Pile Group Analysis For Rigid Pile Cap Spreadsheet

Pile Group Analysis For Rigid Pile Cap Spreadsheet


“Pile Group Analysis For Rigid Pile Cap” is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of pile groups with rigid caps using the “elastic method”.

Specifically, the properties of the pile group are calculated, and then based upon the applied vertical and horizontal loadings, the vertical and horizontal pile reactions are calculated.

There is also a worksheet to check beam and punching shear in the pile cap for a single corner pile, for the purpose of estimating the required pile cap thickness and subsequent pile cap weight.

This workbook has some concrete design in them, based on the ACI 318-99 Code in their original form.  To reflect the use of the ACI 318-05, I decided to give the user the option of selecting what ACI Code is desired to be used, 318-99, 318-02, or 318-05, in those specific worksheets.

Once the user selects the desired ACI Code, the appropriate “phi” factors are displayed and used.  One word of caution, be careful not to mix & match “phi” factors and load factors from the various concrete codes.  It’s obviously up to the user to be consistent.

For the purpose of just what specific concrete analysis and design is done in this workbook, the selection of either ACI 318-02 or 318-05 gives the same results.

This program is a workbook consisting of ten (10) worksheets, described as follows:

  • Doc – Documentation sheet
  • Piles (<=25) – Pile group analysis for up to 25 total piles and 4 piers/loadings
  • Piles (<=25)(metric) – Pile group analysis for up to 25 total piles and 4 piers/loadings (metric)
  • Piles (<=75) – Pile group analysis for up to 75 total piles and 8 piers/loadings
  • Piles (<=75)(metric) – Pile group analysis for up to 75 total piles and 8 piers/loadings (metric)
  • Piles (<=300) – Pile group analysis for up to 300 total piles and 17 piers/loadings
  • Piles (<=300)(metric) – Pile group analysis for up to 300 total piles and 17 piers/loadings (metric)
  • Piles (<=400) – Pile group analysis for up to 400 total piles and 23 piers/loadings
  • Piles (<=400)(metric) – Pile group analysis for up to 400 total piles and 23 piers/loadings (metric)
  • Corner Pile Shear – Beam and punching shear checks for pile cap for single corner pile

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1.  The Pile Group worksheets assume a minimum of 2 piles and a maximum of either 25, 75, 300, or 400 piles for a pile group.

2.  This program uses the “elastic method” of analysis, assuming that the pile cap is in fact “rigid”, so that the applied loads are linearly distributed among the piles.  A common “rule-of-thumb” is to assume a pile cap thickness equal to least 1/10 of the longest dimension (length or width) of the pile cap.  All piles are assumed to be vertical, and of equal size and length (stiffness).  Battered piles are NOT permitted.  The tops of all piles are assumed at the same level.

3.  This program assumes an orthogonal X-Y-Z coordinate system.  All piles and piers MUST BE located in the “positive” (1st) quadrant.  “Negative” pile or pier/loading location coordinates are NOT permitted. “Right-Hand-Rule” sign convention is used for all applied forces and moments at pier locations.

4.  The piles and piers/loadings can be numbered in any desired order.  However, the user should make sure to either clear the contents of all spreadsheet cells that are not used for input or those cell values should be input = 0.  All piles and piers/loadings MUST BE input in proper numerical sequence with no “breaks” in the numerical order of input data.

5.  This program does NOT include the weight of the pile cap or piers in the calculation of the vertical pile reactions. However, the total weight of the pile cap and piers may be included by assuming an additional “ficticious” pier located at the centroid of the pile cap plan area, and applying the total weight at that “pier” location.

6.  This program does NOT check the actual calculated pile reactions (vertical and horizontal) against known or given allowable pile reactions for downward, uplift, or lateral cases.  This is done so that the extent of any acceptable overstress is left up to the judgement of the user.  However, in all cases this must be checked by the user.

7.  This program does NOT perform all of the necessary checks for the beam-type shear or punching shear for the pile cap, as this must be done independently by the user.  However the “Corner Pile Shear” worksheet can be used to estimate the required pile cap thickness and subsequently the pile cap weight to be accounted for.

8.  This program does NOT check the flexural requirements of the pile cap, as this must be done independently by the user.

9.  This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc.  (Note:  presence of a “comment box” is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell.  Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular “comment box”.)

Calculation Reference
ACI Manual


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What are Deep Foundation? The Common Types of Deep Foundation

What are Deep Foundation? The Common Types of Deep Foundation


1. What are Deep Foundations?

A deep foundation is needed to carry loads at depth or for functional reasons from a structure through weak compressible soils or fills on to stronger and less compressible soils or rocks.

Deep foundations under the finished ground surface are founded too deeply for their base bearing ability to be affected by surface conditions, generally at depths > 3 m below the finished ground level.

