Suspension Bridge Design – Midas Civil Training

Suspension Bridge Design – Midas Civil Training


This tutorial covers following subjects:
1) Introduction of analysis procedure of completed state analysis and construction stage analysis
2) Overview of suspension bridge project
3) Modeling suspension bridge in Midas Civil


Title Suspension Bridge Design – Midas Civil Training 
Duration 80 Mins
Language English
Format MP4
Size  468 MB


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Diaphragm Walls

Diaphragm walls are concrete or reinforced concrete wallsconstructed in slurry-supported, open trenches below existingground. Concrete is placed using the Tremie installation method orby installing pre-cast concrete panels (known as a pre-castdiaphragm wall).

1 : Diaphragm wall excavation

2: Excavation pit retained by tiedback diaphragm wall and partiallybraced by cast-in-place buildingfloor slab.

3: Excavation pit retained bydiaphragm wall and bracing

Diaphragm walls can be constructed to depths of100 meters and to widths of 0.45 to 1.50 meters.Diaphragm wall construction methods are relatively quiet and causelittle or no vibration. Therefore, they are especially suitable for civilengineering projects in densely-populated inner city areas.Due to their ability to keep deformation low and provide low waterpermeability, diaphragm walls are also used to retain excavation pits in the direct vicinity of existing structures.

If there is a deep excavation pit at the edge of an existing structureand groundwater is present, diaphragm walls are often used as themost technically and economically favorable option. They can beused for temporary support or as load-bearing elements of the final building. Diaphragm walls can be combined with any anchor and bracing system.Diaphragm wall panels are also used in deep, load-bearing soillayers as foundation elements to carry concentrated structural loadin the same way as large drilled piles do. These foundation elements are known as “Barrettes”.

1: Diaphragm wall excavation usinghydraulic cutter disk and grabexcavation

2: Guide wal

3: Diaphragm wall chisel

If diaphragm are socketed into impermeable soil layers of sufficientthickness or if they are combined with seal slabs (grout injection ortremie concrete slabs) almost waterproof excavation pits are created.

After reducing the initial groundwater level within theexcavation, only small amounts of residual water will penetrate.

Diaphragm Wall construction using grab excavation and removable Stop-End Pipes

Preliminary excavation to 1.0 – 1.5 meters below groundelevation to install guide walls

• Prior to diaphragm wall excavation, cast-in-place or pre-cast concrete guide walls are placed.

These braced guide wallsstabilize the soil in the upper diaphragm level and provide a stableguide-way for the grab. In addition, they also support thediaphragm wall reinforcement and provide sufficient bearing forthe hydraulic jacking system to remove the Stop-End Pipes.

Thespace between both guide walls serves as a storage space for thestabilizing fluid.

Lamella excavation Using hydraulic grabs with clam shell sizesof 2.8, 3.4 or 4.2 meters, single diaphragm panels can beexcavated down to tip elevation. To avoid collapsing ground,trixotropic stabilizing fluids (Bentonite slurry = clay/water slurry)are pumped into the excavated panel. Depending on groundcondition and geotechnical design, several single panels can becombined to one large lamella. Hard soil, rock or obstructions canbe removed using chisels in addition.

1: Diaphragm wall reinforcing cagewith block-out

2: Stop-end pipe with hydraulic pipeextractors

3: Flat steel joint element

Stop End Pipe Installation. To separate the single concretingphases, stop-end pipes are installed at both panel fronts. Thesehave the same diameter as the panel’s wall thickness and areremoved after initial concrete setting. The remaining semicircularjoint provides a very good interlock between the individualconcrete panels.

Slurry Refreshing.

Placing of Rebar Cage

Concrete Placing by Tremie Method. Simultaneously withplacing concrete, slurry is pumped from the panel to be refreshedand re-used in the next panel excavation. Since the slurry isreplaced by concrete, this method is called “Double-PhaseMethod”.

