Analysis of gabions spreadsheet

Analysis of gabions spreadsheet


Purpose of calculation:

Calculate whether the wall will slide forward? Calculate the bearing pressure beneath the base?  Considering friction acting on the vertical faces, would stability improve?

Calculation Reference


Calculation Validation

Reproduction of a sample calculation from a published calculation reference

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Concrete calculator formula

Concrete calculator formula

What is concrete?

Concrete is one of the most commonly used building materials.

Concrete is a composite materialmade from several readily available constituents(aggregates, sand, cement, water).

Concrete is a versatile material that can easily be mixedto meet a variety of special needs and formed to virtually any shape.

What you should know Before Estimating :

Density of Cement       = 1440 kg/m3
Sand Density                  = 1450-1500 kg/m3
Density of Aggregate   = 1450-1550 kg/m3

How many KG in 1 bag of cement                                 = 50 kg
Cement quantity  in litres in 1 bag of cement          = 34.7 litres
1 Bag of cement in  cubic metres                                  = 0.0347 cubic meter
How many CFT (Cubic Feet)                                            = 1.226 CFT
Numbers of Bags in 1 cubic metre cement               = 28.8 Bags

Specific gravity of cement   = 3.15
Grade of cement  =  33, 43, 53
Where 33, 43, 53 compressive strength of cement in N/mm2

M-20 = 1 : 1.5 : 3  = 5.5, (Cement : Sand : Aggregate)
Some of Mix is – 5.5

Where, M   = Mix
20  = Characteristic Compressive strength

Consider volume of concrete = 1m3

Dry  Volume of Concrete = 1 x 1.54 = 1.54 m3    (For Dry Volume Multiply By 1.54)

Calculation for Cement, Sand and Aggregate quality in 1 cubic meter concrete:



Cement=  (1/5.5) x  1.54    = 0.28 m3   1 is a part of cement, 5.5 is sum of ratio
Density of Cement is 1440/m3

= 0.28  x 1440 = 403.2 kg

We know each bag of cement is 50 kg
For Numbers of Bags =   403.2/50     = 8 Bags

 We Know in one bag of cement = 1.226 CFT

 For Calculate in CFT (Cubic Feet) = 8  x 1.225      = 9.8 Cubic Feet


Consider volume of concrete = 1m3

Dry  Volume of Concrete = 1 x 1.54 = 1.54 m3

 Sand=  (1.5/5.5) x 1.54    = 0.42 m3   1.5 is a part of Sand, 5.5 is sum of ratio

Density of Sand is 1450/m3

For KG = 0.42 x 1450 = 609 kg

 As we know that 1m3 = 35.31 CFT

For Calculation in Cubic Feet   = 0.42 x 35.31 = 14.83 Cubic Feet



Consider volume of concrete = 1m3

Dry  Volume of Concrete = 1 x 1.54 = 1.54 m3

Aggregate =   (3/5.5) x 1.54 = 0.84 m∴ 3 is a part of cement, 5.5 is sum of ratio

Density of Aggregate is 1500/m 

Calculation for KG = 0.84 x 1500   = 1260 kg

As we know that 1 m3 = 35.31 CFT

Calculation for CFT  = 0.84 x 35.31 = 29.66 Cubic Feet

Concrete Quality calculation sheet download

Calculation for Cement, Sand  quality in mortar  for Plaster:


Area of brick wall for plaster = 3m x 3m =9m2

Plaster Thickness = 12mm (Outer-20mm, Inner 12mm)

Volume of mortar = 9m2  0.012m            = 0.108m3

Ratio for Plaster Taken is                             = 1 : 6

Sum of ratio is                                                   = 7


Calculation for Cement Volume

Dry Volume of Mortar = 0.108  1.35 = 0.1458 m3

Cement= (1/7) = 0.0208 m3  

Density of Cement is 1440/m3

= 0 1440              = 29.99 kg

We know each bag of cement is 50 kg

= (29.99/50)        = 0.599 Bags


Calculation for Sand Volume

Sand = (6/7) x 0.1458      = 0.124m3

Density of Sand is 1450/m3

= 0 1450                = 181.2 kg

Now we find how many CFT (Cubic feet) Required

 As we know that 1m3 = 35.31 CFT

= 0.124*35.31

               = 4.37 CFT (Cubic Feet)


Plaster calculation sheet download

Reference :

Beam on Elastic Foundation Analysis Sheet

Beam on Elastic Foundation Analysis Sheet


BOEF is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis a finite length beam with free ends supported continuously on an elastic foundation. This program is ideally suited for analyzing a soil supported beam, a combined footing, or a strip of a slab or a mat. Specifically, the beam shear, moment, deflection, and soil bearing pressure are calculated for 100 equal beam segments, as well as the maximum values. Plots of both the shear, moment, and soil bearing pressure diagrams are produced, as well as a tabulation of the shear, moment, deflection, and bearing pressure for the beam.

