Why Should Building Products Manufacturer Create BIM Content?

As the construction industry continues to evolve with the constantly growing technology, there are areas within the industry that needs to upgrade them. With that being said, it is building product manufacturers that particularly need to explore the potential of BIM for the growth of their business and gain that competitive edge.

BIM as grown significantly over the past half a decade and is still developing. It entered the industry with design tool for architects and today supports everyone involved in the construction project. Amongst all this changes, building product manufacturers need to reassess their usage of Revit Product data for Revit family creation and make the most of it. Incorporating BIM in the construction supply chain necessarily means every professional on a particular construction project should align themselves.

Why is BIM content creation is more than important for building product manufacturers?

Recently governments of several nations like UK and Singapore have mandated BIM Level 2 for every public construction project. This means that manufacturers of products such as steel stairs, MEP components, facades, furniture, shopfitting, sheet metal enclosures, ducts etc. need to align with the needs of sheet metal contractors. And these sheet metal contractors need to facilitate the general contractors and sub-contractors with the BIM content of the products that they supply for projects.

Thus, an ideal way to get the original and as-is BIM content of any product is from the original manufacturer of the product. BIM Content or Revit Families serve as an excellent project deliverables when supplied to the respective contractor along with the physical predicts. BIM-ready product data templates will ensure a seamless communication channel across the disciplines, cross-teams and during the development of LOD 500, 3D BIM models in Autodesk Revit.

Some of the apparent reasons to use BIM content for building product manufactures and product design engineers are as enlisted:

  • Lack of association of building designs with the manufactured products
  • Lacking control over design data ownership and out of date design data availability
  • Configured and customized products having higher design complexity
  • High monetary investments for to acquire skills for BIM content development

Well-structured digital information

To overcome these roadblocks, the recent focus of manufacturers has been shifted to BIM objects and data templates. These digitized models of frequently used standard components like MEP fixtures, cables, trays, switches, heaters, pumps, valves etc. helps in quick model development and coherent communication between designer, manufacturer, and the installation foremen.

Another advantage of BIM objects is that the manufactures and design engineers say that with the existing standard data, they can now quickly generate other similar objects with little customization. It has happened because of the standard data collected from manufacturers and the ones available online to establish a standardized approach.

Amongst the monetary benefits, it has been surveyed that of the total construction costs of UK about, 40% share is by the building products. This developed a natural attraction to BIM objects for building product design engineers, manufacturers as well as the project managers.

Opportunities to create Revit families/BIM objects

Creating Revit models from scratch for every object is possible but it needs rigorous training with Revit and AutoCAD both. One may have to pre-build each geometry configuration and export it for the manufacturing decisions making and finally maintain it.

Another option is getting BIM data directly from the manufacturer’s website with specifications, pictures, geometrical dimensions etc. By adding an update to native BIM models as product line evolves, helps the BIM expert to gain more specific insights about spatial occupation.

Such an approach aids the contractors to plan and schedule the site activities as per the PERT methods and lean construction techniques to achieve the ultimate aim of efficiency and economy.

Source: www.hitechbimservices.com

More than half of construction firms now using drones to capture data

More than half of construction firms now using drones to capture data


The use of digital/reality capture information from drone technology continues to increase in the UK and Irish construction industries, with 52% of respondents to a new survey now using the technology compared with 33% in 2017.

This increase has been revealed in a poll by aerial mapping, inspection and surveying specialist ProDroneWorx. However, more advanced digital/reality capture outputs continue to be underutilised, the survey found.

ProDroneWorx asked senior figures within the construction, infrastructure and asset inspection markets about their perception, usage and understanding of the digital/reality capture outputs from drone technology. A total of 150 respondents took part across the UK and Ireland.

Construction company Kier said: “The latest ProDroneWorx survey demonstrates how far drone technology has progressed. Kier is working closely with ProDroneWorx on some key projects to realise the benefits from drone technology, including progress capture, 360 photography and photogrammetry.”

Steven Hedley, vice president technical at the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists, said: “As regulation and licencing laws surrounding drone usage tighten, it is imperative that specialist drone operators continue to facilitate the development of drone technology and its integration with Building Information Modelling within our industry to maximise benefits and minimise misuse.”

According to the survey, the top three reasons for adopting the technology are improved data quality (56%), time saving (54%) and the reduction of risk (42%). Interestingly, fewer companies than last year are planning on utilising drone technology in-house, reflecting, perhaps the level of knowledge and expertise needed to deploy them.

However, the findings also demonstrate that drone technology is currently being underutilised. While 74% of respondents are using drone technology for photography and video, fewer than 30% of respondents are using the technology for value-added services such as aerial LiDAR, 3D point clouds, 3D modelling, digital surface/terrain models, orthophotos and thermal imaging.

