Segmental Bridge Construction

Segmental Bridge Construction


Segmental bridges are made from precast concrete units stressed together with strand or bars. They are generally box girders with a widened top flange, that will form the full width of the carriageway on completion of the bridge. Because of the size of the units they are usually cast on or very close to the construction site in purpose-built plant.

So that there is a good fit when they are joined together in their final position units are normally counter-cast (units are cast against the end of the previous unit, with a suitable bond breaker between the old and the new concrete) . The units are lifted into position and stressed back to the previously installed unit, with a thin layer of epoxy mortar between the two to form a water-tight joint.

Units are built out from the abutments of the bridge or from the piers; in the latter case the units are generally cantilevered in either direction so that the sections under construction balance each other.

Segmental Bridges Construction 3D Animation

Segmental Bridges Construction 3D Animation


This animation shows all major processes involved in construction of a concrete bridge made of concrete segments in a method called “balanced cantilever”. This medium was used as a learning material for contractor’s staff who were new to this technology. Many university teachers also have used this animation to teach their students about this kind of bridge.



Feu vert à un plan autoroutier de 700 millions d’euros

Feu vert à un plan autoroutier de 700 millions d’euros

Le plan d’investissement autoroutier voulu par François Hollande est entériné, tout en étant ramené de 800 à 700 millions d’euros. 23 nouveaux échangeurs autoroutiers, entre autres, vont être créés.

Le plan d’investissement autoroutier annoncé par François Hollande en 2016 a émergé fin juillet de son examen par le Conseil d’Etat. Il est un peu rapetissé, mais entériné, après avoir reçu le feu vert du Conseil d’Etat pour 700 millions d’euros de travaux, au lieu des 800 millions escomptés. Car sur les 57 chantiers projetés, certains ont été retoqués. Ce plan visait à effectuer des travaux nécessaires mais que les collectivités locales demandeuses ne pouvaient financer seules et qu’elles co-financent avec les sept concessionnaires de réseaux autoroutiers. A la clé, il a été convenu d’une hausse des péages autoroutiers de +0,1 % à +0,4 % selon les réseaux.

Les chantiers abandonnés vont faire des déçus dans certains territoires mais au final, s’il n’y aura pas 32 nouveaux échangeurs autoroutiers, le plan en comptera tout de même 23, et environ 25 opérations de nature environnementales ou connexes (parkings, voies de co-voiturage, etc). Dans le détail, sur les sept concessionnaires ayant soumis une liste de travaux sur leurs réseaux, trois ont vu leur liste intégralement approuvée : il s’agit de Sanef, de SAPN (filiale de Sanef) et de Cofiroute. Ce dernier réseau (groupe Vinci) accueillera certaines des opérations les plus emblématiques, comme le réaménagement du périphérique de Nantes et la création d’un échangeur à Laval (Mayenne) ou encore celui de Connerré (près du Mans).

Hausses de péages

Les avenants aux contrats de concession, afin de permettre ces travaux et les hausses de péages afférentes, paraîtront en décrets en septembre, indique le ministère des Transports. Restent quatre autres réseaux pour lesquels la liste des travaux devant être revue à la baisse, suite à l’avis négatif du conseil d’Etat sur certains d’entre eux, la parution des décrets prendra un peu plus de temps. Pour ASF et Escota (groupe Vinci), comme pour APRR et Area (groupe Eiffage), le ministère des Transports va à nouveau soumettre à la rentrée au Conseil d’Etat un projet d’avenant à leurs contrats de concessions comportant une liste de chantiers amendés pour que, au final, les décrets puissent paraître d’ici à la fin de l’année.

Le ministère des Transports prend garde de ne pas présenter les choses de manière négative : quelle que soit la date de parution des décrets, septembre ou novembre, les sept concessionnaires autoroutiers auront des chantiers mis en oeuvre à compter de l’an prochain, et l’annonce que la voie se dégageait a donc été faite dans les territoires ce jeudi sous la forme d’un communiqué d’Elisabeth Borne. Après deux ans d’examen et de négociations, il fallait bien cela pour sortir le plan de l’oubli qui le menaçait.

Myriam Chauvot

Structural Toolkit 3.42

Structural Toolkit 3.42


Structural Toolkit is a Structural Engineering software package specifically developed to assist the
Professional Structural Engineer.
Comprising a suite of structural engineering modules that use Microsoft® Excel combined with the power of
Visual Basic, Structural Toolkit delivers fast and accurate design assistance.