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. The following reference was used in the development of this program (see below):

“Formulas for Stress and Strain” – Fifth Edition – by Raymond R. Roark and Warren C. Young, McGraw-Hill Book Company (1975), pages 128 to 146.

2. This program uses the equations for a “finite-length” beam in the analysis. This usually gives very similar to exact results for a “semi-infinite” beam which has had end-corrections applied to “force” the moment and shear values to be equal to zero at the ends. (Note: a “semi-infinite” beam is defined as one that has a b*L value > 6.)

3. This program uses the five (5) additional following assumptions as a basis for analysis:

  • Beam must be of constant cross section (E and I are constant for entire length, L).
  • Beam must have both ends “free”. (“Pinned” or “fixed” ends are not permitted.)
  • Elastic support medium (soil) has a constant modulus of subgrade, K, along entire length of beam.
  • Applied loads are located in the center of the width, B, of the beam and act along a centroidal line of the beam-soil contact area.
  • Bearing pressure is linearly proportional to the deflection, and varies as a function of subgrade modulus, K.

4. This program can handle up to twelve (12) concentrated (point) loads, a full uniformly distributed load with up to six (6) additional full or partial uniformly distributed loads, and up to four (4) externally applied moments.

5. Beam self-weight is NOT automatically included in the program analysis, but may be accounted for as a full uniformly distributed applied load. Beam self-weight will only affect the deflection and bearing pressure, and not the moment or shear.

6. This program will calculate the maximum positive and negative shears, the maximum positive and negative moments, the maximum negative deflection, and the maximum soil bearing pressure. The calculated values for the maximum shears, maximum moments, deflection, and bearing pressure are determined from dividing the beam into 100 equal segments with 101 points, and including all of the point load and applied moment locations as well.

7. The user is given the ability to input four (4) specific locations from the left end of the beam to calculate the shear, moment, deflection, and bearing pressure.

8. The plots of the shear, moment, and bearing pressure diagrams as well as the displayed tabulation of shear, moment, deflection, and bearing pressure are based on the beam being divided up into 100 equal segments with 101 points.

9. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box” is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular “comment box”.)

Wind loading analysis sheet

Wind loading analysis sheet


Program Description:

“ASCE710W” is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of wind loading analysis for buildings and structures per the ASCE 7-10 Code.  Specifically, wind pressure coefficients and related and required parameters are selected or calculated in order to compute the net design wind pressures.    Program is based on Alex Tomanovich’s “ASCE705W” program and modified by David Taylor and William Fultz.

This program is a workbook consisting of nine (7) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet NameDescription
Doc This documentation sheet
MWFRS (Low-Rise)    Main Wind-Force Resisting System for low-rise buildings with h <= 60’
MWFRS (Any Ht.)    Main Wind-Force Resisting System for buildings of any height
Wall C&C    Analysis of wall Components and Cladding
Roof C&C    Analysis of roof Components and Cladding
Open Structures (no roof)    Analysis of open structures without roofs
Wind Map    Basic wind speed map (Figure 26.5-1 of ASCE 7-10 Code)

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1.  Worksheet for “MWFRS (Low-Rise)” is applicable for low-rise buildings as defined in Section 26.2.
2.  Worksheets for “MWFRS (Any Ht.)”, “Wall C&C”, and “Roof C&C” are applicable for buildings with mean roof heights of up to 500 feet.
3.  In worksheets for “MWFRS (Any Ht.)”, “Wall C&C”, and “Roof C&C” the user may opt to utilize user designated steps in height, ‘z’, in determining the wind pressure distribution.
4.  Worksheets for “MWFRS (Any Ht.)”, and “Open Structures” can handle “rigid” as well as “flexible” buildings and structures.  For “rigid” buildings or structures, this program uses the smaller value of either 0.85 or the calculated value from Section 26.9.3 of the Code for the gust effect factor, ‘G’.  For “flexible” buildings or structures, this program calculates the gust effect factor, ‘Gf’, per Section 26.9.4 of the Code based on the assumed formula for the fundamental period of vibration from Section of the Code, where the exponent ‘x’ in the formula T = Ct*h^x is assumed to be 0.75.
5.  Worksheets for “Wall C&C” and “Roof C&C” are applicable for flat roof buildings, gable roof buildings with roof angles <= 45 degrees, and monoslope roof buildings with roof angles <= 3 degrees.
6.  Worksheet for “Open Structures” is applicable for open structures without roofs up to 500 feet tall.  This can be utilized for open process-type structures as well as pipe/utility racks and bridges.
7.  This program uses the equations listed in the reference, “Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-02” for determining the external wind pressure coefficients, ‘GCp’, used in the Wall C&C and Roof C&C worksheets.  (Note: a version of this document applicable to the ASCE 7-10 Code was not available at the time of writing this program.)
8. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc.  (Note:  presence of a “comment box” is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell.  Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular “comment box”.)


