Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures

Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures


Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures has been the cement and concrete industry’s primary reference on concrete technology for over 85 years. Since the first edition was published in the early 1920s, the U.S. version has been updated 15 times to reflect advances in concrete technology and to meet the growing needs of architects, engineers, builders, concrete producers, concrete technologists, instructors, and students.

This fully revised 15th edition was written to provide a concise, current reference on concrete, including the many advances that occurred since the last edition was published in 2002. The text is backed by over 95 years of research by the Portland Cement Association. It  reflects the latest information on standards, specifications, and test methods of ASTM International (ASTM), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the American Concrete Institute (ACI).

Concrete’s versatility, durability, sustainability, and economy have made it the world’s most widely used construction material. The term concrete refers to a mixture of aggregates, usually sand, and either gravel or crushed stone, held together by a binder of cementitious paste. The paste is typically made up of portland cement and water and may also contain supplementary
cementing materials (SCMs), such as fly ash or slag cement, and chemical admixtures Understanding the basic fundamentals of concrete is necessary to produce quality concrete. This publication covers the materials used in concrete and the essentials required to design and control concrete mixtures for a wide variety of structures.


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Quality Management in Construction Projects

Quality Management in Construction Projects


Quality is a universal phenomenon that has been a matter of great concern throughout recorded history. It was always the determination of builders and makers of products to ensure that their products meet the customer’s desire.

With the advent of globalization and the competitive market, the emphasison quality management has increased. Quality has become the most important single factor for the survival and success of today’s companies.

Customer demands for better products and services at the lowest possible costs have put tremendous pressure on firms to improve the quality of products, services, and processes to compete in the market and improve business results.

It became important that construction projects be more qualitative, competitive,and economical to meet owner’s expectations.

Construction projects have the involvement of many participants including the owner, designer, contractor, and many other professionals from construction-related industries.

Each of these participants is involved in implementing quality in construction projects. These participants are both influenced by and depend on each other in addition to “other players”

involved in the construction process. Therefore, the construction projects have become more complex and technical, and extensive efforts are required to reduce rework and costs associated with time, materials, and engineering.


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Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development

Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development

Project management has come a long way since its modern introduction to construction
projects in the late 1950s. Now, it is an established discipline which executively
manages the full development process, from the client’s idea to funding coordination
and acquirement of planning and statutory controls approval, sustainability, design
delivery, through to the selection and procurement of the project team, construction,
commissioning, handover, review, to facilities management coordination.

This Code of Practice positions the project manager as the client’s representative,
although the responsibilities may vary from project to project; consequently,
project management may be defined as ‘the overall planning, co-ordination and
control of a project from inception to completion aimed at meeting a client’s
requirements in order to produce a functionally and financially viable project that
will be completed safely, on time, within authorised cost and to the required
quality standards’.

The fifth edition of this Code of Practice is the authoritative guide and reference to the
principles and practice of project management in construction and development. It
will be of value to clients, project management practices and educational establishments
and students, and to the construction and development industries. Much of
the information contained in the Code of Practice will also be relevant to project
management practitioners operating in other commercial spheres.
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Railway Geotechnics

Railway Geotechnics

Railway Geotechnics is written by four colleagues who studied at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in an academic program advised by Professor Ernest T. Selig.

Our collective time at the university spanned over a decade, during which we were individually inspired by Professor Selig to work on and further advance the subject of railway geotechnology, whichhe pioneered and developed into a rigorous field of study.

Since graduation, the aggregate of our professional experience includes railway operations,
consulting, research, and education.

The field of railway geotechnology was in its infancy when we were in our early careers.

Because the engineering behavior of track substructure was not well understood up to that point, perspectives on the causes and cures of substructure instability were often informed by anecdote rather than by verifiable fact. Mystique surrounded the subject in the absence of critical thinking,

often resulting in costly applications of remedial methods that did not address the root causes of track substructure problems.

Advancing the field of railway geotechnology by the writing of this book is a natural step for each of us in our careers.

The book continues the work Track Geotechnology and Substructure Management by Selig and Waters (1994) and provides an update to this field of study so that current railway
engineers and managers have easier access to new and emerging best practices.

During years of writing and discussions, we each had moments that challenged some of our beliefs while we debated the merits of emerging technology and practices.The goal of this book is to provide a better understanding track substructure in order to enable more effective design, construction, maintenance, and management of railway track so as to ensure the vitality of rail transportation.

We hope that this work will prove useful to current railway engineers and managers as well as college students pursuing careers in the field of railway engineering.

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Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions

Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions

Earthquake engineering is an independent scientific discipline that has come into being
along with engineering seismology over the past 100 years and is therefore still evolving,as happens in every new scientific field.

It started as a framework of codified rules for the seismic design of buildings at the begin-
ning of the twentieth century, after the catastrophic San Francisco earthquake of 1906.

This design procedure was based, on one hand,

on a framework of empirical rules for avoiding seismic damage observed in previous earthquakes, and on the other,

on the simulation of the seismic action on a set of lateral forces equal to a percentage of the gravity loads of the building.

This loading pattern constituted one additional load case, the ‘seismic loading’.

The above simulation was based on the fact that the acceleration of the masses of a building
due to earthquake causes inertial lateral forces proportional to the masses of the building,
and in this respect proportional to the gravity loads.

The considerations of earthquake engineering briefly presented above will be adapted and applied in the forthcoming chapters to buildings with a structural system made of reinforced concrete,

which constitute the major part of the building stock of the built environment in developed countries.

The material of this book has been formulated into three main parts:
In the first part, seismic demand issues are examined (Chapters 2 through 6).