Ian Tansey, managing director at ProDroneWorx, said: “In a world of very tight margins of about 2% in construction, and an increasingly competitive landscape, the use of digital/reality capture data gives firms a significant competitive advantage over their peers through improved data quality, reduced costs, increased productivity gains and the mitigation of risk”.

Tansey says that digital/reality capture data outputs created from drone technology using photogrammetry and LiDAR are starting to transform traditional business models, helping to reshape the construction, infrastructure and asset inspection markets.

This is happening through the improved management of assets digitally, deeper data insights, better collaboration on projects, improved data deliverables to clients, cost reductions and the reduction of risk.

The survey also found that of the 52% that are currently using drone technology, the majority (45%) have been using it for less than a year, and only 14% of this sub-group have been using the technology for the last three to five years, making them very early adopters

The three main reasons firms are using the technology are:

  • Improved data quality (56%)
  • Time saving (54%)
  • Reduced risk (42%)

Other findings:

  • 74% of those not using the technology plan on using it in future, so usage should continue to increase.
  • Only a small proportion (15%) of firms have no plans to use the technology in the future.
  • Construction firms have two options when it comes to deciding how to incorporate drone technology into their business models and workflow: creating an internal drone unit/function; or using a third party specialist. The vast majority of firms plan on outsourcing the business to third party companies; only 23% of companies plan on using the technology themselves (in-house), down from 28% in 2017.
  • The majority of respondents (78%) were from England, followed by the Republic of Ireland at 11%; a smaller number were from Scotland (7%) and Wales (3%).
  • 26% of respondents were from Construction, 17% Architecture, 17% Civil Engineering, 9% Building Surveying, 7% Surveying and 23% in other sectors.

Source: www.bimplus.co.uk

CAD Vs BIM: Advantages and Disadvantages

CAD Vs BIM: Advantages and Disadvantages


With the advent of computers, the design industry has experienced a never-before revolution. Creating designs on computers has brought about a change in the way the designers and architects work. Different software such as CAD and BIM software aid the design and execution process. However, these professionals often face a dilemma while selecting the appropriate software for their project. It, thus, becomes imperative to understand the benefits offered by CAD and BIM and their disadvantages.

CAD and  BIM Advantages and Disadvantages

CAD Advantages

CAD is a line based approach to design.

  • When it comes to the software price, CAD software is cheaper than the ones for BIM.
  • CAD is easier to learn. 2D drafting skills are enough to produce CAD drawings. Even the 3D CAD model is generated by drawing lines.
  • It is easier to create 2D drawings on CAD as all the process are direct processes. For e.g., if you need to represent a line, you just need to draw a line. In BIM, a line is a product of indirect process e.g. the façade view derived from the 3D model of the window which, in turn, is an assembly of parametric 3D objects.

BIM Advantages

BIM is a model-based approach to design.

  • The greatest advantage of BIM is that it can capture reality in a way that 2D drawings are unable to capture. Availability of various mapping tools, aerial imagery and laser scans of existing infrastructure have made this information to be the starting point of a project. This information can be integrated with the BIM model.
  • It has a multidisciplinary approach to design. A single BIM software can be used to design all the disciplines such as architecture, structure, and MEP. This is achieved by assimilating the design parameters from all the disciplines in the model which results in a better-coordinated design.
  • Synchronization between all the drawings such as plans, elevations, sections, perspective etc. is easier in BIM as all these drawings are extracted from a single model. Any change in the design that is incorporated in the model will automatically result in the updation in all the drawings that are extracted.
  • A lot of labor and time is saved when deriving quantities from BIM model with the use of tools such as element counts, volumes, areas, etc.
  • Simulation tools in BIM software allow designers to visualize various parameters. It also allows the designers and engineers to carry out the detailed analysis with the click of a button.
  • The BIM toolset helps in resolving conflicts between elements of different disciplines that arise in the design. For e.g. it can resolve clashes that arise when an electrical conduit runs into a beam.

BIM offers a number of advantages over CAD. This has prompted the Industry bigwigs to shift to BIM. The possibility of a human error getting carried forward in BIM is negligible. In a nutshell, BIM modeling is a holistic approach to design, development, and maintenance of a building. With the numerous benefits that BIM offers over CAD, BIM modeling is undoubtedly an efficient and intelligent approach.

Collaboration is key: How BIM helps a project from concept to operations

Collaboration is key: How BIM helps a project from concept to operations


Talking about collaboration and delivering a truly collaborative project through the use of BIM are two very different things. Ryan Simmonds of voestalpine Metsec Framing discusses the keys to success

At voestalpine Metsec, we recognise the fact that BIM is more than just a 3D modelling tool for design. BIM, at its core – and done correctly – is an integrated management system that allows 3D design, together with onsite construction and information, that enables handover to operationally manage the client’s facility. Metsec was the first company to achieve BIM Kitemark for design and construction and also for BIM objects.

