Construction Project Dashboard Excel Template

Construction Project Dashboard Excel Template



Every project manager needs a predetermined road map for following his/her own and the team’s progress with the project. The team can refer to this document which may be in the form of a spreadsheet. This also helps them follow their targets, keep up with the pace, create projections and assignments. These elements are made available in such a template.

Templates are easily available for free these days. A project manager can find a huge variety of such project management templates and can choose one on the basis of its suitability to the project.

A place where all the mentioned charts can be viewed easily is essential for a project. The project management dashboard provides this platform. This dashboard gives all the information in one single view.

Charts like issues, project budget, project risk, Gantt chart, to do lists are present for a project manager on the dashboard. The project manager can then take a glance at the charts with ease and dive deep into the ones he feels necessary.

The dashboard is applicable or rather essential for all the types of projects. It is, in fact, a must for the project lead to carry out his job with efficiency.



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Individual Risk Dashboard (Excel Template)

Individual Risk Dashboard (Excel Template)



Risk can’t be eliminated. Organizations, therefore, need to manage all the factors that increase & reduce those risks so that they can pursue a strategic advantage at minimum costs.
This includes risk classification which in turn supports better risk management. In view of the definition of risk as an unfavorable event capable of generating a negative sign deviation from a given expected situation, such as a smaller gain or a big loss.

Risk Dashboard Template

Risk dashboard is very important. They may generate in different areas (risk object, such as corporate processes or function), involve different stakeholders or external contacts & represent different levels of danger. From the risks, that today, worry businesses the most there is, for example, reputational risk a type of transversal risk that may exist in different corporate and governance areas, whose impact is potentially very big. Like the reputational risk many other unfavorable events, capable of threatening the achievement of corporate objectives, extend beyond the company’s individual functions & boundaries, thus tending to become difficult to foresee and monitor.
There is a growth of the phenomenon of different risks, which initially manifest themselves inside certain corporate areas but then have their consequences cascading through many other aspects of the internal & external management of the individual business.

Risk Dashboard :

-This Risk Dashboard is useful for creating a risk management plan

-This Risk Dashboard helps in identifying risks

-This Risk dashboard is highly recommended for project managers, risk analyst, planning engineers


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Earned Value Management Excel Template

Earned Value Management Excel Template



EVM integrates project scope, time & costs through periodic measurements of actual cost & work completion.

It views project progress in terms of cost as a function of time against a firm baseline set up at the project start. When the project is originally planned, it is divided into Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) & further sub-divided into work packages.

These work packages are assessed for cost estimates & scheduled in a time sequence. Taken together, WBS, master schedule & cost budgets form the baseline, represented as a graph of planned costs over time. This is the planned value (PV).

It tells how the costs will flow over time as planned. During the project execution, actual costs (AC) & the quantum of work completed are periodically noted.


Earned value Management Formulas

Completion of work is pro-rated to equivalent monetary value based on the budgetary costs for the work packages completed (work-in-progress packages are assessed on % completion).

This is the earned value (EV). These three numbers, i.e. PV, AC, and EV drive the operation of Earned Value Management. In detail, (EV – AC) measures cost performance and (EV – PV) measures schedule performance. When measuring at periodic intervals, EVM focuses on the flow rates of actual cost and completion against the planned cost and completion.

PV, EV, and AC make it possible to compute cost & time variances, as well as extrapolate how much cost & time would be required for project completion.

Simple calculations based on these numbers yield several ratios for project control. Of these, three ratios can be regarded as important: Cost Performance Index (CPI), Schedule Performance Index (SPI)  & Cost Estimate at Completion (CEAC).

By giving historical & forward information about the project, EVM becomes a tool for monitoring & course corrections.

Earned Value Management Excel Template

-This Earned Value Management Excel Template will help you in your project

-This Earned Value Management Excel Template is helpful for creating CPI & SPI


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Risk Register Example

Risk Register Example



When it comes to project management, understanding risk &  knowing how to minimize its impacts (or take full advantage of its opportunities) on your project are essential for success. The Risk Register is important to the management of risk. As risks are identified they should be logged on the register & actions should be taken to respond to the risk.

