Highway Engineering – Planning, Design and Operation Second Edition Free PDF

Highway Engineering – Planning, Design and Operation Second Edition Free PDF


Highway Engineering: Planning, Design, and Operations, Second Edition, presents a clear and rigorous exposition of highway engineering concepts, including project development and the relationship between planning, operations, safety and highway types.

The book includes important topics such as corridor selection and traverses, horizontal and vertical alignment, design controls, basic roadway design, cross section elements, intersection and interchange design, and the integration of new vehicle technologies and trends.

It also presents end of chapter exercises to further aid understanding and learning. This edition has been fully updated with the current design policies and reference manuals essential for highway, transportation, and civil engineers who are required to work to these standards.

Key Features
  • Provides an updated resource on current design standards from the Highway Capacity Manual and the Green Book.
  • Covers fundamental traffic flow relationships and traffic impact analysis, collision analysis, road safety audits and advisory speeds.
  • Presents the latest applications and engineering considerations for highway planning, design and construction.


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Highway Engineering – Pavement, Materials ans Control Of Quality Free PDF

Highway Engineering – Pavement, Materials ans Control Of Quality Free PDF


Highway engineering is the term that replaced the traditional term road engineering used in the past, after the introduction of modern highways. Highway engineering is a vast subject that involves planning, design, construction, maintenance, and management of roads, bridges, and tunnels for the safe and effective transportation of people and goods.

This book concentrates on the design, construction, maintenance, and management of pavements for roads/highways. It also includes pavement materials since they are an integral part of pavements. It has been written for graduates, postgraduates as well as practicing engineers and laboratory staff and incorporates the author’s 30 years of involvement in teaching, researching, and practicing the subject of highway engineering.

Content :
  • Soils
  • Aggregates
  • Bitumen, bituminous binders and anti-stripping agents
  • Laboratory tests and properties of bitumen and bitumen emulsion
  • Hot asphalts
  • Cold asphalts
  • Fundamental mechanical properties of asphalts and laboratory tests
  • Production, transportation, laying, and compaction of hot mix asphalt
  • Quality control of production and acceptance of asphalts
  • Layers of flexible pavement
  • Methods determining stresses and deflections
  • Traffic and traffic assessment
  • Flexible pavement design methodologies
  • Rigid pavements and design methodologies
  • Pavement maintenance rehabilitation and strengthening
  • Pavement evaluation and measurement of functional and structural characteristics
  • Pavement management
  • Pavement recycling

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Description And Uses Of Bituminous Binders

Description And Uses Of Bituminous Binders


 Bituminous binders can be classified into three general groups: asphalt cement, asphalt cutbacks, and emulsified asphalt.
Blown asphalt and road tars are also other types of bituminous material that now are not used commonly in highway construction.

Asphalt Cements


Asphalt cements are obtained after separation of the lubricating oils. They are semisolid hydrocarbons with certain physiochemical characteristics that make them good cementing agents. They are also very viscous, and when used as a binder for aggregates in pavement construction, it is necessary to heat both the aggregates and the asphalt cement prior to mixing the two materials.

For several decades, the particular grade of asphalt cement has been designated by its penetration and viscosity, both of which give an indication of the consistency of the material at a given temperature. The penetration is the distance in 0.1 mm that a standard needle will penetrate a given sample under specific conditions of loading, time, and temperature.

The softest grade used for highway pavement construction has a penetration value of 200 to 300, and the
hardest has a penetration value of 60 to 70. For some time now, however, viscosity has been used more often than penetration to grade asphalt cements.

Asphalt cements are used mainly in the manufacture of hot-mix, hot-laid asphalt concrete, which is described later in this chapter. Asphalt concrete can be used in a variety of ways, including the construction of highways and airport pavement surfaces and bases, parking areas, and industrial floors. The specific use of a given sample depends on its grade. 

Asphalt Cutbacks


The asphalt cutbacks are slow-curing asphalts, medium-curing cutback asphalts, and rapid-curing cutback asphalts. They are used mainly in cold-laid plant mixes, road mixes (mixed-in-place), and as surface treatments.