Within BIM sits key elements for success. Coordination with other team members, or those working on a project, is crucial to ensure nothing is missed, as well as making sure there are no unnecessary duplications. Cooperation is another important area, and one where teams can often fall down through a lack of communication or sharing of vital information.

Together, cooperation and coordination help to contribute to true collaboration, with all parties working together to achieve a single goal and BIM has proved to be an essential tool to allow this approach.

Benefits of collaboration in construction projects

Collaboration is a method that the construction industry has historically struggled to adopt, but one that has been consistently demonstrated to greatly benefit the industry as a whole.

Collaborating on a project from the initial stages brings numerous benefits, including reducing time delays and the need for contingency funds. The appointed design team, contractors, manufacturers and installers all working collaboratively means designs, issues, priorities and construction methods are all agreed upon in the initial stages and fully understood by all parties.

While the theory of collaboration can seem abstract, it is a very real requirement for successful projects. If co-dependent elements of a project are executed in silos with no communication or coordination, projects can hit stumbling blocks.

For example, if the installer of the framing solution on a project has not communicated with the main contractor as to when they are required onsite, the project can either be delayed as the installer is not ready, or alternatively they’ll turn up onsite but not be able to gain access and begin the installation, resulting in wasted days and money.

Similarly, if the framing manufacturer and installer have not cooperated and communicated, the project could be delivered before it’s required, taking up valuable space onsite, or be delayed – again resulting in lost days.

BIM as a collaborative method

However, collaboration needs to go deeper and this is where Building Information Modelling (BIM) is vital. A structured, measured and comprehensive approach to team working, BIM has a fixed set of processes and procedures to guide users and participants how best to employ collaborative methods. Design coordination is an in-depth and involved process and BIM’s regular data exchanges ensure that the whole team is working on the same, and most up-to-date, model.

The notion of BIM is the process of designing, constructing or operating a building, infrastructure or landscape asset using electronic information. In practice, this means that a project can be designed and built using datasets and images digitally, even before the first spade goes in the ground.

Detecting conflict at early stages means they are addressed and resolved promptly and still during the planning stages. Without BIM, issues are often only picked up at major project milestones and at this point they can be difficult and expensive to rectify.

The objective of BIM is to satisfy the three components of a successful project, namely time, cost and quality, by managing the project using an efficient, collaborative and reliable method of work.

Sharing a 3D model with all parties communicates the planned end result in a clear, concise and fully comprehensible way – helping the full project team to understand the requirements and see what they are working towards. The information held within the model can be extracted from within in the form of Cobie files, which is also essential. Within these, if done to Level 2 standard, the manufacturer will host the correct file extensions and product parameters to allow asset management in future years.

However, another crucial element of BIM is the promotion, and adoption, of collaborative working. The digital designs, including product parameters, are shared with all parties to outline the work planned and give everyone the opportunity to fully understand what is proposed and all the requirements, including specifications such as fire and acoustic data. The BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is a critical document as it underpins project integration and is a written plan to bring together all of the tasks, processes and related information.

The BEP should be agreed at the outset and defines what BIM means for the project. It outlines the standards being adopted, outputs required, when these should be supplied and in what format, plus any supporting documentation.

As a working document, the BEP is regularly reviewed and evolves throughout the project, ensuring design teams, suppliers, manufacturers and all other stakeholders have all the relevant information, promoting collaboration between all parties.

The BIM Implementation Plan (BIP) is the blueprint for integrating BIM into an organisation’s working practices. This should align to the objectives and aspirations of the organisation, its business partners, its skill base, levels of investment and the nature and scale of projects that it wishes to undertake now and in the future.

Hosting both of these documents in a centrally coordinated Common Data Environment (CDE) means they can be updated, accessed or extracted at any time throughout the project. Adding all other BIM documents, including the 3D drawings, gives all of those involved in the overall project full visibility and input, promoting a collaborative approach throughout.


Talking about collaboration and delivering a fully collaborative project through the use of BIM are two very different things, and will have very different outcomes when it comes to a construction project.

While there have been moves to adopt a more collaborative approach, using BIM ensures that all stakeholders are consulted at all stages throughout the project and that the most up-to-date documents are hosted in one central location, reducing errors in file versions or timing plans.

In addition, the use of BIM means that a design and build is fixed from a certain, agreed point onwards, removing the need for additional contingency budget or project delays due to unplanned changes caused by a lack of communication, coordination, cooperation or collaboration.


