Project Scope Management Summary 6th Edition


                              Project Scope Management Summary 6th Edition


  1. Project Scope is measured against the Project Management Plan. Product Scope is  measured against the Product Requirements.
  1. Business Analysis   are  used  in  some  organizations  to  defining,  managing,  and  controlling requirements activities.  The relationship between a project manager and a  business analyst should be a collaborative partnership.
  1. Scope Management Plan that describes how the scope will be defined, developed, monitored, controlled, and   validated. Components includes processes that help (Preparing project scope statement, create WBS, how the baseline will be approved and maintained and how formal acceptance will be obtained).
  1. Requirements Management  Plan  (Business  Analysis  Plan) is a component of the project management plan that describes how project and product requirements will be analyzed, documented, and managed.  Components may include (Configuration management activities, Requirements prioritization, Metrics, Traceability structure and  how requirements will be planned, tracked and reported).
  1. Configuration management shows how changes will be initiated, how impacts will be analyzed,  how  they  will  be traced and reported and authorization levels to approve changes.
  1. D.G:

✓  Brainstorming: used to generate and collect multiple ideas related to project.

✓  Interviews: are useful for obtaining confidential information.

✓  Focus Groups: (Interactive Discussion) Bring together prequalified stakeholders and subject matter experts  to learn about their expectations and attitudes about proposed product/service. Need trained moderator.

✓  Questionnaires: designed to get quickly information of large  number of respondents.

✓  Benchmarking:  to  generate  ideas for improvement  and new practices. Compare  actual & planned.

  1. Decision making:

✓  Voting: Used to classify and prioritize product requirements. (unanimity, majority and plurality).

✓  Autocratic decision making:  one individual takes responsibility for making the  decision.

✓  Multicriteria decision analysis: decision matrix to provide a systematic analytical approach for establishing criteria to evaluate and rank many ideas.

  1. Data Presentation:

✓  Affinity diagrams: allow large numbers of ideas to be classified into groups for review and analysis.

✓  Mind  mapping:  Ideas created through individual brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas.

  1. Interpersonal and Team Skills:

✓  Nominal group technique: Enhances brainstorming with a voting process used to rank the most useful ideas for prioritization. (Generate & prioritize).

✓  Observation and conversation (Job Shadowing): To cover hidden requirement.

✓  Facilitation:  bring  key  stakeholders  together  to  define  product  requirements. Workshops can be used to quickly define cross-functional requirements.

  1. Context Diagram: Example of  Scope model. Context diagrams visually depict  the product scope by showing a business system and how people and other systems (actors) interact with it.
  1. Prototypes: Method of obtaining early feedback. Examples (computer generated 2D, 3D  models,  mock-ups  and  simulations).  Storyboarding  is  a  prototyping  technique  showing sequence or navigation through a series of images. (Risk Mitigation).
  1. Requirements should be unambiguous & can be classified into: Business, Stakeholder, Solution, Transition and readiness, Project & Quality requirements.
  1. Requirements Traceability Matrix:

✓  Grid that links requirements to the deliverables that satisfy them.

✓  Ensure that each requirement adds business value.

✓  Provides a structure for managing changes to the product scope.

  1. Product Analysis: Used to define products and services. Requirements are captured at a high level and decomposed to the level of detail needed to design the final product.
  1. Project Scope Statement:

✓  Project  Scope  Statement  include  (Product  scope  description  +  deliverables  + acceptance criteria + project exclusions).

✓  Project  charter  contains  high  level  information  while  project  scope  statement includes  detailed  description  of  the  scope  components.  They  are  progressively elaborated throughout the project.

  1. Decomposition: Technique used for dividing and subdividing the project scope and project deliverables into smaller, more  manageable parts.  Popular methods to create WBS  structure:  top-down  approach.  Agile  approaches  decompose  epics  to  user stories.
  1. Decomposition may not be possible for a deliverable or subcomponent that will be accomplished far into the future the project team usually waits until the deliverable or subcomponent is agreed on, so the details of the WBS can be developed. This technique called rolling wave planning.
  1. The total of the work at the lowest levels should roll up to the higher levels so that nothing is left out and no extra work is performed. This is sometimes called  the 100 percent rule.
  1. Scope baseline includes:

✓  Project scope statement: description of the project scope, major deliverables and constraint.

✓  WBS: Hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the  project  team  to  accomplish  the  project  objectives  and  create  the  required  deliverables.

❖  Work package: The lowest level of the WBS is work package with a unique identifier.  Each  work  package  is  part  of  a  control  account  which  is  a management control point where scope, budget, and schedule are integrated  and  compared  to  the  earned  value  for  performance  measurement.  Each control  account  has  two  or  more  work  packages.  But  work  package  is associated with a single control account.

❖  Planning  package:  Include  one  or  more  planning  packages.  A  planning package is a WBS component below the control account and above the work package with known work content but without detailed schedule activities

✓  WBS  dictionary:   document  that  provides  detailed  deliverable,  activity,  and scheduling information about each component in the WBS. It’s a document that support the WBS because you can’t include all the information in the WBS.

  1. Validate Scope  concerned  with  acceptance  of  the  deliverables.  Control  Quality concerned  with  correctness  of  the  deliverables.  The  verified  deliverables  obtained from the Control Quality process.
  1. Inspection: Includes  activities  such  as  measuring,  examining,  and  validating  to determine   whether   work/deliverables   meet   requirements   and   product   acceptance criteria. They might be called reviews and walkthroughs.
  1. Verified deliverables Validate Scope Accepted Deliverables.
  2. The uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time, cost, and resources is referred to as scope creep.
  1. Performance measurement baseline (PMB): When using earned value analysis, the performance  measurement  baseline  is  compared  to  actual  results  to  determine  if  a change, corrective action, or preventive action is necessary.
  1. Variance analysis: compare the baseline to the actual results and determine if the variance is within the threshold amount.

Trend analysis: examines project performance over time to determine if performance is improving or deteriorating.

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