The Best Collection Of Civil Engineering Spreadsheets


The Best Collection Of Civil Engineering Spreadsheets


Civil engineering spreadsheets are powerful tools that can greatly enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and productivity of engineers. Here are several ways in which these spreadsheets can be useful:

1. Design and Analysis

  • Structural Calculations: Spreadsheets can be used to perform complex structural calculations such as load analysis, bending moments, shear force, and deflection. Pre-built templates and formulas can simplify these processes.
  • Geotechnical Analysis: They help in analyzing soil properties, bearing capacity, and slope stability, allowing for accurate foundation design.
  • Hydraulic and Hydrology: Spreadsheets can model water flow in rivers, design stormwater management systems, and calculate flood risks.

2. Project Management

  • Scheduling: Tools like Gantt charts can be created to manage project timelines, track progress, and allocate resources efficiently.
  • Cost Estimation: Spreadsheets can provide detailed cost breakdowns, material take-offs, and budget tracking to ensure projects stay within financial limits.
  • Resource Allocation: They help in managing labor, equipment, and material schedules, ensuring optimal use of resources.

3. Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Data Management: Spreadsheets allow for the storage, organization, and analysis of large datasets. Engineers can use them to process data from surveys, site investigations, and sensor readings.
  • Graphical Representation: Data can be easily visualized using charts, graphs, and tables, aiding in the interpretation and presentation of results.

4. Documentation and Reporting

  • Report Generation: Standardized templates can be used to generate consistent and professional reports for clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies.
  • Compliance and QA/QC: Spreadsheets can help track compliance with standards and regulations, and manage quality assurance/quality control processes.

5. Optimization and Simulation

  • Design Optimization: Engineers can run multiple scenarios and optimize designs for cost, performance, and sustainability using iterative calculations.
  • Simulation Models: Spreadsheets can simulate real-world behaviors such as traffic flow, material strength under various conditions, and environmental impact assessments.

6. Standardization and Reusability

  • Templates and Libraries: Pre-designed templates and libraries of formulas and macros can standardize calculations and procedures, ensuring consistency across projects.
  • Custom Tools: Engineers can create custom tools and scripts within spreadsheets to automate repetitive tasks and complex calculations, saving time and reducing errors.

Examples of Specific Applications

  1. Structural Engineering:
    • Load calculations, beam design, column design, footing design, and retaining wall design.
  2. Transportation Engineering:
    • Pavement design, traffic flow analysis, intersection design, and route optimization.
  3. Water Resources Engineering:
    • Pipe network design, open channel flow calculations, stormwater drainage design, and water balance calculations.
  4. Environmental Engineering:
    • Contaminant transport modeling, environmental impact assessment, air quality analysis, and waste management planning.

Benefits of Using Spreadsheets

  • Accuracy: Reduces the risk of human error in complex calculations.
  • Efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks and speeds up the design process.
  • Flexibility: Easily adaptable to different types of projects and design requirements.
  • Accessibility: Spreadsheets are widely used and accessible, with many engineers already familiar with their operation.
  • Collaboration: Facilitates collaboration among team members through shared files and collaborative platforms.

Civil engineering spreadsheets are invaluable for streamlining workflows, enhancing precision, and facilitating better decision-making in various aspects of engineering projects. By leveraging the capabilities of spreadsheets, engineers can improve productivity and achieve more reliable outcomes in their work.


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Construction Planning Equipment and Methods Ninth Edition PDF

Construction Planning Equipment and Methods Ninth Edition PDF


Content :
  • 1 Machine Make It Possible
  • 2 Equipment Economics
  • 3 Planning for Earthwork Construction
  • 4 Soil and Rock
  • 5 Compaction and Stabilization Equipment
  • 6 Mobile Equipment Power Requirements
  • 7 Dozers and Graders
  • 8 Scrapers
  • 9 Excavators
  • 10 Trucks and Hauling Equipment
  • 11 Drilling Rock and Earth
  • 12 Blasting Rock
  • 13 Aggregate Production
  • 14 Asphalt Mix Production and Placement
  • 15 Concrete and Concrete Equipment
  • 16 Cranes
  • 17 Piles and Pile-Driving Equipment
  • 18 Air Compressors and Pumps
  • 19 Planning for Building Construction
  • 20 Forming Systems


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Pile Design and Construction Practice 6th Edition Free PDF

Pile Design and Construction Practice 6th Edition Free PDF

By Michael Tomlinson


Piling is both an art and a science. The art lies in selecting the most suitable type of pile and method of installation for the ground conditions and the form of the loading. Science enables the engineer to predict the behavior of the piles once they are in the ground and subject to loading.

This behavior is influenced profoundly by the method used to install the piles, and it cannot be predicted solely from the physical properties of the pile and of the undisturbed soil. Knowledge of the available types of piling and methods of constructing piled foundations is essential for a thorough understanding of the science of their behavior.

For this reason, the author has preceded the chapters dealing with the calculation of allowable loads on piles and deformation behavior by descriptions of the many types of proprietary and non-proprietary piles and the equipment used to install them.

In recent years, substantial progress has been made in developing methods of predicting the behavior of piles under lateral loading. This is important in the design of foundations for deep-water terminals for oil tankers and oil carriers and for offshore platforms for gas and petroleum production.

The problems concerning the lateral loading of piles have therefore been given detailed treatment in this book.