Removal of Stop -End Pipes after concrete setting usinghydraulic pipe extractors.Diaphragm Wall Joint Design• There are three (3) types of joint design used for diaphragm wallsconstructed by the grab excavation method• Steel stop-end pipes, which are removed before the concrete hasset completely (as mentioned before). Concrete seeped aroundthe stop-end pipes can be safely removed by the use of chisels.

Pre-cast reinforced concrete panels, which remain in the panelsas permanent stop-ends (high weight, twice the number of joints).Seeping concrete can not be removed safely.• Steel joint element. This flat steel panel element contains one ortwo elastic joint tapes, which remain in the setting concrete afterthe joint element has been removed. Removal of the element canonly take place after the adjacent panel was completelyexcavated


If diaphragm walls are constructed using the hydro-cuttertechnique, stop- end pipes do not need to be installed. After theprimary panel set sufficiently, the secondary panel excavation willslightly cut into the fresh concrete to ensure a tight overlap duringthe concrete placement.


Double rope grabs as well as grabs guided by telescoping Kellybars are commonly used for excavation in soils. Hydro-cutters canbe employed for rock as well as soft soil excavations.

They continuously cut into one panel by sucking the soil-bentonite slurryat the cutter head while replacing it with fresh bentonite at thepanel’s top.

Construction sequence

Two different construction techniques, the alternating method (orPilgrim) and the continuous method can be distinguished forexcavation. During the alternating method, only primary panels willbe placed leaving out the following secondary panels. Following thefirst primary panels, gaps will be closed by the adjacent secondarypanels. Primary and secondary panels will have different sizes dueto the use of stop end pipes.During the continuous excavation method (Endless Panel), all thepanels are excavated in one continuous process. Therefore they allhave the same size.


Cut-off Walls

1: Cut-off wall applications

2: Cut-off wall Rostock,Warnowquerung

3: Cut-off wall site set up

Cut-off walls are vertical slurry walls with very low waterpermeability to minimize the ground water flow.In contrast to the known load-bearing, impermeable retaining wallssuch as:

• Concrete secant pile walls

• Reinforced two-phase diaphragm walls

• Sheet pile wallsare cut-off walls mostly without any load-bearing function.

The following cut-off wall types can be distinguished:

• Cut-off walls constructed using diaphragm wall techniques

• Secant pile walls from concrete of slurry

• Thin slurry walls• Injection walls• Jet-Grouting walls

• Freezing walls

They can be used as:

• Cut-off walls underneath water dams with core seals in areas ofpermeable soils to socket into lower impermeable layers toprevent undercurrent

• Cut-off walls for “watertight” excavation pits outside of theload-bearing retaining structure to minimize water inflow into thepit

• Cut-off walls to enclose brown fields and contaminated areas withpenetration into lower impermeable soil layers

Cut-off walls constructed using diaphragm wall techniques

If slurry walls are intended to act as cut-off walls without any loadbearing function, a mixture of water, bentonite, cement and maybefiller can be used.This slurry remains in the excavated panel and hydrates.

It alsoremains as a plastic seal, so that the wall can follow smalldisplacements in the soil without cracking. Since the slurry remainsin the panel, this is called the Single-Phase technique. After completion of the guide wall, the excavation proceeds with:

• One long-boom excavator (max. depth of 10m)

• Or by the use of slurry wall grabs or hydro-cutters Using the single-phase technique, panel depth is limited due to therelatively short time from placing and setting of the suspension.In deeper panels, the Two-Phase technique is used to construct aslurry wall. Construction is similar to the cast in-situ diaphragm wallinstallation. After completion of the panel’s excavation, the actualsealant slurry will replace the stabilizing bentonite fluid.

This sealanthas to be placed using the slurry-displacement or tremie methodand needs to have a 0.75 to/m³ higher unit weight than the bentonite slurry to replace it.To improve permeability and contaminant resistance, combinationcut-off walls can be installed using the Single-Phase system. Sheetpiles or plastic liner sheets can be installed within abentonite-cement-slurry wall.