Slow-Curing Asphalts

Slow-curing (SC) asphalts can be obtained directly as slow-curing straight run asphalts through the distillation of crude petroleum or as slow-curing cutback asphalts by “cutting back” asphalt cement with a heavy distillate, such as diesel oil.

They have lower viscosities than asphalt cement and are very slow to harden. Slow-curing asphalts usually are designated as SC-70, SC-250, SC-800, or SC-3000, where the numbers relate to the approximate kinematic viscosity in centistokes at 60°C (140°F). Specifications for the use of these asphalts are no longer included in The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials.

Medium-Curing Cutback Asphalts

Medium-curing (MC) asphalts are produced by fluxing, or cutting back, the residual asphalt (usually 120 to 150 penetration) with light fuel oil or kerosene. The term medium refers to the medium volatility of the kerosene-type diluter used. Mediumcuring cutback asphalts harden faster than slow-curing liquid asphalts, although consistencies of the different grades are similar to those of the slow-curing asphalts.

However, the MC-30 is a unique grade in this series as it is very fluid and has no counterpart in the SC and RC series.
The fluidity of medium-curing asphalts depends on the amount of solvent in the material. MC-3000, for example, may have only 20 percent of the solvent by volume, whereas MC-70 may have up to 45 percent. These medium-curing asphalts can be used for the construction of pavement bases, surfaces, and surface treatments.


Rapid-Curing Cutback Asphalts

Rapid-curing (RC) cutback asphalts are produced by blending asphalt cement with a petroleum distillate that will evaporate easily, thereby facilitating a quick change from the liquid form at the time of application to the consistency of the original asphalt cement. Gasoline or naphtha generally is used as the solvent for this series of asphalts.

The grade of rapid-curing asphalt required dictates the amount of solvent to be added to the residual asphalt cement. For example, RC-3000 requires about 15 percent of distillate, whereas RC-70 requires about 40 percent. These grades of asphalt can be used for jobs similar to those for which the MC series is used. Specifications for the use of these asphalts are given in AASHTO’s Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials.


Emulsified Asphalts


Emulsified asphalts are produced by breaking asphalt cement, usually of 100 to 250 penetration range, into minute particles and dispersing them in water with an emulsifier.

These minute particles have like-electrical charges and therefore do not coalesce. They remain in suspension in the liquid phase as long as the water does not evaporate or the emulsifier does not break.

Asphalt emulsions therefore consist of asphalt, which makes up about 55 to 70 percent by weight, water, and an emulsifying agent, which in some cases also may contain a stabilizer.

Asphalt emulsions generally are classified as anionic, cationic, or nonionic. The first two types have electrical charges surrounding the particles, whereas the third type is neutral. Classification as anionic or cationic is based on the electrical charges that surround the asphalt particles.

Emulsions containing negatively charged particles of asphalt are classified as anionic, and those having positively charged particles of asphalt are classified as cationic.

The anionic and cationic asphalts generally are used
in highway maintenance and construction, although it is likely that the nonionics may be used more frequently in the future as emulsion technology advances.

Each of these categories is further divided into three subgroups based on how rapidly the asphalt emulsion returns to the state of the original asphalt cement. These subgroups are rapid-setting (RS), medium-setting (MS), and slow-setting (SS).

A cationic emulsion is identified by placing the letter “C” in front of the emulsion type; no letter is placed in front of anionic and nonionic emulsions. For example, CRS-2 denotes a cationic emulsion, and RS-2 denotes either an anionic or nonionic emulsion.

Emulsified asphalts are used in cold-laid plant mixes and road mixes (mixedin-place) for several purposes, including the construction of highway pavement surfaces and bases and in surface treatments.

Note, however, that since anionic emulsions contain negative charges, they are more effective in treating aggregates containing electropositive charges (such as limestone), whereas cationic emulsions are more effective with electronegative aggregates (such as those containing a high percentage of siliceous material).

Also note that ordinary emulsions must be protected during very cold spells because they will break down if frozen. Three grades of high-float, medium-setting anionic emulsions designated as HFMS have been developed and are
used mainly in cold and hot plant mixes and coarse aggregate seal coats. These highfloat emulsions have one significant property: They can be laid at relatively thicker films without a high probability of runoff.