Content :
  • General principles and practices
  • Types of pile
  • Piling equipment and methods
  • Calculating the resistance of piles to compressive loads
  • Pile groups under compressive loading
  • Design of piled foundations to resist uplift and lateral loading
  • Some aspects of the structural design of piles and pile groups
  • Piling for marine structures
  • Miscellaneous piling problems
  • The durability of piled foundations
  • Ground investigations, piling contracts, and pile testing
  • Appendix A: Properties of materials

Precast Prestressed Spun Concrete Piles

Precast Prestressed Spun Concrete Piles


Precast prestressed spun concrete piles are closed-ended tubular sections of 400 mm to 600 mm diameter with maximum allowable axial loads up to about 3 000 kN.

Pile sections are normally 12 m long and are usually welded together using steel end plates. Pile sections up to 20 m can also be specially made.

Precast prestressed spun concrete piles require high-strength concrete and careful control during manufacture.

Casting is usually carried out in a factory where the curing conditions can be strictly regulated.

Special manufacturing processes such as compaction by spinning or autoclave curing can be adopted to produce high strength concrete up to about 75 MPa. Such piles may be handled more easily than precast reinforced concrete piles without damage.

This type of piles is generally less permeable than reinforced concrete piles and may be expected to exhibit superior performance in a marine environment. However, they may not be suitable for ground with significant boulder contents. In such cases, preboring may be required to penetrate the underground obstructions.

Spalling, cracking and breaking can occur if careful control is not undertaken and good
driving practice is not followed

Precast Reinforced Concrete Piles

Precast Reinforced Concrete Piles


Precast reinforced concrete piles are not common nowadays.

These piles are commonly in square sections ranging from about 250 mm to about 450 mm with a maximum section length of up to about 20 m. Other pile sections may include hexagonal, circular, triangular and H shapes. Maximum allowable axial loads can be up to about 1 000 57kN.

The lengths of pile sections are often dictated by the practical considerations including
transportability, handling problems in sites of restricted area and facilities of the casting yard.
These piles can be lengthened by coupling together on site.

Splicing methods include welding of steel end plates or the use of epoxy mortar with dowels.

This type of pile is not suitable for driving into ground that contains a significant amount of boulders or corestones.

Large-displacement piles Advantages and Disadvantages

Large-displacement piles Advantages and Disadvantages


Large-displacement piles include all solid piles, including precast concrete piles, and steel or concrete tubes closed at the lower end by a driving shoe or a plug, i.e. cast-in-place piles.

Advantages of Displacement Piles

  • Material of preformed section can be inspected before driving.
  • Steel piles and driven cast-in-place concrete piles are adaptable to variable driving
  • Installation is generally unaffected by groundwater condition.
  • Soil disposal is not necessary.
  • Driving records may be correlated withinsitu tests or borehole data.
  • Displacement piles tend to compact granular soils thereby improving bearing capacity and stiffness.
  • Pile projection above ground level and the water level is useful for marine structures and obviates the need to cast insitu columns above the piles.
  • Driven cast-in-place piles are associated with low material cost.

Disadvantages of Displacement Piles


  • Pile section may be damaged during driving.
  • Founding soil cannot be inspected to confirm the ground conditions as interpreted from the ground investigation data.
  • Ground displacement may cause movement of, or damage to, adjacent piles, structures, slopes or utility installations.
  • Noise may prove unacceptable in a built-up environment.
  • Vibration may prove unacceptable due to presence of sensitive structures, utility installations or machinery nearby.
  • Piles cannot be easily driven in sites with restricted headroom.
  • Excess pore water pressure may develop during driving resulting in false set of the piles, or negative skin friction on piles upon dissipation of excess pore water pressure.
  • Length of precast concrete piles may be constrained by transportation or size of casting yard.
  • Heavy piling plant may require extensive site preparation to construct a suitable piling platform in sites with poor ground conditions.
  • Underground obstructions cannot be coped with easily.
  • For driven cast-in-place piles, the fresh concrete is exposed to various types of potential damage, such as necking, ground intrusions due to displaced soil and possible damage due to driving of adjacent piles.

Pile Classification – The Four Types Of Piles

Pile Classification – The Four Types Of Piles


Piles can be classified according to the type of material forming the piles, the mode of load transfer, the degree of ground displacement during pile installation and the method of installation.

Pile classification in accordance with material type (e.g. steel and concrete) has drawbacks because composite piles are available. A classification system based on the mode of load transfer will be difficult to set up because the proportion of shaft resistance and endbearing resistance that occurs in practice usually cannot be reliably predicted. In the installation of piles, either displacement or replacement of the ground will predominate.

A classification system based on the degree of ground displacement during pile installation, such as that recommended in BS 8004 (BSI, 1986) encompasses all types of piles and reflects the fundamental effect of pile construction on the ground which in turn will have a pronounced influence on pile performance.

Such a classification system is therefore considered to be the most appropriate.

Piles are classified into the following four types :

(a) Large-displacement piles, which include all solid piles, including precast concrete piles, and steel or concrete tubes closed at the lower end by a driving shoe or a plug, i.e. cast-in-place piles.

(b) Small-displacement piles, which include rolled steel sections such as H-piles and open-ended tubular piles.
However, these piles will effectively become largedisplacement piles if a soil plug forms.

(c) Replacement piles, which are formed by machine boring, grabbing or hand-digging. The excavation may need to be supported by bentonite slurry, or lined with a casing that is either left in place or extracted during concreting for re-use.

(d) Special piles, which are particular pile types or variants of existing pile types introduced from time to time to improve efficiency or overcome problems related to special ground conditions.

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