A Studio Approach 2020 inclouding with Sap2000 Applications Free PDF

A Studio Approach 2020 inclouding with Sap2000 Applications Free PDF


Structural engineering has an intellectually rich and aesthetically pleasing tradition of blending design
and analysis.

The goal of this book is to reinvent this rich tradition with the hope of nurturing the growth of the next generation of practicing engineers and architects. Today, we have a tremendous opportunity to link design, analysis and computational thinking in a single, cohesive, graphical approach to structures.

Today, we can truly integrate structure into architecture, in a way that was intuited by brilliant designers of the past. Sophisticated programmable 3D computer graphics open up a new worldview, one which allows students to see how mathematical knowledge can be used to solve architectural design problems.

Linking parametric modeling, with graphical techniques of structural analysis and with prototype model construction, will deeply impact the designers of the next generation.


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What are Rivet Connections?

What are Rivet Connections?


Rivets are non threaded fasteners that are usually manufactured from steel or aluminium. They consist of a preformed head and shank, which is inserted into the material tobe joined and the second head that enables the rivet to function as a fastener is formedon the free end by a variety of means known as setting.

A conventional rivet before and after setting is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Fig.1 Conventional rivet before and after setting

Rivets are widely used to join components in aircraft (e.g. see Fig.2) boilers, ships and boxes and other enclosures. Rivets tend to be much cheaper to install than bolts and the process can be readily automated with single riveting machines capable of installing thousands of rivets an hour.

Fig 2. Two historical examples of the use of rivets on the Lockheed Electra and RB211engine nacelle.

Rivets can be made from any ductile material such as carbon steel, aluminium and brass. A variety of coatings are available to improve corrosion resistance. Care needs to be taken in the selection of material and coating to avoid the possibility of corrosion by galvanic action.

In general a given size rivet will be not as strong as the equivalent threaded fastener.

The two main types of rivet are tubular and blind and each type are available in amultitude of varieties. The advantage of blind rivets (Fig.3) is that they require access to only one side of the joint.

Fig 3. An example of the application of a closed end blind rivet

A further type of rivet with potentially many over-all advantages, from the production perspective, is the self-piercing rivet that does not require a predrilled hole. The rivet is driven into the target materials with high force, piercing the top sheets and spreading outwards into the bottom sheet of material under the influence of an upsetting die to form the joint.

Factors in the design and specification of rivets include the size, type and material for the rivet, the type of joint, and the spacing between rivets.

There are two main types of riveted joint: lap-joints and butt-joints(Fig.4).

In lap joints the components to be joined overlap each other, while for butt joints an additional piece of material is used to bridge the two components to be joined which are butted up against each other.

Rivets can fail by shearing through one cross-section known as single shear, shearing through two cross-sections known as double shear, and crushing. Riveted plates can fail by shearing, tearing and crushing.

A Brief History Of IFC Format

A Brief History Of IFC Format


IFC or Industry Foundation Classes is a global standard for describing, sharing and exchanging information on building and facility management.

To encourage interoperability between BIM applications from several companies it was created the IFC format, specified and developed by buildingSMART.

The IFC format is a repository of data for open building semantic information object, including geometry, properties and relationships to facilitate :

  • the interdisciplinary coordination during the construction of the information models, including design disciplines as architecture, structural or services, as well as during the construction phase;
  • the data sharing and exchange between IFC applications;
  • the transference and reuse of data for analysis and other further tasks.


The IFC initiative began in 1994 when Autodesk started to develop a set of C ++ classes that could support the development of integrated applications. Twelve other American companies have joined the initiative, initially defined as the Alliance for Interoperability.

In 1997, the name was changed to International Alliance for Interoperability due to the integration of more international companies. This new alliance was reconstituted as a non-profit organization with the goal of developing the IFC as a neutral product for the architectural, engineering and construction industry.

The designation of this initiative was again changed to buildingSMART in 2005.

In 1997 it was launched the first version of the IFC format. Over the years, the IFC format has been improved and new versions have been released.

The improvements are based not only on the optimization of the various features previously supported by the format, but also in increasing the variety of information supported.

As an example, just after the IFC 2×2 version it was possible to transfer structural designs, once BIM modules applications dedicated to the structure design have arisen later. However, only in the latest release, IFC 2×4, it became possible, for example, transfer via IFC modeled reinforcement on construction elements, such as walls or slabs.

The IFC schema is constantly evolving. The current version, released in 2013, is IFC 4 (the prior releases were labelled as 1.0, 1.5, 1.51 and then 2x, 2×2, 2×3).


What are Truss Structures?

What are Truss Structures?


A truss is a special type of structure renowned for its high strength- to- weight and stiffness- to- weight ratios.

This structural form has been employed for centuries by designers in a myriad of applications ranging from bridges and race car frames to the International Space Station.Trusses are easy to recognize: lots of straight slender struts joined end- to- end to form a lattice of triangles, such as the bridge in Fig.1.


Fig.1 Truss bridge in Interlaken, Switzerland

In large structures, the joints are often created by riveting the strut ends to a gusset plate as shown in Fig.2.

A structure will behave like a truss only in those regions where the structure is fully triangulated; locations where the struts form other polygonal shapes (e.g., a rectangle) may be subject to a loss of stiffness and strength.

Fig.2 Joint formed by riveting a gusset plate to converging members

The special properties of a truss can be explained in terms of the loads being applied to the individual struts. Consider the three general types of end loadings shown in Fig.3 tension, compression, and bending.

If you were holding the ends of a long thin steel rod in your hands and wanted to break it or at least visibly deform it, bending would be the way to go. Thus, if we could eliminate bending of the struts as a potential failure mode, the overall strength and stiffness of the truss would be enhanced.

Fig.3 Different end loading possibilities. The dashed represents the deformed shape produced by the applied forces

This is precisely the effect of the truss geometry on the structure, as the stiff triangular lattice serves to keep any bending induced in the struts to a minimum.

Highway Engineering – Pavement, Materials ans Control Of Quality Free PDF

Highway Engineering – Pavement, Materials ans Control Of Quality Free PDF


Highway engineering is the term that replaced the traditional term road engineering used in the past, after the introduction of modern highways. Highway engineering is a vast subject that involves planning, design, construction, maintenance, and management of roads, bridges, and tunnels for the safe and effective transportation of people and goods.

This book concentrates on the design, construction, maintenance, and management of pavements for roads/highways. It also includes pavement materials since they are an integral part of pavements. It has been written for graduates, postgraduates as well as practicing engineers and laboratory staff and incorporates the author’s 30 years of involvement in teaching, researching, and practicing the subject of highway engineering.

Content :
  • Soils
  • Aggregates
  • Bitumen, bituminous binders and anti-stripping agents
  • Laboratory tests and properties of bitumen and bitumen emulsion
  • Hot asphalts
  • Cold asphalts
  • Fundamental mechanical properties of asphalts and laboratory tests
  • Production, transportation, laying, and compaction of hot mix asphalt
  • Quality control of production and acceptance of asphalts
  • Layers of flexible pavement
  • Methods determining stresses and deflections
  • Traffic and traffic assessment
  • Flexible pavement design methodologies
  • Rigid pavements and design methodologies
  • Pavement maintenance rehabilitation and strengthening
  • Pavement evaluation and measurement of functional and structural characteristics
  • Pavement management
  • Pavement recycling

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