Structural and Stress Analysis Theories, tutorials and examples

Structural and Stress Analysis Theories, tutorials and examples

Any material or structure may fail when it is loaded. The successful design of a structure requires detailed structural and stress analysis in order to assess whether or not it can safely support  the required loads.

Figure 1.1 shows how a structure behaves under applied loads.

To prevent structural failure, a typical design must consider the following three major aspects:

1 Strength – The structure must be strong enough to carry the applied loads.
2 Stiffness – The structure must be stiff enough such that only allowable deformation occurs.
3 Stability – The structure must not collapse through buckling subjected to the applied compressive loads.

The subject of structural and stress analysis provides analytical, numerical and experimental
methods for determining the strength, stiffness and stability of load-carrying structural members.


This book is not intended to be an additional textbook of structural and stress analysis for
students who have already been offered many excellent textbooks which are available on the

Instead of going through rigorous coverage of the mathematics and theories, this
book summarizes major concepts and important points that should be fully understood before
students claim that they have successfully completed the subject.

One of the main features of this book is that it aims at helping students to understand the subject through asking and answering conceptual questions, in addition to solving problems based on applying the derived formulas.

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