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Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis

Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis


Calculation Description:

“GRDSLAB” is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of concrete slabs on grade.Specifically, a concrete slab on grade may be subjected to concentrated post or wheel loading.

Then for the given parameters, the slab flexural, bearing, and shear stresses are checked, the estimated crack width is determined, the minimum required distribution reinforcing is determined, and the bearing stress on the dowels at construction joints is checked.

Also, design charts from the Portland Cement Association (PCA) are included to provide an additional method for determining/checking required slab thickness for flexure.The ability to analyze the capacity of a slab on grade subjected to continuous wall (line-type) load as well as stationary, uniformly distributed live loads is also provided.


This program is a workbook consisting of eight (8) worksheets, described as follows:

Doc – Documentation

Slab on Grade – Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis for Concentrated Post or Wheel Loading

PCA Fig. 3-Wheel Load – PCA Figure 3 – Design Chart for Single Wheel Loads

PCA Fig. 7a-Post Load – PCA Figure 7a – Design Chart for Post Loads (k = 50 pci)

PCA Fig. 7b-Post Load – PCA Figure 7b – Design Chart for Post Loads (k = 100 pci)

PCA Fig. 7c-Post Load – PCA Figure 7c – Design Chart for Post Loads (k = 200 pci)

Wall Load – Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis for Wall Load

Unif. Load – Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis for Stationary Uniform Live Loads


Program Assumptions and Limitations:

  1. This program is based on the following references:
  2. “Load Testing of Instumented Pavement Sections – Improved Techniques for Appling the Finite Element Method to Strain Predition in PCC Pavement Structures” – by University of Minnesota, Department of Civil Engineering (submitted to MN/DOT, March 24, 2002)
  3. “Principles of Pavement Design” – by E.J. Yoder and M.W. Witczak (John Wiley & Sons, 1975)
  4. “Design of Concrete Structures” – by Winter, Urquhart, O’Rourke, and Nilson” – (McGraw-Hill, 1962)
  5. “Dowel Bar Opimization: Phases I and II – Final Report” – by Max L. Porter (Iowa State University, 2001)
  6. “Design of Slabs-on-Ground” – ACI 360R-06 – by American Concrete Institute
  7. “Slab Thickness Design for Industrial Concrete Floors on Grade” (IS195.01D) – by Robert G. Packard (Portland Cement Association, 1976)
  8. “Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads” Army Technical Manual TM 5-809-12, Air Force Manual AFM 88-3, Chapter 15 (1987)
  9. “Streses and Stains in Rigid Pavements” (Lecture Notes 3) – by Charles Nunoo, Ph.D., P.E. (Florida International University, Miami FL – Fall 2002)
  10. The “Slab on Grade” worksheet assumes a structurally unreinforced slab, ACI-360″Type B”, reinforced only for shrinkage and temperature.An interior load condition is assumed for flexural analysis.That is, the concentrated post or wheel load is assumed to be well away from a “free” slab edge or corner.The original theory and equations by H.M. Westergaard (1926) as modified by Reference (a) in item #1 above are used forthe flexual stress analysis.Some of the more significant simplifying assumptions made in the Westergaard analysis model are as follows:
  11. Slab acts as a homogenous, isotropic elastic solid in equilibrium, with no discontinuities.
  12. Slab is of uniform thickness, and the neutral axis is at mid-depth.
  13. All forces act normal to the surface (shear and friction forces are assumed to be negligible).
  14. Deformation within the elements, normal to slab surface, are considered.
  15. Shear deformation is negligible.
  16. Slab is considered infinite for center loading and semi-infinite for edge loading.
  17. Load at interior and corner of slab distributed uniformly of a circular contact area.
  18. Full contact (support) between the slab and foundation.
  19. Other basic assumptions used in the flexural analysis of the “Slab on Grade” worksheet are as follows:
  20. Slab viewed as a plate on a liquid foundation with full subgrade contact (subgrade modeled as a series of independent springs – also known as “Winkler” foundation.)
  21. Modulus of subgrade reaction (“k”) is used to represent the subgrade.
  22. Slab is considered as unreinforced concrete beam, so that any contribution made to flexural strength by the inclusion of distribution reinforcement is neglected.
  23. Combination of flexural and direct tensile stresses will result in transverse and longitudinal cracks.
  24. Supporting subbase and/or subgrade act as elastic material, regaining position after application of load.
  25. The “Slab on Grade” worksheet allows the user to account for the effect of an additional post or wheel load. The increase in stress, ‘i’, due to a 2nd wheel (or post) load expressed as a percentage of stress for a single wheel (or post) load and is to be input by the user.Refer to the input comment box for recommendations.
  26. All four (4) worksheets pertaining to the PCA Figures 3, 7a, 7b, and 7c from Reference (f) in item #1 above are based on interior load condition and other similar assumptions used in the “Slab on Grade” worksheet. Other assumed values used in the development of the Figures 3, 7a, 7b, and 7c are as follows:
  27. Modulus of elasticity for concrete, Ec = 4,000,000 psi.
  28. Poisson’s Ratio for concrete, m = 0.15.
  29. In the four (4) worksheets pertaining to the PCA Figures 3, 7a, 7b, and 7c, the user must manually determine (read) the required slab thickness from the design chart and must manually input that thickness in the appropriate cell at the bottom of the page.An interation or two may be required, as when the slab thickness is input, it may/may not change the effective contact area.Note:the user may unprotect the worksheet (no password is required) and access the Drawing Toolbar (select: View, Toolbars, and Drawing) to manually draw in (superimpose) the lines on the chart which are used to determine the required slab thickness.
  30. 7.This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc.(Note:presence of a “comment box” is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell.Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular “comment box”.)

