Influence line diagrams spreadsheet

Influence line diagrams spreadsheet



Influence line diagrams spreadsheet calculates influence line diagrams for bending moments in a single span or continuous multi-span beam using the moment distribution method.


  1. Enter data in the yellow cells only.
  2. Enter the Span Length for each span. Any number of spans may be analysed up to a maximum of 10. Any of the 10 spans not used will be removed when the “Calculate Critical Points” button is clicked . (Note: The print-out for more than 8 spans requires the paper orientaton to be set to ‘Landscape’).
  3. Enter Modulus of Elasticity (E) multiplied by the Second Moment of Area (I) for each span. Relative values of EI may be used, for example, if the beam is of the same material and cross section throughout then a value of 1 may be entered for EI for each span.
  4. Select the End Support Conditions (Fixed or Pinned) by clicking the option buttons.
  5. Click the “Calculate Critical Points” button to analyse the beam to determinine the position of the maximum sagging moment in each span and the position of the load to give the maximum hogging moments at each supprt. The results are displayed in a drop-down menu labelled “Moments”.
  6. Select the position of the Influence Line you require from the drop-down menu which will be displayed on the graph below. If you require an Influence Line for any other position on the beam then select “User Defined” from the menu and enter the distance of the required position from the left hand end of the beam.
  7. The ‘Areas’ shown are the individual areas of the influence line diagram numbered in sequence from left to right as shown:
  8. If a value of the influence line diagram is required at a specific distance along the structure then click the ‘Find Value’ button. The distance is measured from the left hand end of span 1.

* Influence Line Diagrams download link provides freeware version of the software.


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Pile Cap Design Spreadsheet to BS 8110:1997

Pile Cap Design Spreadsheet to BS 8110:1997


Pilecap Design is a spreadsheet for the design and detailing of reinforced concrete pilecaps. Caps for two, three, four, five and six pile groups are catered for standard reinforcement detail drawings can be printed and bar scheduling to BS 8666:2000 can be produced.

The spreadsheet has been created by Rod Webster, principal author of the Reinforced Concrete Council’s spreadsheets.


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Welds in shear, bending, torsion and axial loading spreadsheet

Welds in shear, bending, torsion and axial loading spreadsheet


WeldCalc is an Excel Template for the design of weld groups having any configuration of multi-linear weld lengths in an x-y plane.  It uses the elastic method to analyse weld groups subjected to simultaneous tension, compression, shear, bending and or torsion in x, y and z directions.   If present, it takes into account the influence of unsymmetrical bending in its analysis.

WeldCalc analyses any configuration of multi-linear weld lengths in an X-Y plane.  The loads can be shear, moment, torsion and axial applied simultaneously.

WeldCalc calculates the induced stress at each node and identifies the node most highly stressed.  It also calculates the magnitude of load resisted by each length of weld in the x, y and z direction.

A weld group can have up to 30 Nodes or 29 weld lengths.  The line of weld lengths can be continuous or discontinuous.  Each continuous series of weld lengths is termed as a Part and it is given a reference number starting from 1 onwards.  A weld group can have up to 15 parts connecting 30 nodes in any pattern.

WeldCalc is supplied as an Excel Template, having .XLT as its filename extension.

You can use WeldCalc by opening its file directly or copying it into the Microsoft Office folder for its Templates.  Consult Microsoft Office documentation for the path to this folder.

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AASHTO Steel Tunnel Liner Plate spreadsheet

AASHTO Steel Tunnel Liner Plate spreadsheet

Smooth-back tunnel liner plate in soft ground



To design an initial liner for a tunnel using steel liner plate.

Hoop thrust capacity of the liner is checked for a specified overburden pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and live load pressure, which consists of either AASHTO H-20 Truck Loading or Cooper E-80 Train Loading (Per AREMA).

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  • Surrounding ground consists of granular or cohesive soil (Not rock)
  • Tunnel support is 2-flange or 4-flange, smooth-back liner plate.
  • Liner plate joints (flanges) are non-compact (not slender)

Boring Logs spreadsheet

Boring Logs spreadsheet


Boring Logs spreadsheet is a sample spreadsheet for boring log which is very helpful for Geotechnical Engineers. Borehole logs are used to display the results of oil and gas, mining, geotechnical and environmental drilling and sampling. Logs can be used to display soil and rock samples.

Calculation Reference


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Immediate Pad Footing Settlement spreadsheet

Immediate Pad Footing Settlement spreadsheet

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Immediate Pad Footing Settlement spreadsheet calculates the immediate settlement of a pad footing given size and soil modulus. Based on equations in “Bowles : Foundation Analysis and Design Fifth addition international,Foundation Settlements pg303 Immediate Settlement Computations”

Calculation Reference
Bowles : Foundation Analysis and Design



Bridge Design Assessment Spreadsheet

Bridge Design Assessment Spreadsheet


Bridge Design Assessment spreadsheet will guide you through to calculate various MEXE Analysis and bridge related calculations.

This spreadsheet has been specially organized in accordance with calculate the capacity of a masonry arch using the modified MEXE process.


  • Put data in the yellow cells only. Factors may also be selected from the factor description.
  • Symbols and factors are as described in the DMRB Standard BA16/97 Chapter 3.

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Beams on Elastic Foundation spreadsheet

Beams on Elastic Foundation spreadsheet


Beams on Elastic Foundation is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis a finite length beam with free ends supported continuously on an elastic foundation.
This program is ideally suited for analyzing a soil supported beam, a combined footing, or a strip of a slab or a mat.
Specifically, the beam shear, moment, deflection, and soil bearing pressure are calculated for 100 equal beam segments, as well as the maximum values. Plots of both the shear, moment, and soil bearing pressure diagrams are produced, as well as a tabulation of the shear, moment, deflection, and bearing pressure for the beam. This program is a workbook consisting of three (3) worksheets, described as follows:
  1. Doc – documentation sheet
  2. Beam on Elastic Fdn. (English) – Beam on elastic foundation analysis (English units)
  3. Beam on Elastic Fdn. (metric) – Beam on elastic foundation analysis (metric units)

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