. Large submarine landslides triggered by earthquakes have caused deadly tsunamis, such as the 1929 Grand Banks (off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada) tsunamis.
  • Coastal cliff retreat , or cliff erosion, is another common effect of landslides on the natural environment. Rock-and-soil falls, slides, and avalanches are the common types of landslides affecting coastal areas; however, topples and flows also are known to occur. Falling rocks from eroding cliffs can be especially dangerous to anyone occupying areas at the base of cliffs, or on the beaches near the cliffs. Large amounts of landslide material can also be destructive to aquatic life, such as fish and kelp, and the rapid deposition of sediments in water bodies often changes the water quality around vulnerable shorelines.
  • Landslide dams  can naturally occur when a large landslide blocks the flow of a river, causing a lake to form behind the blockage. Most of these dams are short-lived as the water will eventually erode the dam. If the landslide dam is not destroyed by natural erosional processes or modified by humans, it creates a new landform—a lake. Lakes created by landslide dams can last a long time, or they may suddenly be released and cause massive flooding downstream.

There are many ways that people can lessen the potential dangers of landslide dams, and some of these methods are discussed in the safety and mitigation sections of this volume. Figure 32 shows the Slumgullion landslide one of the largest landslides in the world—the landslide dam it has formed is so large and wide, that it has lasted 700 years.

Source : The Landslide Handbook—A Guide to Understanding Landslides

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