Types of Shotcrete and Applications

Types of Shotcrete and Applications


Why Shotcrete ?


1. Importance of proper application.

Properly applied shotcrete is a structurally sound and durable construction material which exhibits excellent bonding characteristics to existing concrete, rock, steel, and many other materials. It can have high strength, low

absorption, good resistance to weathering, and resistance to some forms of chemical attack. Many of the physical

properties of sound shotcrete are comparable or superior to those of conventional concrete or mortar having the

same composition. Improperly applied shotcrete may create conditions much worse than the untreated


2. Advantages of shotcrete

Shotcrete is used in lieu of conventional concrete, in most instances, for reasons of cost or convenience. Shotcrete is advantageous in situations when formwork is cost prohibitive or impractical and where forms can be reduced or eliminated, access to the work area is difficult, thin layers or variable thicknesses are required, or normal casting techniques cannot be employed. Additional savings are possible because shotcrete requires only a small, portable plant for manufacture and placement.

Shotcreting operations can often be accomplished in areas of limited access to make repairs to structures.

3. Strength of bonding.

 The excellent bonding of shotcrete to other materials is often an important design consideration. The force of the impact of this pneumatically propelled material on the surface causes compaction of the shotcrete paste matrix into the fine surface irregularities and results in good adhesion to the surface. Within limits, the material is capable of supporting itself in vertical or overhead applications.



 The selection of shotcrete for a particular application should be based on knowledge, experience, and a careful

study of required and achievable material performance.

The success of the shotcrete for that application is contingent upon proper planning and supervision, plus the skill and continuous attention provided by the shotcrete applicator.

The following paragraphs discuss the use of shotcrete in several of the more common applications.


1. Repair

Shotcrete can be used to repair the damaged surface of concrete, wood, or steel structures provided there is access to the surface needing repair.

The following examples indicate a few ways in which shotcrete can be used in repairs:

  • Bridges:

Shotcrete repair can be used for bridge deck rehabilitation, but it has generally been uneconomical for major full-thickness repairs. It is very useful, however, for beam repairs of variable depths, caps, columns, abutments, wingwalls, and underdecks from the standpoint of technique and cost.

  • Building:

In building repairs, shotcrete is commonly used for repair of fire and earthquake damage and deterioration, strengthening walls, and encasing structural steel for fireproofing. The repair of structural members such as beams, columns, and connections is common for structures damaged by an earthquake.

  • Marine Structures:

Damage to marine structures can result from deterioration of the concrete and of the reinforcement. Damaging conditions are corrosion of the steel, freezing and thawing action, impact loading, structural distress, physical abrasion from the action of waves, sand, gravel, and floating ice, and chemical attack due to sulfates. These problems can occur in most,marine structures such as bridge decks, piles, pile caps, beams, piers, navigation locks, guide walls, dams, powerhouses, and discharge tunnels. In many cases, shotcrete can be used to repair the deteriorated surfaces of these structures.

  • Spillway surfaces:

Surfaces subject to highvelocity flows may be damaged by cavitation erosion or abrasion erosion. Shotcrete repairs are advantageous because of the relatively short outage necessary to complete the repairs.

2. Underground excavations.

For the most part, shotcrete is used in underground excavations in rock; but on occasion, it has been successfully used in the advancement of tunnels through altered, cohesionless, and loose soils. Typical underground shotcrete applications range from supplementing or replacing conventional support materials such as lagging and steel sets, sealing rock surfaces, channeling water flows, and installing temporary support and permanent linings.

3. Slope and surface protection.

Shotcrete is often used for temporary protection of exposed rock surfaces that will deteriorate when exposed to air. Shotcrete is also used to permanently cover slopes or cuts that may erode in time or otherwise deteriorate. Slope protection should be properly drained to prevent damage from excessive uplift pressure.

Application of shotcrete to the surface of landfills and other waste areas is beneficial to prevent surface water infiltration.

4. New structures.

Shotcrete is not necessarily the fastest method of placing concrete on all jobs, but where thin sections and large areas are involved, shotcreting can be used effectively to save time. The following paragraphs describe some of the applications involved with construction of new structures.

  • Pools and tanks. Shotcrete has been used extensively to construct concrete swimming pools. More recently, large aquariums have been constructed using shotcrete.
  • Shotcrete floors and walls. Shotcrete floors in tanks and pools on well compacted subbase or on undisturbed earth have generally given excellent service. Vertical and overhead construction for walls, slabs, columns, and other structural members has been frequently shotcreted.
  • Shotcrete domes. Construction techniques using inflatable air-forming systems have made the construction of shotcrete shells or domes practical. These large structures have been used for residential housing, warehousing, bridge, and culvert applications.

Spillway Function and Classification

Spillway Function and  Classification


Project functions and their overall social, environmental, and economic effects may influence the hydraulic design of the spillway. Optimization of the hydraulic design and operation requires an awareness by the designer of the reliability, accuracy, sensitivity, and possible variances of the data used.

The ever-increasing importance of environmental considerations requires that the designer maintain close liaison with other disciplines to assure environmental and other objectives are satisfied in the design. 

Spillway Function

The basic purpose of the spillway is to provide a means of controlling the flow and providing conveyance from reservoir to tailwater for all flood discharges up to the spillway design flood (SDF). The spillway can be used to provide flood-control regulation for floods either in combination with flood-control sluices or outlet works, or in some cases, as
the only flood-control facility.

A powerhouse should not be considered as a reliable discharge facility when considering the safe conveyance of the spillway design flood past the dam. A terminal structure to provide energy dissipation is usually provided at the downstream end of the spillway. The degree of energy dissipation provided is dependent upon the anticipated use of the spillway and the extent of damage that will occur if the terminal structure capacity is exceeded.

The standard project flood is a minimum value used for terminal structure design discharge. The designer must keep in mind that damage to the dam structure that compromises the structural integrity of the dam is not acceptable. Acceptance of other damages should be based on an economic evaluation of the extent of damage considering the extremely infrequent flood causing the damage.

Spillway Classification

Spillways are classified into four separate categories, each of which will serve satisfactorily for specific site conditions when designed for the anticipated function and discharge.

1. Overflow Spillway

This type of spillway is normally used in conjunction with a concrete gravity dam. The overflow spillway is either gated
or ungated and is an integral part of the concrete dam structure. 

Figure 1 : Chief Joseph Dam overflow spillway

2. Chute Spillway

This type of spillway is usually used in conjunction with an earth- or rock-filled dam; however, concrete gravity dams also employ chute spillways. In these cases the dam is usually located in a narrow canyon with insufficient room for an overflow spillway. The chute spillway is generally located through the abutment adjacent to the dam; however, it could be located in a saddle away from the dam structure. 

Figure 2 : Mud Mountain Dam

Figure 3 : Wynoochee Dam

3. Side Channel Spillway

This type of spillway is used in circumstances similar to those of the chute spillway. Due to its unique shape, a
side channel spillway can be sited on a narrow dam abutment. Side channel spillways generally are ungated; however, there is no reason that gates cannot be employed. 

Figure 4 : Townshend Dam side channel spillway

4. Limited Service Spillway

The limited service spillway is designed with the knowledge that spillway operation will be extremely infrequent, and when operation occurs, damage may well result. Damage cannot be to the extent that it would cause a catastrophic release of reservoir water.


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