Risk Managers always try to reduce the likelihood of the risk occurring or the impact if the risk does occur. These responses are documented on the Risk Register & the register should always be reviewed to monitor progress. the Risk Register must be reviewed in every project team meeting. It should certainly be a review at the end of each phase of the project lifecycle. Risk management should be a constant ongoing process with the project team raising risks with the Risk Manager or Project Manager who then logs the risk and identifies actions that can be taken to mitigate the risk. To respond properly to a risk the Risk Manager may need to bring in experts to understand the actions that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of the risk appearing or the impact if the risk does occur.


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Sample CPT Test Result

Sample CPT Test Result



The soil classification, i.e. division into categories and subcategories with pertaining symbols enables understanding of mechanical behavior of soil under the influence of load.

Traditionally, soils were divided according to grain size into noncoherent or coarse-grained soils (gravel and sand), and coherent or fine-grained soils (silt and clay). Non-coherent soils are then categorized based on their relative proportion in the total mass of the soil tested, while coherent soils are categorized according to their plasticity properties. The procedure for describing and labeling of soils is called soil classification.

The world’s most widely known and used soil classification is the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), created through modification of the Airfield Classification System (ACS). Classifications according to the British Soil classification System (BSCS) and the Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) are widely used in Europe [6]. Kovacevic and Juric-Kacunic developed the European Soil Classification System (ESCS) for engineering purposes, which makes use of the soil description and symbols in line with the European standard EN ISO 14688-1.

The system is based on soil classification principles prescribed in EN ISO 14688-2. In order to ensure compliance with the European guidelines for soil description and classification, Kovačević et al. placed emphasis on the need to develop information support for the implementation of ESCS and USCS in order to facilitate their parallel use, i.e. on the need to transfer to and adopt the soil classification that is in line with European guidelines.


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Soil Boring Log Excel Template

Soil Boring Log Excel Template



The boring log is the basic record of almost every geotechnical exploration and provides a detailed record of the work performed and the findings of the investigation. The field log should be written or printed legibly and should be kept as clean as is practical. All appropriate portions of the logs should be completed in the field prior to completion of the field exploration.
A wide variety of drilling forms are used by various agencies. The specific forms to be used for a given type of boring will depend on local practice. Typical boring log, core boring log and test pit log forms endorsed by the ASCE Soil Mechanics & Foundations Engineering Committee.

-Topographic survey data including boring location and surface elevation, and benchmark location and datum, if available.
-An accurate record of any deviation in the planned boring locations.
-Identification of the subsoils and bedrock including density, consistency, color, moisture, structure, geologic origin.
-The depths of the various generalized soil and rock strata encountered.
-Sampler type, depth, penetration, and recovery.
-Sampling resistance in terms of hydraulic pressure or blows per depth of sampler penetration. Size and type of hammer. The height of the drop.
-Soil sampling interval and recovery.
-Rock core run numbers, depths & lengths, core recovery, and Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
-Type of drilling operation used to advance and stabilize the hole.
-Comparative resistance to drilling.
-Loss of drilling fluid.
-Water level observations with remarks on possible variations due to tides and river levels.


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Download KPI Dashboard Excel Template

Download KPI Dashboard Excel Template



Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that shows how effectively a company is achieving key objectives. Organizations use KPIs to evaluate their success in reaching their targets.

Selecting the right KPI will depend on your industry & which part of the business you are looking to track. Each department will use different KPI types to measure success based on specific business goals & targets.

Once you’ve selected your key KPI business metrics, you will want to track them in a real-time reporting tool. KPI can be done using dashboard reporting software, giving your entire organization insights into your current performance.