Specifications for the use of emulsified asphalts are given in AASHTO M140 and
ASTM D977.

Blown Asphalts


Blown asphalt is obtained by blowing air through the semisolid residue obtained during the latter stages of the distillation process.

The process involves stopping the regular distillation while the residue is in the liquid form and then transferring it into a tank known as a converter. The material is maintained at a high temperature while
air is blown through it.

This is continued until the required properties are achieved.
Blown asphalts are relatively stiff compared to other types of asphalts and can maintain a firm consistency at the maximum temperature normally experienced when exposed to the environment.

Blown asphalt generally is not used as a paving material. However, it is very useful  as a roofing material, for automobile undercoating, and as a joint filler for concrete

If a catalyst is added during the air-blowing process, the material obtained usually will maintain its plastic characteristics, even at temperatures much lower than that at which ordinary asphalt cement will become brittle. The elasticity of catalytically blown asphalt is similar to that of rubber, and it is used for canal lining.


Road Tars


Tars are obtained from the destructive distillation of such organic materials as coal.
Their properties are significantly different from petroleum asphalts. In general, they are more susceptible to weather conditions than similar grades of asphalts, and they set more quickly when exposed to the atmosphere. Because tars now are used rarely for highway pavements, this text includes only a brief discussion of the subject.

The American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) has classified road tars into three general categories based on the method of production.

  1. Gashouse coal tars are produced as a by-product in gashouse retorts in the manufacture of illuminating gas from bituminous coals.
  2. Coke-oven tars are produced as a by-product in coke ovens in the manufacture of
    coke from bituminous coal.
  3. Water-gas tars are produced by cracking oil vapors at high temperatures in the
    manufacture of carburated water gas.

Road tars also have been classified by AASHTO into 14 grades: RT-1 through RT-12, RTCB-5, and RTCB-6. RT-1 has the lightest consistency and can be used effectively at normal temperatures for prime or tack coat (described later in this

The viscosity of each grade increases as the number designation increases to RT-12, which is the most viscous. RTCB-5 and RTCB-6 are suitable for application during cold weather, since they are produced by cutting back the specific grade of tar with easily evaporating solvent. Detailed specifications for the use of tars are given by AASHTO Designation M52-78.

What is Frost Action In Soils?

What is Frost Action In Soils?


When the ambient temperature falls below freezing for several days, it is quite likely that the water in soil pores will freeze. Since the volume of water increases by about 10 percent when it freezes, the first problem is the increase in volume of the soil.

The second problem is that the freezing can cause ice crystals and lenses that are several centimeters thick to form in the soil. These two problems can result in heaving of the subgrade (frost heave), which may result in significant structural damage to the pavement.

In addition, the ice lenses melt during the spring (spring thaw), resulting in a considerable increase in the water content of the soil. This increase in water significantly reduces the strength of the soil, causing structural damage of the highway pavement known as “spring break-up.”

In general, three conditions must exist for severe frost action to occur:
1. Ambient temperature must be lower than freezing for several days.
2. The shallow water table that provides capillary water to the frost line must be
3. The soil must be susceptible to frost action.

The first condition is a natural phenomenon and cannot be controlled by humans. Frost action therefore will be more common in cold areas than in warm areas if all other conditions are the same.

The second condition requires that the groundwater table be within the height of the capillary rise, so that water will be continuously fed to the growing ice lenses.

The third condition requires that the soil material be of such quality that relatively high capillary pressures can be developed, but at the same time that the flow of water through its pores is restricted.

Granular soils are therefore not susceptible to frost action because they have a relatively high coefficient of permeability. Clay soils also are not highly susceptible to frost action because they have very low permeability, so not enough water can flow during a freezing period to allow the formulation of ice lenses.

Sandy or silty clays or cracked clay soils near the surface, however, may be susceptible to frost action. Silty soils are most susceptible to frost action. It has been determined that 0.02 mm is the critical grain size for frost susceptibility.