Cut-off walls with embedded sheet piles or structural beams beingconstructed using the single phase method can also be used as”water- tight” excavation pits.In the process the sheet piles or beams act as load transferringelements and will extend to required depth below the excavation pit.

The Cut-off wall as sealing element will only penetrate the artificialseal slab or reach down to the natural impermeable soil layer.Sheet pile or beam walls can be tied back


Thin Slurry Walls

1: Construction of a vibrated thinslurry wall, Doemitz

2: Vibro-beam

3: Thin vibro slurry wall

Thin slurry walls also can act as vertical cut-off walls to retainhorizontal groundwater flow.In contrast to cut-off walls constructed using the diaphragm walltechnique (replacing the soil by slurry sealant), thin slurry wallsdisplace the soils using a vibrated steel profile.

During the extraction process, sealants are injected into the created cavities.Drivable soils, such as sands and gravels, are required for thisinstallation method. The created slurry wall thickness depends onthe shape of the steel profile used and the soil conditions.

Thickness varies between 5 cm in sands and 20 cm in gravel. Incombination with high-pressure jet grouting, wall thickness of up to30 cm can be achieved.A continuous wall is created by overlapping single penetrationelements installed one after another by the vibrated steel profile.

A guide plate attached at the beam`s flange is running down thealready completed web of the previous panel. This ensures thecorrect overlap to the previous panel.


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Surcharge point loads spreadsheet

Surcharge point loads spreadsheet


Retaining walls are built in order to hold back earth which would otherwise move downwards. A surcharge load results from forces that are applied along the surface of the backfill behind the wall. These forces apply additional lateral forces along the back of the wall. This spreadsheet calculates the resulting pressure field acting on the retaining wall due to a point load at a given position behind the wall.

Calculation Reference
Surcharge Loads


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Best free project management applications

Best free project management applications


Managing multiple projects at once, delegating tasks, and collaborating across teams is difficult on a good day — but can become downright impossible when unforeseen obstacles get in the way.

Miscommunication and inefficiencies in your project management process can lead to confusing and stressful experiences for your employees, and hinder your company’s ability to satisfy your clients’ needs or hit end-of-year goals. This can lead to major losses over time.

Fortunately, there are plenty of free project management software options to keep your team on-track without breaking the bank. To streamline your process and ensure everyone on your team is on the same page, take a look at these seven exceptional free project management tools.

1. Teamweek

Teamweek is an effective project management tool to automate your task delegation process, and visualize which project tasks have been completed and which haven’t. If your team often collaborates with other departments on projects, this could be a useful tool for you.

Features include:

  • Gantt-chart visualization to track important deadlines and projects
  • Integrations with Slack, Github, Evernote, and others
  • Team collaboration option through shared calendars and task notes

Cost: Free for an unlimited number of projects for up to five team members

2. Zoho Reports

Zoho Reports is easy to use and lets you create comprehensive dashboards and data visualizations to ensure your projects are on-track. You can import data from outside files, cloud drives, applications, and in-house apps, enabling you to create more accurate cross functional reports.

Features include:

  • Easy drag-and-drop interface with BI visualization tools
  • Ability to share and collaborate on reports and dashboards with colleagues privately.
  • Cloud BI reporting tool embedded within your own website or product
  • Integrations with Slack, Google Apps, and Dropbox, as well as mobile apps, making team collaboration easier.

Cost: Free for one project with multiple users, storage up to 10 GB

3. Asana

Asana, one of the most popular project management solutions used by millions of people across 192 countries, has a clean and user-friendly interface. The all-in-one tool lets you create boards to visualize which stage your project is in, and use reporting to keep track of finished tasks and tasks that need your attention.