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Build KPI Dashboard In Excel in 5 minutes


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S-Curve Excel Template

S-Curve Excel Template



S-curve excel template is a great graphical project management tools for planning, monitoring, controlling, analyzing, and forecasting project’s status, progress, & performance. S-Curve shows the progress of work over time and forms a historical record of project trends and variations.S-curve is used for different purposes.

Progress and Performance Evaluation

The most common uses of the S-curve template is in evaluating the progress of projects and performance, especially with the use of Earned Value Management (EVM).

S-curve is generated traditionally within the EVMS process and is the basis for evaluating the project’s progress and performance.

S-Curve Excel Template

-S-Curve Excel Template used for evaluation for the progress of the project

-S-Curve  Template show cumulative cost over time


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Six Sigma Control Plan Dashboard Excel Template

Six Sigma Control Plan Dashboard Excel Template



Six Sigma Control Plan is one of the best methods for documenting the functional elements of quality control that are to be implemented in order to assure that quality standard are met for a particular product or service. The aim of this control plan is to formalize & documentation of the system of control that will be utilized.

Most of the time, the six sigma control plan may include other items like the frequency with which the process is reviewed, verification that the measurement system is capable, typical corrective actions must be taken in the presence of out of control conditions, any requirements for special inspection & history of the process capability measures.

This six sigma control plan is a basic document for quality engineering. One should be able to review the control plan & quickly understand the elements of quality assurance being utilized.

Remember this example is a manufacturing example. The technique can be applied to any process (e.g., services industry, back-office & transactional processes). The team should use a six sigma control plan to be sure that the process does not go back into the ways of the old process.

Six Sigma Control Plan Template:

-The Six Sigma Control Plan will provide predictive information

-The Six Sigma Control Plan consists of procedures and activities necessary for the performance of a process or product


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XBRACING is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analyzing X-braced bents with tension-only systems. From 1-story up to 10-story bents may be analyzed. Specifically, given the bent width, the story heights, and the lateral story loads, all the member (segment) forces are determined, as well as the horizontal and vertical reactions at the supports, and the individual story drifts (horizontal deflections).

This program is a workbook consisting of eleven (11) worksheets, described as follows:

  • Doc – Documentation sheet
  • X(1) – Analysis of 1-story bent with tension-only X-bracing
  • X(2) – Analysis of 2-story bent with tension-only X-bracing
  • X(3) – Analysis of 3-story bent with tension-only X-bracing
  • X(4) – Analysis of 4-story bent with tension-only X-bracing
  • X(5) – Analysis of 5-story bent with tension-only X-bracing
  • X(6) – Analysis of 6-story bent with tension-only X-bracing
  • X(7) – Analysis of 7-story bent with tension-only X-bracing
  • X(8) – Analysis of 8-story bent with tension-only X-bracing
  • X(9) – Analysis of 9-story bent with tension-only X-bracing
  • X(10) – Analysis of 10-story bent with tension-only X-bracing

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program assumes that the vertical bent is fully braced, between every story, utilizing a tension-only X-bracing system.

2. In a tension-only bracing system, one brace is assumed effective in tension while the other brace is assumed to buckle (in compression), requiring the tension brace to take all of the load.

3. This program uses the “Method of Virtual Work” to determine the horizontal deflections at each of the story levels. The horizontal deflection at a particular story level is determined by first applying a “dummy” unit load at that level. Then, the member forces from the unit load are determined. With the member forces due to the applied lateral loads already having been calculated, the horizontal deflection at that story level is:

Dn = S F*u*L/(A*E)

where:Dn = horizontal deflection at particular story level number considered (inches)

F = force in each member due to all applied lateral story loads (kips)

u = force in each member due to unit load applied at paricular story, ‘n’

L = length of each member in bent (inches)

A = area of each member in bent (in.^2)

E = modulus of elasticity of members in bent, all assumed equal (ksi)

The horizontal deflections (story drifts) determined are for the joints at the left side of the bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

* XBRACING download link provides freeware version of the software.


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