The Best Collection Of Airports Autocad DWG Templates

The Best Collection Of Airports Autocad DWG Templates


  1. Airport Staircase Elevation and Reinforcement Details CAD Template DWG
  2. Airport Runway Signaling Plan Cad Template DWG
  3. Heliport Layout Plan and Sections Details CAD Template DWG
  4. Airport Equipments Layout Plan CAD Template DWG
  5. Airport Control Tower Elevator Details CAD Template DWG
  6. International Airport Layout Plan and Elevation CAD Template DWG
  7. Airport Control Tower Layout Plan and Elevation CAD Template DWG
  8. Airport Terminal Building Plan CAD Template DWG
  9. International Airport Topo Plan CAD Template DWG
  10. Aircrafts Airbus A380 Top View CAD Template DWG
  11. International Airport Full Plans with Details CAD Templates DWG
  12. Landside International Airport Layout Plan CAD Templates DWG
  13. Helipad Plan and Elevation Details CAD Template DWG
  14. Airport Drainage Plan CAD Template DWG
  15. Airport Cargo Terminal General Plan CAD Template DWG
  16. Airport Metal Detector CAD Template DWG

  17. Airport Terminal 3D CAD Template DWG
  18. Airport General Plan Autocad Drawing Template

  19. Small Municipal Airport Design CAD Template DWG
  20. Mid Size Airport Design CAD Template DWG
  21. Airport Monitoring Equipement CAD Template DWG
  22. Aerodrome Terminal Layout Plan CAD Template
  23. Airport Location Plan CAD Template DWG
  24. Aircraft Maintenance Hangar Plan CAD Template DWG
  25. Aircraft Stands and Apron Design CAD Autocad File
  26. Heliport Layout Plan And Structural Design CAD Template DWG
  27. Heliport Electrical Installation CAD Template DWG

  28. Airport Layout Plan and Parking Design CAD Templates DWG

  29. Airport Terminal Elevation Details CAD Templates DWG
  30. International Airport Landside Design CAD Templates DWG
  31. Airport Runway and Taxiway Design CAD Template DWG
  32. 3D Airport Terminal Autocad DWG File
  33. Airport Passenger Terminal Design CAD Templates DWG

  34. Airport Terminal Design CAD Template DWG

What is Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) ?

What is Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) ?


The increase of scheduled commercial flights at busy civil airports have made it imperative that airfield pavement rehabilitation and asphalt overlay be performed without disrupting airport operations.

For this purpose, the off-peak period (nighttime) construction has become one practical solution for airport authorities. Using this approach, the airfield facilities are closed at night for a few hours when the flight volume is at the lowest, and then quickly opened to air traffic in the next morning.

During this closed period, aircraft will use other runway facilities, if parallel runways are available, or airport operation will be postponed. Time is the essence of the construction during the off-peaktime.

The typical unoccupied time of airfield pavement rehabilitation is as short as 6–8 h per night. It is a period from 23:00 to 6:00 that was specified for runway overlay in Fukuoka airport. The similar night time construction period can also be found in these following airport projects: San Diego International airport in1980 (8 h), Frankfurt airport, Germany, in 2005 (8 h)and Hong Kong airport in 2006 (8 h).

However, with the increase of 24-hour airport operation, the period for night time construction has become limited. The decrease was observed in the largest Australian airports, where the available night time construction was generally reduced from eight hours in 2005 to five hours in 2015.

Rapid construction is expected to reduce the disruption due to the airport closure and allow more time for contractors to produce the maximum volume of asphalt each night to achieve satisfactorily constructed pavement.

One of the approaches for rapid night time construction is to shorten the cooling time of freshly paved asphalt overlay. In this case, with its advantage of lower production and compaction temperature, warm mix asphalt (WMA) gives an advantage of a lower cooling time of asphalt; thus, the pavement can be quickly opened to traffic.

In the situation where the closure of the runway is substantially critical, the use of WMA is expected to shorten the runway closure time each night. In addition, in the case that the closure hours are fixed for each night, the use of WMA would enable more volume of asphalt to be laid each night, increase the target length of pavement to be done each night, thus, shortening the overall project time, compared to HMA.

The use of WMA technology for airport pavements has been few until now. The technology has more popularly been adopted for road pavement projects than airfield pavements. However, extensive research has been carried out in the last few years on the use of WMA for airside applications.

Recent evidence suggests the suitability of using WMA for airfield pavement. Although considerable researches have been done, there has been no detailed investigation into the advantages of the use of WMA on shortening the construction time of pavement.

What type of pavement is used for airports runway?

What type of pavement is used for airports runway?


The materials used for airports is generally the same as what is used for roadways, however, the depths, or thicknesses are different, and the tolerances are much tighter at an airport. The material for runways usually needs to meet a much tighter spec.

A typical section for an airport can use asphalt or concrete. Below is a generic look at the structural section for either asphalt or concrete from an FAA Advisory Circular on Aiport Pavement Design and Evaluation.

You will notice that the materials in the middle are thicker and then taper to thinner. This is because the loads on the runway are primarily from the 2 landing wheels, which will be in the middle of the runway. The effective tire width is pictured below.

The surface must be smooth and well bonded, and resistant to the shear stresses of the airplane wheel loads. The non-skid surface must not cause undue wear on the airplane tires . The surface must be free of loose particles that could damage the airplane or people. In order to meet this requirement, there must be good control of the mix. This usually requires a central mixing plant be used for the hot mix asphalt.

The base course is integral to flexible pavement design such as asphalt. The loading in flexible pavements transfers downward and outward. For this reason, the base, subbase, if used, and subgrade contribute to the strength of the pavement section. For concrete pavement, the concrete provides the strength to the structural section.

The base course must be of sufficient quality that it won’t fail, or allow failure in the subgrade. It must be able to withstand the forces from the airplane wheel loading without consolidating which would cause the surface course to deform. The base course uses very select material with very hard and durable aggregate. The requirements for the base course are very strict.

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