Features include:

  • The ability to create templates to automate mundane tasks
  • The ability to collaborate and share information across the team, privately and securely
  • The option to set security controls and designate admins
  • Over 100 integrations for a more efficient start-to-finish process
  • Custom project fields, share documents, and filter tasks

Cost: Free for unlimited projects for teams up to 15 people.

4. Teamwork

Teamwork, a project management tool that specializes in bringing together remote workers, allows you to create team member status updates so your remote and flexible teams know their coworkers’ schedules. It also provides customer service functions, including the option to assign tickets or view customer emails in one place.

Features include:

  • Customizable navigation to prioritize your team’s needs
  • Gantt chart for visualizing due dates and project timelines
  • Private messaging, and option to make project details private
  • Team member status updates for remote or flexible team members

Cost: Free for two to five users

5. Wrike

Wrike stands out as an exceptional project management tool for teams who want the option to customize workflows and edit and revise projects from within the platform itself. The tool offers the ability to color code and layer calendars, and its mobile form allows colleagues to update project information on-the-go. You can add comments to sections, videos, or documents, and create custom fields to export data most relevant to your company.

Features include:

  • Security measures to ensure only authorized personnel can access information
  • Activity Stream to allow project managers to micromanage small tasks, see activities in chronological order, and tag team members
  • The option to unfollow activities to declutter your own personal Stream
  • Email and calendar synchronization
  • Built-in editing and approval features

Cost: Free for five team members

6. Paymo

Paymo’s free version only allows access for one user, but if you’ve got a small team or you’re a freelancer, this could be an efficient option for tracking billable hours and invoicing clients. Along with tracking finances, Paymo also allows you to organize project timelines, create to-do lists, and stay on top of your budgets for multiple projects at once.

Features include:

  • Kanban Boards
  • Time Tracking
  • File Sharing and Adobe CC Extension
  • Reporting
  • Three Invoices

Cost: Free for one user, one GB storage

7. ClickUp

ClickUp provides a few impressive features to customize the all-in-one project management tool to suit your team members, including the option for each user to choose one of three different ways to view their projects and tasks depending on individual preference. If your marketing team overlaps with sales, design, or development, this is an effective solution, as it provides features for all of those four teams.

Features include:

  • The ability to organize your projects based on priority, and assign tasks to groups
  • The option to set goals to remind teams what they’re aiming to accomplish
  • Google Calendar two-way sync
  • An easy way to filter, search, sorting, and customize options for managing specific tasks
  • Activity stream with mentions capability
  • Image mockups
  • 57 integrated apps

Cost: Free forever, with unlimited users and unlimited projects, and 100 MB of storage


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The Best project management certifications for 2019

The Best project management certifications for 2019


No matter what your IT role, a project management certification can add depth, breadth and value to your role. Here are the top project management certifications, their requirements and cost.

Behind every successful IT project, you’ll find a highly skilled project manager. From hardware and software upgrades to ongoing security patches, to application development and the rollout of software itself, project managers keep your teams on task and productive.

Almost any IT pro can benefit from adding a project management certification to their list of IT credentials; showing you have the know-how to plan, schedule, budget, execute, deliver and then report on IT initiatives. Here, are listed the most popular project management certifications that will add value and help you hone your skills this year.

Top project management certifications

  • PMP: Project Management Professional
  • CAPM: Certified Associate in Project Management
  • CSM: Certified ScrumMaster
  • CompTIA Project+ certification
  • PRINCE2 Foundation/PRINCE2 Practitioner
  • CPMP: Certified Project Management Practitioner
  • Associate in Project Management
  • MPM: Master Project Manager
  • PPM: Professional in Project Management
  • PMITS: Project Management in IT Security
  • Certified Project Director
  • CPM: Certified Project Manager (IAPM)

PMP: Project Management Professional

The gold standard in project management certifications, the Project Management Professional certification is a rigorous test that covers absolutely everything you need to prove your knowledge and skill in managing the “triple constraints”: time, cost and scope. The Project Management Institute (PMI) is this credential’s parent organization, and works continuously with businesses and academia to ensure relevance for the certification.