Source: www.pbctoday.co.uk

High Tech for Hard Hats

High Tech for Hard Hats


A Caterpillar dozer can weigh up to100 tons of steel, powered by over 800 horsepower behind a 12-foot wide blade. It moves dirt—tons of it—literally leveling hills, making roadways, sites for campuses, skyscrapers. Armored dozers have been used in war, destroying berms that were made to guard against the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Nothing in their way stood a chance. It was the modern-day rendition of Hannibal’s elephants. You’d expect the operator of anything so potentially devastating to be paying very close attention to where the machine is heading. But look at a modern construction site, and you would probably see the operator absorbed in his Android tablet.

Relax. He’s not watching videos on Hulu. What he’s watching can greatly accelerate the pace of a construction project, reduce use of materials, and provide precision from a machine that belies its size.

The tablet in question (a TD250) is like one you might buy, except it can withstand the bumps and grinds of a construction site—the shock, vibration, and rough terrain. “An iPad just won’t cut it,” says Martin Wagener, expert of Trimble’s precise positioning on dozers (his official title is Worldwide Product Implementation manager, Civil Engineering at Trimble). The specially-ruggedized Android tablet ($3K replacement cost) can be seen in bright sunlight. It can also take a wider range of temperature extremes.

“One is made for watching videos in my living room,” says Martin. “The other is made for work.”

A Trimble TD250, left, is part of the retrofit Earthworks system for dozers. It is displayed at Dimensions 2018, Trimble’s bi-annual user meeting. Picture it rigidly mounted inside the dozer cabin.


A properly outfitted dozer, with sensors on its blade, is relaying its exact position and orientation to the tablet 20 times a second to the TD250 tablet as it scrapes the ground. Let’s combine what the blade is seeing to the graded surface model (the final product) and the operator will know exactly if the blade is digging too deep, not enough, or if it is on the right path—and let the operator make adjustments.

“We don’t expect dozer operators to take classes to have to learn how to use Earthworks,” says Martin. Indeed, the Earthwork app does seem to be drop-dead easy to use.


The perfect pit. Excavator bucket position being precisely controlled by Trimble Earthworks for Utah-based Rock Structures; the company has said the Earthworks system prevented over digging and reduced spending on fill-in material. (Picture courtesy of Trimble.)


A more evolved version of the Trimble Earthworks system will be able to control the blade by itself, rather than rely totally on a human operator.

Trimble Earthworks for dozers was introduced last year. More recent is Earthworks for excavators. Sensors on the bucket and arm of the excavator feed into the tablet, which shows the digging against the construction model.

“I can control a grade to within 3/10 of an inch,” one operator is quoted as saying in a Trimble case history. The software is said to prevent the bucket from exceeding the limits of the dig, as governed by the 3D construction model. Machine operators who used to over dig can now dig more precisely. The same excavation says their newfound ability to dig as needed but not a shovelful more has helped save cost of material. “We use half the gravel to fill in the hole now as we did before,” he says.

Guiding a giant machine to move one pebble without touching the one next to it involves a sequence of technologies. Satellite data (GPS) provide the position, in this case to the sensors on the earthmovers, for the right street address. Triangulation between cell towers will put the excavator buckets and dozer blades within feet of the target. Zeroing in on the final fractions of an inch comes with lasers and IMUs (inertial measuring units). An IMU—now commonly found in smart phones—can tell where they are even without a signal.

Super precise positioning seems to be Trimble’s forte. The company, founded by Charley Trimble in 1978, has prided itself as being the surveyor’s favorite, its line of sight surveying equipment the gold standard of the industry. The company has reinvented itself with each wave of technological advances, embracing lasers, point clouds, drones and design software. It’s acquisition of SketchUp alone has vaulted it to the lead in number of 3D CAD users. Whatever can be used to locate precisely on Earth—whether the technology uses satellites, cell towers, lasers or IMUs—count on Trimble to be on top of it.


Sensors on the dozer blade provide XYZ position, plus rotation on all 3 axes.

Source: www.engineering.com

The extension of the BIM domain

The extension of the BIM domain


The BIM (Building Information Model), we hear a lot about it and we think we know what it is. It’s about Building, therefore construction, about Information, therefore data, and Modeling, that is design, therefore appearance.

At least that’s the only thing this acronym tells us.

As for going beyond the raw meaning of the acronym, it is a very different matter. But what exactly is it about? Is BIM really new to start with?

Wikipedia, which can be taken at face value because it has so many observers on the lookout for the slightest failure, tells us this: “Architect Phil Bernstein, a consultant at Autodesk, was the first to use the term BIM for “Building Information Modelling.”

It therefore appears that the term was originally used in the field of architecture. But would it be possible that we did BIM before BIM without knowing it?

This is quite possible because, any religious consideration aside, it is not the name that creates the thing.

Mechanical design disciplines have long been modelling 3D objects to mimic reality by representing static and dynamic properties and doing BIM without saying it. The faithful 3D representation of reality, associated with what is called PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) is very similar to what is called BIM. Purists will tell me no, but all the basics were already there.