For example, gravels with 5 percent of 0.02 mm particles are in general susceptible to frost action, whereas well-graded soils with only 3 percent by weight of their material finer than 0.02 mm are susceptible, and fairly uniform soils must contain at least 10 percent of 0.02 mm particles to be frostsusceptible.

Soils with less than 1 percent of their material finer than the critical size are rarely affected by frost action.

Current measures taken to prevent frost action, include removing frost-susceptible soils to the depth of the frost line and replacing them with gravel material, lowering the water table by installing adequate drainage facilities, using impervious membranes or chemical additives, and restricting truck traffic on some roads during the spring thaw.

The truth about the 50 Lane Highway in China

The truth about the 50 Lane Highway in China


Yes, there exists a 50 lane highway in China and it merges to 4 lanes!!!


It is a 50-lane parking lot on the G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway, one of the country’s busiest roads.

An aerial view from Google maps shows that the G4 Expressway is typically a 4-lane highway. The road expands to the width of approximately 50 cars when it approaches the Zhuozhou Toll Gate, but before and after this toll checkpoint it is only a 4-lane road.

Here’s an aerial view of the toll we stitched together from Google Maps. Note how both the the northbound and southbound portions of this highway are merely 4-lane roads after they leave the toll area:

Highway Functional Classification

Highway Functional Classification


Highways are classified according to their functions in terms of the service they provide. The classification system facilitates a systematic development of highways and the logical assignment of highway responsibilities among different jurisdictions. Highways and streets are categorized as rural or urban roads, depending on the area in which they are located. This initial classification is necessary because urban and rural areas have significantly different characteristics with respect to the type of land use and population density, which in turn influences travel patterns. Within the classification of urban and rural, highways are categorized into the following groups:

• Principal arterials
• Minor arterials
• Major collectors
• Minor collectors
• Local roads and streets

Freeways are not listed as a separate functional class since they are generally classified as part of the principal arterial system. However, they have unique geometric criteria that require special design consideration.

Functional System of Urban Roads

Urban roads comprise highway facilities within urban areas as designated by responsible state and local officials to include communities with a population of at least 5000 people. Some states use other values, for example, the Virginia Department of Transportation uses a population of 3500 to define an urban area. Urban areas are further subdivided into urbanized areas with populations of 50,000 or more and small urban areas with populations between 5000 and 50,000. Urban roads are functionally classified into principal arterials, minor arterials, collectors, and local roads.
A schematic of urban functional classification is illustrated in Figure 1 for a suburban environment.

Urban Principal Arterial System

This system of highways serves the major activity centers of the urban area and consists mainly of the highest-traffic-volume corridors.
It carries a high proportion of the total vehicle-miles of travel within the urban area
including most trips with an origin or destination within the urban area. The system also serves trips that bypass the central business districts (CBDs) of urbanized areas.

Fig 1 : Schematic Illustration of the Functional Classes for a Suburban Road Network

All controlled-access facilities are within this system, although controlled access is not necessarily a condition for a highway to be classified as an urban principal arterial.
Highways within this system are further divided into three subclasses based mainly on the type of access to the facility: (1) interstate, with fully-controlled access and gradeseparated interchanges; (2) expressways, which have controlled access but may also include at-grade intersections; and (3) other principal arterials (with partial or no controlled access).

Urban Minor Arterial System


Streets and highways that interconnect with and augment the urban primary arterials are classified as urban minor arterials. This system serves trips of moderate length and places more emphasis on land access than the primary arterial system. All arterials not classified as primary are included in this class.

Although highways within this system may serve as local bus routes and may connect communities within the urban areas, they do not normally go through identifiable neighborhoods. The spacing of minor arterial streets in fully developed areas is usually not less than 1 mile, but the spacing can be 2 to 3 miles in suburban fringes.

Urban Collector Street System

The main purpose of streets within this system is to collect traffic from local streets in residential areas or in CBDs and convey it to the arterial system. Thus, collector streets usually go through residential areas and facilitate traffic circulation within residential, commercial, and industrial areas.