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Axial load capacities of single plates per AISC

Axial load capacities of single plates per AISC

PLATECAP.xls” is a MS-Excel spreadsheet program for determining the axial load capacities (tension and compression) of single plates per AISC 9th Edition (ASD).

All the worksheets are independent and self contained, so that you can move them from one workbook to another. All the worksheets are protected, but not with a password.

Please read the “DOC” worksheet for program details as well as assumptions and limitations.

Calculation Reference


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SMALL HYDRO POWER DESIGNER V1.1 is an excel workbook equipped with useful design tools for feasibility level analyses / designs of high and medium head hydropower projects (upto 15 MW). However, the user can modify the workbook to include additional modules suited for larger projects.


SHPD can assist in quickly producing layout alternatives, making reasonable cost estimates / cost comparisons for these alternatives and preparing concrete outline drawings of major structures using AutoCAD. SHPD is a freeware intended for engineering students as well as practising hydropower engineers.


A user interface is also provided for assisstance of new users. The workbook and interface both have been created using Excel 2007 Professional Plus (vista) and are ensured to work correctly only for the same version.


Typical layout of small hydro components adopted in SHPD is like this;

  • Tyrolean weir as intake
  • Connecting channel from intake to sandtrap
  • Concrete sandtrap with spilling and flushing controls
  • Headrace (Channel or Pipe)
  • Forebay with spilling and flushing controls
  • Penstock with manifold
  • Powerhouse (Building Size + Hints on Turbine Selection)
  • Tailrace Channel

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Program Description:

“Anchor Reinf.xls” is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of anchor bolt reinforcement to suppliment tension/shear concrete breakout per ACI 318-08, Appendix D (Section D5.2.9 / D6.2.9). The spreadsheet is designed to find the embedment strength of determined reinforcementwithin certain concrete parameters. Tables and figures have been given adjacent to the required data cells in an attempt to self contain the calculations within the worksheet. The spreadsheet is protected but with no password required.

Design References:

1. ACI 318-08
2. Strength Design of Anchorage to Concrete by Ronald A. Cook

This program is a workbook consisting of three (3) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet NameDescription
DocThis documentation sheet
Tension Reinf.Anchor Reinforcement per ACI 318-08 Section D.5.2.9
Shear Reinf.Anchor Reinforcement per ACI 318-08 Section D.6.2.9

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

  1. In TENSION REINF. spreadsheet, the edge distance is not in the program’s parameters.User must be mindful that the maximum distance between the anchor and anchor reinforcement must be less than or equal to 0.5 x hefAND (ED – bc).The latter is not restricted and must be checked by the user.
    2.In TENSION REINF. spreadsheet, if the edge distance is less than 1.5 x hef, containment steel such as stirrups must be used.
    3. The required strength is calculated from the applicable load combinations in Section 9.2.
    4.This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc.(Note:presence of a “comment box” is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell.Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular “comment box”.)

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