Structural Toolkit covers a diverse range of materials and methods including:
Retaining walls

Modules comply with current Australian Standards, and refer to a range of standard engineering references
and technical papers. Modules receive regular updates incorporating improvements, corrections and updates
as Standards change.

Only Australian Standards but because my stepson is now student in Melbourne (IT not Civil) i dedicated some time to free this program.
You can see it is registerd to Australian People and i hope after checking it you will buy it.

Copy the adapted files respectively in the proper folders and replace the existing.

This is a very useful tool to Australian Standards. This also has simple structural modelling available.

Just a caution if you use this, especially the reinforced concrete design. AS3600 uses a steel grade with Fy=500 MPa.

For Steel Design, the section they use is similar to British Standard and the steel grade is nominally grade 300 steel (Fy=300 MPa).


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Gantt Excel v2.61

Gantt Excel v2.61


In companies and organizations all over the world, people use Excel in diverse ways – from repurposing it as a makeshift calculator to tracking massive projects. Given the software’s omnipresence, it’s no wonder so many people try to use it for tasks that Excel was never meant to do.

Gantt Chart Excel is completely automated and it is super easy to use. If you use Microsoft Excel, you can create a Gantt Chart with almost no learning curve by downloading our Gantt Chart Template. Microsoft Excel is instantly familiar, so everyone on your team “gets it” and hits the ground running


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Machine Elements in Mechanical Design

Machine Elements in Mechanical Design


The objective of this book is to provide the concepts, procedures, data, and decision analy-
sis techniques necessary to design machine elements commonly found in mechanical de-
vices and systems.
Students completing a course of study using this book should be able to
execute original designs for machine elements and integrate the elements into a system
composed of several elements.This process requires a consideration of the performance requirements of an individ-
ual element and ofthe interfaces between elements as they work together to form a system.For example, a gear must be designed to transmit power at a given speed.
The design mustspecify the number of teeth, pitch, tooth form, face width, pitch diameter, material, and
method of heat treatment.
But the gear design also affects, and is affected by, the mating gear,
the shaft carrying the gear, and the environment in which it is to operate.
Furthermore, the shaft must be supported by bearings, which must be contained in a housing.
Thus, the designer should keep the complete system in mind while designing each individual ele-
ment. This book will help the student approach design problems in this way.This text is designed for those interested in practical mechanical design.
The emphasis is on the use of readily available materials and processes and appropriate design ap-
proaches to achieve a safe, efficient design.
It is assumed that the person using the book will
be the designer, that is, the person responsible for determining the configuration of a ma-
chine or a part of a machine. Where practical, all design equations, data, and proceduresneeded to make design decisions are specified.It is expected that students using this book will have a good background in statics,
strength of materials, college algebra, and trigonometry. Helpful, but not required, would

be knowledge of kinematics, industrial mechanisms, dynamics, materials, and manufactur-
ing processes.


Among the important features of this book are the following :
  • It is designed to be used at the undergraduate level in the first course in machine design.
  • The large list of topics allows the instructor some choice in the design of the course. The format is also appropriate for a two-course sequence and as a reference for mechanical design project courses.
  • Students should be able to extend their efforts into topics not covered in classroom instruction because explanations of principles are straightforward and include many example problems.
  • The practical presentation of the material leads to feasible design decisions and is useful to practicing designers.
  • The text advocates and demonstrates use of computer spreadsheets in cases requiring long, laborious solution procedures. Using spreadsheets allows the designer to make decisions and to modify data at several points within the problem while the computer performs all computations.
  • References to other books, standards, and technical papers assist the instructor in presenting alternate approaches or extending the depth of treatment.
  •  Lists of Internet sites pertinent to topics in this book are included at the end of most chapters to assist readers in accessing additional information or data about commercial products.
  • In addition to the emphasis on the original design of machine elements, much of the discussion covers commercially available machine elements and devices, since many design projects require an optimum combination of new, uniquely designed parts and purchased components.
  • For some topics, the focus is on aiding the designer in selecting commercially available components, such as rolling contact bearings, flexible couplings, ball screws, electric motors, belt drives, chain drives, clutches, and brakes.
  • Computations and problem solutions use both the International System of Units (SI) and the U.S. Customary System (inch-pound-second) approximately equally.
  • The basic reference for the usage of SI units is IEEE/ASTM-SI-10 Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System, which has replaced ASTM E380 and ANSI/IEEE Standard 268-1992.
  • Extensive appendices are included along with detailed tables in many chapters to help the reader to make real design decisions, using only this text.