The BIM concept is therefore not new, far from it. What is new is the extension of its domain. No one knows exactly where the boundaries of this field lie at the moment, for two reasons: no one has explored them yet, and would have they done so, they would change every day.

The BIM is at the hinge of two worlds. The real world and the digital world. Your computer is also at the crossroads of two worlds. A vinyl record, which is not new, is also at the hinge of two worlds, it is both a material and totally immaterial object since it is capable of reproducing music. Magic.

If we are only at the beginning in the field of BIM in architecture and infrastructure, it is easy to imagine where BIM will take us. It will lead us into a parallel world, that of a digital world that no longer represents reality, but reproduces it.

We are only in the early stages. We are currently ecstatic when we see a digital model on a computer screen, but these are only simplified objects, modelled in 3D, static, to which we have attached some poor properties. The future is not there, the future is in the complete digital reproduction of the real world not as it is at a particular moment, but as it will be at all times in the future (and was in the past). A building is a living thing, it gets old, it gets damaged, it is sometimes rebuilt (not yet by itself but we will come to it, yes it will…). It is this life of buildings and infrastructures that in the future we will reproduce electronically with all the necessary realism so that we can no longer distinguish between the real and the artificial.

Some video games have already made good progress in this direction. And in video games there are characters. There will naturally be some in the BIM in architecture and city planning. Autodesk software, for example, that simulates crowd movements, will be integrated into these building models, but much more than that, we will reproduce the way human beings work, their thinking, their behaviour, their mistakes, too, to make them live in this artificial world. This already exists in an embryonic way in some video games. Humanoid robotics will join the BIM.

Finally, digital artificial reality will be far superior to reality since, in addition to visually and functionally reproducing it, it will add databases that are missing from reality. A piece of furniture does not know how big it is. A piece of furniture in the world of BIM and artificial reality will know this. BIM will bring intelligence to objects.

It is ultimately a very natural evolution of Humanity. Equipping yourself with increasingly efficient tools is a story that began in prehistoric times. But the characteristic of the digital age is that tools no longer transform only the real but also the representation that we have made of them. I wouldn’t teach anyone who has a teenager at home, that is, on their computer, by saying that the real world, for a teenager, is a vague and strange concept whose necessity they don’t really understand. I’m not sorry about that. In my youth, I would have liked to have lived in this double world.

We will not lack BIM managers. They already have the (two) feet firmly anchored in this second world.

Finally, I’ll let Confucius speak, him who was already responding to critics of BIM 2500 years ago:

When you do something, know that you will have against you, those who would like to do the same thing, those who wanted the opposite, and the vast majority of those who did not want to do anything.


Written by Patrick EMIN – www.Linkedin.com

Can drones be utilized in construction for creating accurate BIM models?

Can drones be utilized in construction for creating accurate BIM models?


Not many years ago, people who thought they were being constantly watched by someone or something were labeled paranoids. But that is not the case right now; times have changed and we live in a world where there are flying cameras watching over human activities. We have seen these flying cameras during sports events, concerts and even during some wedding receptions.

You could call it a plane without a pilot or a flying remote controlled toy camera but how do we define them in a surveying and engineering context? When technically elaborating, they may be identified as tools that capture beneficial digital data and images from a different perspective. These systematic images captured are then used to create a 3D model, point cloud or a Digital Terrain Model (DTM). The DTM statistics are extremely useful for the generation of 3D renderings of any location in a described area and they could come handy for engineers working in various fields like geodesy & surveying, geophysics, and geography.

All this cumulatively contribute to elevated efficiency levels during the different phases of construction engineering. Construction is a one of a kind industry, where even such small gains in efficiency and flexibility can reap billions of savings. With that in mind it’s no real surprise that the engineers are slowly embracing the so called “Drone Revolution”. Now, UAVs are starting to dominate all the 4 stages of Architectural engineering, namely; pre-construction stage, construction stage, post construction stage and finally and most significantly the ongoing safety maintenance stage.

Pre-construction Stage

During preconstruction stage, the project is in its budding stage and the whole design is nourished slowly and carefully by the architects. The paramount activity during this stage is land survey documentation. Drones can provide us with precise and speedy overviews of large sites and high risk areas thereby ensuring that the documentation of land condition is precise. This data can further be used for scheduling and planning of the construction activities which are to happen in the location.

In conventional point cloud methods, there are possibilities of uneven topography due to certain occlusions in the sight, but the bird’s eye vision advantage of drones ensure generation of data across an entire region with the identical consistency in accuracy and density and this data can be even used to create a Building Information Model (BIM) which clearly shows how exactly our building is going to look like after the whole construction process is done, which is very beneficial from the designer’s point of view.