When unsuitable soils are present near the surface, the deep foundation may be used to transfer the load to a deeper, more capable strata at depth.

2. Types of Deep Foundation

The types of deep foundations in general use are as follows:

  • Basements
  • Buoyancy rafts (hollow box foundations)
  • Caissons
  • Cylinders
  • Shaft foundations
  • Pile foundations


a. Basement foundation

They are hollow substructures built to provide space below ground level for the work or storage. The structural design is driven by its practical needs rather than by considerations of the most effective method of resisting external earth and hydrostatic pressures. In open excavations, they are set up in place.


b.Buoyancy Rafts (Hollow Box Foundations)

Buoyancy rafts or hollow box foundations also known as the floating foundations is a type of deep foundation is used in building construction on soft and weak soils.

They are designed to provide a buoyant or semi-buoyant substructure underneath which reduces net loading to the desired low intensity on the soil. Buoyancy rafts can be constructed to be sunk as caissons, and can also be installed in open excavations.

Buoyancy rafts are more expensive than traditional forms of foundations. For that reason, their use is usually restricted to sites that are on silts, soft sands and other alluvial deposits that are very deep, or where loads can be kept concentric. Schemes requiring underground tanks or where it’s economical to incorporate deep basements into the design are common.

c. Caissons Foundations

A caisson is a sort of foundation of the state of the hollow prismatic box, which is worked over the ground level and afterward sunk to the necessary depth as a solitary unit. It is a watertight chamber utilized for establishing foundations submerged as in rivers, lakes, harbors, etc. The caissons are of three types:

  • Open Caissons: Open caissons are of hollow chambers, open both at the top and the bottom. The lower part of the caisson has a bleeding edge. The caisson is sunk into place by eliminating the soil from within the shaft until the bearing layer is reached. Well foundations are special type of open caissons used in India.
  • Pneumatic Caissons: Pneumatic caissons are closed at the top but open at the bottom. A pneumatic caisson has a working camber at its bottom in which compressed air is maintained at the required pressure to prevent entry of water into the chamber. So, these type of excavations are done in dry.
  • Floating Caissons: Floating caissons are open at the top but closed at the bottom. These caissons are developed ashore and afterward shipped to the site and floated to where these are to be finally installed. These are sunk at that spot by filling them with sand, ballast, water or concrete to an evened out bearing surface.


d. Cylinders

These foundations are placed when there is required to place only a single cylindrical unit.

e. Drilled Shaft foundations

These foundations are constructed by drilling a cylindrical hole within a deep excavation and subsequently placing concrete or another prefabricated load-bearing unit in it.

Their length and size can be easily tailored. Drilled shafts can be constructed near existing structures and under low overhead conditions, making them suitable for use in numerous seismic retrofit projects.

It may, however, be difficult to install them under certain conditions such as soils with boulders, soft soil, loose sand, and sand under water.


e. Pile foundations

Pile foundations are relatively long and slender members designed by driving preformed units to the desired foundation level, or by driving or drilling in tubes to the appropriate depth – tubes filled with concrete before or during withdrawal or by drilling unlined or wholly or partially lined boreholes filled with concrete after that.



Pile Design and Construction Practice 6th Edition Free PDF

Pile Design and Construction Practice 6th Edition Free PDF

By Michael Tomlinson


Piling is both an art and a science. The art lies in selecting the most suitable type of pile and method of installation for the ground conditions and the form of the loading. Science enables the engineer to predict the behavior of the piles once they are in the ground and subject to loading.

This behavior is influenced profoundly by the method used to install the piles, and it cannot be predicted solely from the physical properties of the pile and of the undisturbed soil. Knowledge of the available types of piling and methods of constructing piled foundations is essential for a thorough understanding of the science of their behavior.

For this reason, the author has preceded the chapters dealing with the calculation of allowable loads on piles and deformation behavior by descriptions of the many types of proprietary and non-proprietary piles and the equipment used to install them.

In recent years, substantial progress has been made in developing methods of predicting the behavior of piles under lateral loading. This is important in the design of foundations for deep-water terminals for oil tankers and oil carriers and for offshore platforms for gas and petroleum production.

The problems concerning the lateral loading of piles have therefore been given detailed treatment in this book.


Content :
  • General principles and practices
  • Types of pile
  • Piling equipment and methods
  • Calculating the resistance of piles to compressive loads
  • Pile groups under compressive loading
  • Design of piled foundations to resist uplift and lateral loading
  • Some aspects of the structural design of piles and pile groups
  • Piling for marine structures
  • Miscellaneous piling problems
  • The durability of piled foundations
  • Ground investigations, piling contracts, and pile testing
  • Appendix A: Properties of materials
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