Urban Local Street System

This system consists of all other streets within the urban area that are not included in the three systems described earlier. The primary purposes of these streets are to provide access to abutting land and to the collector streets. Through traffic is discouraged on these streets.

Functional System of Rural Roads

Highway facilities outside urban areas comprise the rural road system. These highways are categorized as principal arterials, minor arterials, major collectors, minor collectors, and locals. Figure 2 is a schematic illustration of a functionally classified rural highway network.

Fig 2 : Schematic Illustration of a Functionally Classified Rural Highway Network


Rural Principal Arterial System


This system consists of a network of highways that serves most of the interstate trips and a substantial amount of intrastate trips. Virtually all highway trips between urbanized areas and a high percentage of trips between small urban areas with populations of 25,000 or more are made on this system.

The system is further divided into freeways (which are divided highways with fully controlled access and no at-grade intersections) and other principal arterials not classified as freeways.

Rural Minor Arterial System


This system of roads augments the principal arterial system in the formation of a network of roads that connects cities, large towns, and other traffic generators, such as large resorts. Travel speeds on these roads are relatively high with minimum interference to through movement.


Rural Collector System


Highways within this system carry traffic primarily within individual counties, and trip distances are usually shorter than those on the arterial roads. This system of roads is subdivided into major collector roads and minor collector roads.


Rural Major Collector System


Routes under this system carry traffic primarily to and from county seats and large cities that are not directly served by the arterial system. The system also carries the main intracounty traffic.


Rural Minor Collector System


This system consists of routes that collect traffic from local roads and convey it to other facilities. One important function of minor collector roads is that they provide linkage between rural hinterland and locally important traffic generators such as small communities.

Rural Local Road System


This system consists of all roads within the rural area not classified within the other systems. These roads serve trips of relatively short distances and connect adjacent lands with the collector roads.

The long history of the paved highway

The long history of the paved highway


It is impossible to know where or when the wheel was invented. It is hard to imagine that Stone Age humans failed to notice that circular objects such as sections of tree trunk rolled.

The great megalithic tombs of the third millennium BC bear witness to ancient humans’ ability to move massive stones, and most commentators assume that tree trunks were used as rollers; not quite a wheel but a similar principle!

However, it is known for certain that the domestication of the horse in southern Russia or the Ukraine in about 4000 BC was followed not long afterwards by the development of the cart.

It is also known that the great cities of Egypt and Iraq had, by the late third millennium BC, reached a stage where pavements were needed. Stone slabs on a rubble base made an excellent and long-lasting pavement surface suitable for both pedestrian usage and also traffic from donkeys, camels, horses, carts and, by the late second millennium BC, chariots.

Numerous examples survive from Roman times of such slabbed pavements, often showing the wear of tens of thousands of iron-rimmed wheels. Traffic levels could be such that the pavement had a finite life.

Even in such ancient times, engineers had the option to use more than simply stones if they so chose – but only if they could justify the cost! Concrete technology made significant strides during the centuries of Roman rule and was an important element in the structural engineer’s thinking.

Similarly, bitumen had been used for thousands of years in Iraq as asphalt mortar in building construction. Yet neither concrete nor asphalt was used by pavement engineers in ancient times, for the excellent reason that neither material came into the cheap, high-volume category. As far as the pavement engineer was concerned, economics dictated that the industry had to remain firmly in the Stone Age.

Even in the days of Thomas Telford and John Loudon Macadam – the fathers of modern road building in the UK – the art of pavement construction consisted purely of optimising stone placement and the size fractions used.

Times havemoved on; themassive exploitation of oil has meant that bitumen, a by-product from refining heavy crude oil, is now much more widely available. Cement technology has progressed to the stage where it is sufficiently cheaply available to be considered in pavement construction. However, there is no way that pavement engineers can contemplate using some of the twenty-first century’s more expensive materials – or, at least, they can be used only in very small amounts. Steel can only be afforded as reinforcement in concrete and, even in suchmodest quantities, it represents a significant proportion of the overall cost.

Plastics find a use in certain types of reinforcement product; polymers can be used to enhance bitumen properties; but always the driving force is cost, which means that, whether we like it or not, Stone Age materials still predominate.

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