Construction Stage

During the construction stage, there are innumerable difficulties to be dealt with. One such difficulty is the proper documentation of the project progress schedule. Usually there would be a site manager traversing around the site capturing photographs at random points and then preparing the whole site report based on these limited photographs. Needless to say the report would be defective and insufficient. But with the introduction of UAVs into the construction industry, a series of high definition aerial shots and videos can be easily captured so as to get a better insight to the progress that has occurred without actually being on-site. The real time data acquired by light detecting sensors mounted on the Drones can help create point clouds or Building Information Models (BIMs) which can be directly fed into Autodesk’s program line such as BIM, Inventor, AutoCAD and Revit for early damage detection procedures, quality management exercises and other asset evaluation techniques. The point clouds or Building Information Models (BIM models) can be further used to retrieve relevant information at the wish and will.

Post Construction Stage

The post construction stage can be just as problematic as the construction stage. Evaluation of high rise buildings and other complex structures are often a tedious task with the naked eye. Inspecting a building roof using UAV multi – rotor system is an economical and secure way than by using conventional methods. Like laser systems, drones can also be used to capture aerial thermal images to locate the potential hot and cold spots in a building but their 4K quality gives them an upper hand over the low quality laser scanned images. This aesthetic dominance the drones have over conventional laser methodologies are certainly a boon while considering a marketing angle as well. There’s undeniably no better way to advertise a new project than a top to down view from a bird’s eye point of view. An engaging walk through project video is a delightful way to introduce key personnel to the project and get them on board.

Ongoing Safety and Maintenance Stage

The role of UAVs in implementing a safe and secure work atmosphere is the one salient feature that stands out and this simply is the reason why drones have become a household name for safety inspectors in large construction sites. Often in multi-million projects, the officer in charge may not always be around and this is where the live video coverage of the drones strike gold. The live feeds can be accessed by the superiors easily even from a remote location, thereby enabling routine asset inspections, fatigue and damage evaluations and condition surveys at all times. Keeping in mind all this, it is no wonder that UAVs are nicknamed the new onsite “BOSS”.

As researches have demonstrated, in the coming years we are undoubtedly to witness drones spearheading the construction industry. With our eyes and ears virtually in the sky, it’s already quite effortless to identify the contradictions in the ongoing process and in addition to that we can know how aesthetically appealing the buildings are coming up. The control and planning aspects of the construction process have also witnessed considerable changes which were practically unfeasible a few years back. The money and time saved with the support of drones are going to be immeasurable in the future. In short,

Drones can be used for:

  1. Land survey and site inspection during pre-construction stage
  2. Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Point cloud scanning
  3. Marketing and promotional photography during and after construction
  4.  Monitoring and tracking onsite activities thereby ensuring accurate work flow
  5. Ensuring routine asset inspections and safety measures at all times

Thus, it is safe to claim that the notion of ‘technology integrated construction’ have advanced by leaps and bounds with the intervention of drones into the construction industry!


Source: http://www.advenser.com/blog/




BIM is currently the making new revelations in the industry, and changing its practices from information sharing to design coordination and from construction management to construction scheduling and cost planning. To general contractors and construction companies, 4D BIM and 5D BIM remain vital functional aspects and utilities of BIM platforms such as Autodesk Revit or BDS.

What is 5D BIM; Definition

5D BIM can essentially be called as the information sharing in full collaboration as in BIM Level 2 for the physical and functional aspect of BIM. While it can also be said to have an additional dimension to the native 4D construction sequencing models – a dimension time along with costs in Common Data Environment (CDE) of BIM.

Cost planning and estimation with 5D BIM modeling involves more project teams of engineers, sub-contractors and stakeholders. It eliminates the concept of working in isolation. The collaborative modeling of Revit BIM platforms also facilitates quick and automatic generation of quantities, accurate design data fetching and BOQs and BOMs when connected with the cost estimation software. It thus opens avenues for the engineers and consultants towards efficient design, timelines and costs.

5D BIM accelerates pre-construction stages

Another major area where 5D BIM has a very profound impact is helping project managers. Estimating accurate quantity takeoffs, measurements, and costs is the most time-consuming process and error-prone task. Up until now, these processes were done manual by calculating the quantity requirements from the blueprints. But with BIM the process has transformed and increased the productivity for contractors as well as quantity surveyors.

5D streamlines the decision making of a building construction project for the owners and chief contractor. They get the ability to see through the changes in CDE of the design models change done by other stakeholders and design teams. The impacts of design changes and its corresponding changes in costs on each model estimates can be envisioned which helps staying on budgets.

Benefits of 5D BIM

A survey by, McKinsey&Company says that, “75% of companies invested in 5D BIM experiences a positive ROI.”