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Hydrology Principles, Analysis, and Design Second Edition

Hydrology Principles, Analysis, and Design Second Edition


Hydrology is a long continuing hydroscience and much work done in this field in the past,
particularly in India, was of empirical nature related to development of empirical formulae,
tables and curves for yield and flood of river basins applicable to the particular region in which
they were evolved by investigators like Binnie, Barlow, Beale and Whiting, Strange, Ryves,
Dicken, Inglis, Lacey, Kanwar Sain and Karpov, etc.

In this book, there is a departure from empiricism and the emphasis is on the collection
of data and analysis of the hydrological factors involved and promote hydrological design on
sound principles and understanding of the science, for conservation and utilisation of water
resources. Hydrological designs may be made by deterministic, probabilistic and stochastic approaches
but what is more important is a ‘matured judgement’ to understand and avoid what is
termed as ‘unusual meteorological combination’.


Hydrology is a branch of Earth Science. The importance of hydrology in the assessment,
development, utilisation and management of the water resources, of any region is being increasingly
realised at all levels. It was in view of this that the United Nations proclaimed the
period of 1965-1974 as the International Hydrological Decade during which, intensive efforts
in hydrologic education research, development of analytical techniques and collection of hydrological
information on a global basis, were promoted in Universities, Research Institutions,
and Government Organisations.
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Plastic Analysis and Design of Steel Structures

Plastic Analysis and Design of Steel Structures


The plastic method has been used extensively by engineers for the
design of steel structures, including simple beams, continuous beams,
and simple portal frames. Traditionally, the analysis is based on the
rigid-plastic theory whereby the plastic collapse load is evaluated
through virtual work formulation in which elastic deflection is
ignored. For more complex frames, specialist computer packages for
elastoplastic analysis are usually employed. Current publications on
plastic design method provide means of analysis based on either virtual
work formulation or sophisticated plastic theory contained in
specialist computer packages. This book aims to bridge this gap.

This book emphasizes a plastic analysis method based on the
hinge by hinge concept. Frames of any degree of complexity can be
analyzed plastically using this method. This method is based on the
elastoplastic analysis procedure where a linear elastic analysis, performed
either manually or by computers, is used between the formation
of consecutive plastic hinges. The results of the linear elastic
analysis are used in a proforma created in a spreadsheet environment
where the next plastic hinge formation can be predicted automatically
and the corresponding culmulative forces and deflections calculated.
In addition, a successive approximation method is described to take
account of the effect of force interaction on the evaluation of the collapse
load of a structure. This method can be performed using results
from analysis obtained from most commercially available computer

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Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings

Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings


Bridging the gap between the conceptual approach and computer analysis,

Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings:

Steel and Composite Construction integrates the design aspects of steel and composite buildings in one volume.


Using conceptual thinking and basic strength of material concepts as foundations, the book shows engineers how to use imperfect information to estimate the answer to larger and more complex design problems by breaking them down into more manageable pieces.

Written by an accomplished structural engineer, this book discusses the behavior and design of lateral load-resisting systems; the gravity design of steel and composite floors and columns; and methods for determining wind loads.

It also examines the behavior and design of buildings subject to inelastic cyclic deformation during large earthquakes—with an emphasis on visual and descriptive analysis – as well as the anatomy of seismic provisions and the rehabilitation of seismically vulnerable steel buildings.


Frantisek Wald – Benchmark cases for advanced design of structural steel connections

Frantisek Wald – Benchmark cases for advanced design of structural steel connections


The CBFEM (component-based finite element model) is a new method to analyze and design connections of steel structures. The design focused CM (component model) is compared to FEM (finite elements models).

The publication introduces Benchmark Cases for Validation and Verification procedures of structural steel joints. The hierarchy of the System response quantity is prepared for welded and bolted connections as well as for column bases.

Each Benchmark Case starts with the task description and includes results of prediction by the analytical model according to EN 1993-1-5, references to experiments, validated model and numerical experiments, results of prediction by design Finite Element Analyses described in terms of global behavior and verification of resistance.

At the end of the publication, the reader may check his calculation on Benchmark cases prepared for the particular joint. Finite Element Analyses is a current step in design of steel connections, which allows to predict the generally loaded joints with a complex geometry with the same efficiency and accuracy as the traditionally designed connections based on the best engineering practice. Implementation of the FEA models for the structural steel detailing creates the qualitative step as we may see in other areas of engineering.

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