Organization: Project Management Institute

Price: Computer based exams are $405 for PMI members; $555 for non-members. Paper-based exams are $250 for PMI members; $400 for non-members.

Requirements: Four-year secondary degree plus three years of project management experience, 4,500 hours leading and directing projects, and 35 hours project management education OR a high-school diploma, five years of project management experience, 7,500 hours leading and directing projects, and 35 hours of project management education.

CAPM: Certified Associate in Project Management

The Certified Associate in Project Management is the precursor to the PMP certification and is also administered by the PMI. For professionals without a college degree, or with only rudimentary project management experience or those who want to achieve their PMP certification in steps rather than all at once, the CAPM is a stepping-stone to the more rigorous PMP.

Organization: Project Management Institute

Price: $225 for PMI members; $300 nonmembers

Requirements: High-school diploma, associates degree or equivalent and at least 1,500 hours of project management experience OR 23 hours of project management education.

CSM: Certified ScrumMaster

The use of agile methodologies has become the standard in IT organizations, so it’s not surprising that IT practitioners uniquely qualified to manage projects in agile environments are in high demand. While there are different Scrum master certifications available, the Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) from Scrum Alliance is a great jumping-off point for project managers getting started as Scrum practitioners. The Scrum Alliance, the parent organization for this credential, is a nonprofit organization that encourages the adoption of scrum and agile practices, promotes user groups and learning events, and provides resources for professional development. The organization boasts more than 450,000 certified practitioners worldwide.

Organization: The Scrum Alliance

Price: ScrumMaster training course cost varies by training provider, but is approximately $995 to $1,395

Requirements: General familiarity with scrum; completion of a two-day Certified ScrumMaster training course.

CompTIA Project+ certification

This entry-level certification is roughly on par with PMI’s CAPM credential, though the requirements are less stringent. CompTIA’s Project+ solicits feedback from the entire computing industry, government representatives, research institutions, academia and independent experts to design the certification.

Organization: CompTIA

Price: $285

Requirements: One year of experience managing, directing or participating in small- to medium-sized projects is recommended.

PRINCE2 Foundation/PRINCE2 Practitioner

Projects in Controlled Environments (PRINCE2) is most well-known overseas, especially in the U.K. and its government entities. The PRINCE2 certifications are delivered by the ILX Group and focus on directing, managing and delivering projects across all phases, pre-project, initiation, delivery and final delivery.

There are two primary qualifications, PRINCE2 Foundation and PRINCE2 Practitioner. The Foundation certification is an entry-level credential that tests basic project management terminology and methodology, while the Practitioner certification tests advanced project managers who have already achieved PRINCE2 Foundation.

Organization: ILX Group

Price: Foundation: $200; Practitioner: $340

Requirements: PRINCE2 Foundation requires a PRINCE2 Foundation course; PRINCE2 Practitioner requires one of the following: PRINCE2 Foundation; Project Management Professional (PMP); Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM); or an IPMA certification.

CPMP: Certified Project Management Practitioner

The EC-Council was formed after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to address issues of cyberterrorism and the information security of nations at large. The EC-Council’s Certified Project Management Practitioner course is for project managers who want to benchmark their skills through hands-on experience and across various management techniques and tools necessary to successfully manage complex projects efficiently. The objective of the CPMP course is to add value to management professionals by developing managerial, leadership and technical skills required to make any project, small or complex, a success.

Organization: EC-Council

Price: $199 for exam voucher

Requirements: No prerequisites, but it is recommended that candidates attend a three-day preparation course.

Associate in Project Management

The Global Association for Quality Management (GAQM), which administers the Associate in Project Management (APM) — as well as a Professional in Project Management and a Certified Project Director certification — is a global, not-for-profit certification body that offers credentials across a variety of IT specialties. The GAQM’s project management certifications are focused on a broad knowledge base and emphasize effective resource allocation, clear direction, adaptability to change, effective communication and assurance of quality deliverables at minimal risk. The APM program is designed for the entry-level project manager, or for those who want to start a career in the field.