5D BIM technology offers savings on time by subtracting paper trails, down on overhead costs, rowers etc. and facilitates shorter project cycles. Consequently, governments across the UK, Finland & Singapore have mandated BIM for all public infrastructure projects.

The Virtual Design and Construction capabilities of BIM provide a better understanding of building construction project horizon. Specific designs, construction simulation, topography based sequencing, and cost estimation and logical phasing brings a more coherent approach in the over project execution.
Whole of the project team develops an understanding of the proposed design by staying on same page throughout the project tenure, assumptions made, and cost factors. The team then can have brief BIM meetings for the scope, cost, and schedule which directly have an impact on the time saving factor.

Also the data that is fed in real-time will continuously update the model accordingly so that the alternative designs can also be explored. It shortens the project design development cycle and drives more efficiency in designing output. The “what-if” scenarios can also be evaluated objectively and any economical solution will never be missed out.

Furthermore, all the project stakeholders can visualize the building design way before construction breaks the ground and transparency stays onboard all the time. The cloud isn’t only used to back up your phone.

Future of 5D BIM 

5D BIM, in coming times, will essentially drive the construction industry to new heights. With cloud technology, all the project information will be made accessible to all the team, irrespective of their location and time zones. Construction is soaring and cloud technology is equally popular in the industry as much BIM. About 1/3rd of the construction companies use cloud data and information management and sharing today.

Additionally, there are upcoming technologies like Augmented and Virtual reality transforming to mixed reality where holographic displays of the building design model are seen in layered devices. It will particularly help the building construction project in facility construction, maintenance and operations.

Looking at these disruptions, one thing is sure that 5D BIM is growing and will serve as an important link between designing and construction as well as the designs and operations and maintenance stages. There is no stopping now. Coming times for the construction industry are transitional and there will be several profound impacts on the growth as well as efficiency in practices.


Source: https://www.wooloo.org

BIM Level of Detail (LOD) – Get ideas of each stage of a BIM modeling process

BIM Level of Detail (LOD) – Get ideas of each stage of a BIM modeling process


LOD stands for Level of Detailing in BIM. This specification determines the nature of the BIM Model based on the client requirement. It is not always important to detail the model in totality. We can work on need based BIM Models that can differentiate the stages based on the Level of Detailing. Typically a BIM model helps in denoting the amount of details or intricacies for a building.

LOD is the measuring criteria of the utilization of a model. These standards are determined by construction bodies appointed by the Government for effective implementation at different stages.  Architects and Engineers work on BIM projects based on these standards. The standards of LOD for BIM are defined below

  • LOD 100 (Conceptual design/Schematics) – This is the first stage of the construction phase. LOD 100 denotes the design and schematic stage. The details produced with this LOD is just basic massing, lines and 3D geometry. This model will give you an idea of how a building structure will look like in a nutshell. This model will not even have door or window details. Architects and Engineers can use this model for energy modeling purposes too. Software like Revit can be used for basic 3D modeling and Ecotect can be used for energy modeling.
  • LOD 200 (Design Development) – With LOD 200, you can create a presentation model for the client. This presentation model gives an idea of the door window shapes, size, flooring, basic and generic furniture placements etc. The BIM Models exhibit a general design of a building structure. LOD 200 models are an integral part of the Architectural BIM Services which starts with design intent model and can be further upgraded based on different functions.
  • LOD 300 (Detailed Design and Documentation) – Other phases of BIM starts with the LOD 300. The 3D geometry created with LOD 300 indicates that this model is much more than mere presentation. When a client demands LOD 300 model, it means that he intends to use BIM for construction. Clash detection and BIM coordination, Architectural Construction Drawings, 3D Rendering Services etc. all these construction processes require ample level of detailing. In this model, we can use generic as well as parametric Revit families. These models can be used to extract coordinated shop drawings further used for construction.
  • LOD 400 (Construction & Fabrication) – These models basically are a level up than LOD 300. These models have shop details, detailed views of components that can be fabricated. The assemblies are with real time details, that help the Engineers and onsite construction labor to proceed ahead with the installation of specific components. In LOD 300 you come to know about the placements but with this the specific details and parts are developed and can be used to fabricate them through CNC machines.  tconstruction or fabrication and also facilitates them
  • LOD 500 (As Built) – This is the last stage of the BIM Modeling phase. The as-built stage covers the updation of the BIM model with the onsite construction updation. This model is further retained for facility management and renovation of the building at a later stage. These models are leveraged to analyze building efficiency once it gets operational. Scan to BIM Services is another BIM discovery that eliminates manual surveying and drawing creation by scanning the building structure

BIM LOD specification has enabled segregation of the whole BIM modeling and design process in various levels. Is has helped in distributing the work load and ease the way for Engineers, Modelers and other authorize professionals.