More par-ticularly, this part includes at the outset a short overview of basic issues of structural dynamics,

which have been considered of special importance for the comprehension of the material of subsequent chapters.

It also includes the procedure for the determination of the seismic actions and the ductility coefficients.

The description of the acceptable methods for seismic analysis, and the application of the capacity design rules to the seismic effects (internal forces) are included in this part as well.

Finally, the conceptual design of building structural systems is also examined in detail, and guidelines are given for the proper structural system for various types of buildings.

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Principles of Structural Design Wood Steel and Concrete

Principles of Structural Design Wood Steel and Concrete


Buildings and other structures are classified based on the risk associated with unacceptable performance of the structure, according to Table 1.1.

The risk categories range from I to IV, where category I represents buildings and other structures that pose no danger to human life in the event of failure and category IV represents all essential facilities.

Each structure is assigned the highest applicable risk category.

Assignment of more than one risk category to the same structure based on use and loading conditions is permitted.

To safeguard public safety and welfare, towns and cities across the United States follow certain
codes for design and construction of buildings and other structures.

Until recently, towns and cities modeled their codes based on the following three regional codes, which are normally revised at 3-year intervals:

1. The Building Officials and Code Administrators National Building Code
2. The Uniform Building Code
3. The Standard Building Code


The book is appropriate for an academic program in architecture, construction management,
general engineering, and civil engineering, where the curriculum provides for a joint coursework in wood, steel, and concrete design.

The book has four sections, expanded into 17 chapters. Section I, comprising Chapters 1
through 5, enables students to determine the various types and magnitude of loads that will be acting on any structural element and the combination(s) of those loads that will control the design.

ASCE 7-10 has made major revisions to the provisions for wind loads. In Section I, the philosophy of the load and resistance factor design and the unified approach to design are explained.

Wood design in Section II from Chapters 6 through 8 covers sawn lumber, glued laminated
timber, and structural composite or veneer lumber, which are finding increased application in wood structures.

The NDS 2012 has modified the format conversion factors and has also introduced some
new modification factors.

First, the strength capacities in accordance with the NDS 2012 for tensile, compression, and bending members are discussed and the basic designs of these members are performed.

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Steel Design 5th Edition

Steel Design 5th Edition

Steel Design, Fifth Edition covers the fundamentals of structural steel design for buildings.
This book is intended for junior-and senior-level engineering students, although some of the later chapters can be used in a combination undergraduate/graduate course.
Practicing civil engineers who need a review of current practice and the
current AISC Specification and Manual will find the book useful as a reference.
Students should have a background in mechanics of materials and analysis of statically determinate structures.
Knowledge of statically indeterminate structural analysis is not a prerequisite for the use of this book.
Structural design is a complex endeavor, involving the synthesis of many processes.
This book does not cover the integrated design of buildings, but presents some of the “building blocks” for structural steel design.
We focus on the analysis and design of individual members and connections, rather than complete structures.
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Graitec OMD 2018

Graitec OMD 2018


Depuis sa commercialisation en 1993, Graitec OMD s’est imposé comme le logiciel de référence pour la conception et le dessin de bâtiments en béton armé. A partir d’un module 3D de bâtiment composé de dalles, poutres, poteaux, voiles et fondations, Arche analyse la stabilité globale de l’ouvrage et produit automatiquement tous les plans de ferraillage. Le logiciel Arche se distingue avant tout par les innovations techniques qu’il met en œuvre : pré-dimensionnement de la structure, calculs de descente de charges et de contreventement mixant méthode traditionnelle et modélisations numériques sophistiquées, production automatique des plans de ferraillage des éléments de structures suivant différentes normes, notamment les EC0, EC1, EC2 et EC8.

Melody automatise le dimensionnement et la vérification des profilés et des attaches pour les portiques, les planchers ou les chemins de roulement. Melody produit également des métrés, des estimatifs et des notes de calcul complètes en quelques minutes.

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Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

This book has the following objectives:
1. T o explain the fundamentals of the subject from theory to practice in a logical way
2. T o be comprehensive an d mee t th e requirements o f undergraduate students
3. T o serve as a foundation course for graduate students pursuing advanced knowledge in the subject

There are 21 chapters i n this book. The first chapter trace s the historical background o f the
subject and the second deals with the formation and mineralogical composition o f soils.

Chapter 3 covers th e inde x properties an d classification of soil. Chapters 4 and 5 explain soi l permeability , seepage, an d th e effec t o f water on stress conditions in soil .

Stresses developed in soil due to imposed surface loads , compressibility and consolidation characteristics , and shear strength characteristics o f soil are dealt with in Chapters 6,7 , and 8 respectively. The first eight chapters develop the necessary tools for computing compressibility an d strength characteristics o f soils.

Chapter 9 deals with methods for obtainig soil samples in the field for laboratory tests and for constructed on an outcrop of sound rock, no foundation is required. Hence, in contrast to the
building itself which satisfies specific needs, appeals to the aesthetic sense, and fills its
matters with pride, the foundations merely serve as a remedy for the deficiencies of whatever
whimsical nature has provided for the support of the structure at the site which has been
selected. On account of the fact that there is no glory attached to the foundations, and that
the sources of success or failures are hidden deep in the ground, building foundations have
always been treated as step children; and their acts of revenge for the lack of attention can be
very embarrassing.
The comments made by Terzaghi are very significan t an d shoul d b e take n not e o f by all
practicing Architects an d Engineers. Architects or Engineers who do not wish to make use of the growing knowledge of foundation design are not rendering true service t o their profession. Since substructures are as important as superstructures, persons wh o are well qualified in

the design ofsubstructures should always be consulted an d the old proverb tha t a ‘stitc h i n time save s nine ‘ should always be kept in mind.

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