Organization: Global Association for Quality Management

Price: $300

Requirements: GAQM body of knowledge study and e-course; no formal education or experience requirements.

MPM: Master Project Manager

The American Academy of Project Management (AAPM) has modeled the Master Project Manager (MPM) after the “professional licensure” model that many professions like pilots, engineers, doctors and lawyers follow. The AAPM focuses on professional project managers, but also includes those pros with business and technical management responsibilities.

Organization: American Academy of Project Management

Price: $300 for application, review, processing, review, initiation and certification.

Requirements: Three years of project management experience and training. Waivers are available for professionals holding a master’s degree, with other qualified training and experience, the military or project management instructors.

PPM: Professional in Project Management

The Professional in Project Management (PPM) is a mid-tier project management credential from the GAQM. The GAQM’s project management certifications are focused on a broad knowledge base and emphasize effective resource allocation, clear direction, adaptability to change, effective communication and assurance of quality deliverables at minimal risk. The PPM is targeted towards intermediate to experienced project managers who are involved in risk and crisis management, and who are involved in the day-to-day management of projects.

Organization: Global Association for Quality Management

Price: $300

Requirements: GAQM body of knowledge study and e-course; no formal education or experience requirements, but candidates should have at least some project management experience in order to pass the exam.

PMITS: Project Management in IT Security

The EC-Council’s Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) explores the complexities of managing an IT security project. The certification helps candidates reinforce their existing project management skills while tailoring them to the unique requirements of implementing and managing IT security within their organizations.

Organization: EC-Council

Price: $250 (PMITS courseware)

Requirements: At least two years of experience in information security and an educational background that shows a focus on security (bachelor’s degree or higher preferred). Candidates may also opt to attend an EC-council training program before attempting an exam.

Certified Project Director

The GAQM’s Certified Project Director certification is the credentialing body’s highest-level project management certification. This designation is designed for experienced project managers who are involved in directing multiple, complex projects and programs. The program focuses on managing, budgeting and determining scope for multiple projects, multiple project teams, and assessing and mitigating interdependent risks to deliver projects successfully. The CDP program is only for those who have significant project management experience.

Organization: Global Association for Quality Management

Price: $300

Requirements: GAQM body of knowledge study and e-course; candidates must be familiar with principles and methodologies of project management and pass the PPM or equivalent exam.

IAPM Certified Project Manager

The International Association of Project Managers (IAPM) is a global professional association and certification body focused on the project management profession. The IAPM’s purpose is to promote research, development and practical applications of project management, develop standards and guidelines for both beginner and advanced project management training, and review and approve project management competencies within the profession.

There are four levels of certification within the IAPM, split into two disciplines, traditional project management and agile project management: Certified Junior Project Manager and Certified Junior Agile Project Manager; Certified Project Manager and Certified Agile Project Manager; Certified Senior Project Manager and Certified Senior Agile Project Manager; and Certified International Project Manager.  IAPM’s Certified Project Manager certification is for candidates with a foundational knowledge of project management, including the basics of planning, organization and implementation of various projects. The exam covers both the hard and soft aspects of project management.

Organization: IAPM

Price: The certification and examination fee depends on a candidate’s nationality; pricing is gauged based on country-of-origin’s GDP to ensure that any candidate can afford the training and testing. In the U.S., the certification and exam cost is $650, with a 20 percent discount for students, job seekers and active aid organization personnel, according to the IAMP.

Requirements: There are no prerequisites, but IAPM offers workshops through global training partners, or recommended literature for self-study. Once a candidate has completed the workshop or feels adequately prepared, they can take a self-test to benchmark their knowledge. Candidates must achieve a 65 percent on the exam to pass.

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