Source: https://bimforum.org

Benefits of using BIM Modeling from a contractor stand point

Benefits of using BIM Modeling from a contractor stand point


BIM stands for Building Information Modeling, a virtual design process that delivers a complete 3D geometry loaded with building data like quantities, material information, Revit families etc. for further construction processes. These details can be utilized to present the aesthetics, functionality and building efficiency overall much before they are constructed.  Contractors can take advantage of BIM owing to plenty of other advantages it has to offer. Construction technologies are reinventing themselves year on year with several cloud based software like BIM 360 gaining prominence. These services are providing great opportunity to the contractors to use BIM for the overall construction process. Let us see how virtual construction technology works with the contractors. Adoption of this process is enabling contractors to follow a structured project execution method and project delivery accurate and quicker.

BIM in pre-construction Phase

BIM Modelling is carried out by Architects, Engineers and Contractors to virtually construct the building to understand the overall building functionalities. By working with the Virtual Construction Modeling or “Virtual Design Construction”, contractors can ease their design process and detect design flaws prior to the beginning of the construction process. As we all understand Building Information Modelling works with a collaborative approach and enables every party involved in the design and development process to be in sync with each other. We can achieve

  • Reduced cost and quick delivery
  • Accurate results
  • Design changes
  • Single Model utilization for all phases

 Architects and Contractors are adopting virtual construction modeling for the designing and construction process. This BIM Modelling process nowadays is widely used by contractors to handle complex infrastructure projects too. As we all know Virtual Construction Modelling is much more than just 3D Models and drawings. It gives a great value addition to the entire construction process and brings a simple 2D CAD drawing by adding visual 3d features, building data etc. Information found in the 3D Model generally comes in light only during actual construction. But with the help of BIM Coordination Modelling, lot of critical clashes or interferences that are usually detected during construction is identified during the clash detection process.

Building information modeling facilitates the Contractor by providing a single model with building data that brings all the parties together and reaches an amicable conclusion regarding any design change.

Any construction project is dependent on the ability to work seamlessly within each department. The ability to share, verify and process building data plays a very important role. This is where BIM Modelling comes into play. This process helps in creating a common data sharing tool that helps in the construction process and also after post-construction process. Contractors require complete building data that is usually provided for construction on site. Hence, the contractors would like to receive a 3d model which has got the flexibility to modify and add details as on site. Contractors are also concerned with the after construction stage too. The contractors can also provide any feedback arising during construction, raise change orders and contact the Architects, Engineers and BIM team to directly incorporate changes. Having a smart model helps a contractor in a lot of ways. The contractor can provide As-built modeling services, facility management etc. after the construction is over. The collaborative approach helps all the parties involved in the process with complete building data and project information for all stages.

Once the 3D Model is built with all data and all the processes, this model is handed over to the owner of the building which he can use for the operational management of the building. Any requirement in terms of replacement of components, renovation or retrofit, new design requirements etc. can be easily dealt with in case of an in place BIM Model.

The 3D geometry within the BIM Model, building data and the Revit families depict detailed information such as manufacturer detail, asset tags, locations etc. It gets easier to order the equipment’s in case of any repairs or issues within the building. Since it is a 3d virtual model depicting the building as it would be constructed, it becomes easier to understand the wall penetrations too or interior elements within the wall, ceiling etc.

Apart from contractors, even sub-contractors are an integral part of the entire virtual construction modeling process. Right from BIM Modeling and conducting coordination meetings, they work hand in hand with the contractors. BIM Model is the key information Centre for the entire construction and project team. We can extract Architectural construction drawings, MEP Installation drawings, Revit Families etc. from a single 3d geometrical model and perform constructability reviews, construction scheduling etc. With the help of BIM 360 tool, we can work with real-time changes and updates. Models will be all time updated with all the project progresses and finished items. All the parties are aware of what is going on with the project. Any design changes are communicated uniformly within all parties through BIM 360 tool.

Utilization of Building Information Modeling helps contractors maximize their profitability by working on a turnkey project such as complete installation and facility management services. Building Information Modeling is extremely beneficial to the contractors working turnkey.  These services can be more productive with virtual construction modeling. Most of the issues can be resolved by referring to the completed 3D Model. Intricate information of types of equipment can be found within the Revit families. Owners can get a very fair idea of the maintenance cost during the construction and post-construction phase.

One of the key benefits that contractors avail by opting to work with BIM is the integration of the cost and timeline with the building data. Overall results have achieved great boost and results for all the parties involved in the project.

More and more contractors are now getting into turnkey projects and offering BIM Model as a part of their integrated service delivery model. Builders and stakeholders initially did not find it lucrative, however looking at the amount of assistance this provides post construction they have also begun to use this process.


Source: https://www.kiwibox.com

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