Download KPI Dashboard Excel Template

Download KPI Dashboard Excel Template



Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that shows how effectively a company is achieving key objectives. Organizations use KPIs to evaluate their success in reaching their targets.

Selecting the right KPI will depend on your industry & which part of the business you are looking to track. Each department will use different KPI types to measure success based on specific business goals & targets.

Once you’ve selected your key KPI business metrics, you will want to track them in a real-time reporting tool. KPI can be done using dashboard reporting software, giving your entire organization insights into your current performance.


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Build KPI Dashboard In Excel in 5 minutes


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S-Curve Excel Template

S-Curve Excel Template



S-curve excel template is a great graphical project management tools for planning, monitoring, controlling, analyzing, and forecasting project’s status, progress, & performance. S-Curve shows the progress of work over time and forms a historical record of project trends and variations.S-curve is used for different purposes.

Progress and Performance Evaluation

The most common uses of the S-curve template is in evaluating the progress of projects and performance, especially with the use of Earned Value Management (EVM).

S-curve is generated traditionally within the EVMS process and is the basis for evaluating the project’s progress and performance.

S-Curve Excel Template

-S-Curve Excel Template used for evaluation for the progress of the project

-S-Curve  Template show cumulative cost over time


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Six Sigma Control Plan Dashboard Excel Template

Six Sigma Control Plan Dashboard Excel Template



Six Sigma Control Plan is one of the best methods for documenting the functional elements of quality control that are to be implemented in order to assure that quality standard are met for a particular product or service. The aim of this control plan is to formalize & documentation of the system of control that will be utilized.

Most of the time, the six sigma control plan may include other items like the frequency with which the process is reviewed, verification that the measurement system is capable, typical corrective actions must be taken in the presence of out of control conditions, any requirements for special inspection & history of the process capability measures.

This six sigma control plan is a basic document for quality engineering. One should be able to review the control plan & quickly understand the elements of quality assurance being utilized.

Remember this example is a manufacturing example. The technique can be applied to any process (e.g., services industry, back-office & transactional processes). The team should use a six sigma control plan to be sure that the process does not go back into the ways of the old process.

Six Sigma Control Plan Template:

-The Six Sigma Control Plan will provide predictive information

-The Six Sigma Control Plan consists of procedures and activities necessary for the performance of a process or product


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Pile Group Analysis Spreadsheet

Pile Group Analysis Spreadsheet


“Pile Group Analysis Spreadsheet” is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of pile groups with rigid caps using the “elastic method”. Specifically, the properties of the pile group are calculated, and then based upon the applied vertical and horizontal loadings, the vertical and horizontal pile reactions are calculated.

There is also a worksheet to check beam and punching shear in the pile cap for a single corner pile, for the purpose of estimating the required pile cap thickness and subsequent pile cap weight.


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“Moving Load Analysis Spreadsheet” is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of simple-span members subjected to from one (1) up to eight (8) moving wheel loads with up to seven (7) wheel spacings. Specifically, the maximum moment and location from the left end of the member and wheel postioning, the maximum end shears, the maximum deflection, and the maximum center support reaction for two (2) adjacent simple-span members are calculated.


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“SECTPROP” is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of calculating section properties.Two methods of input data are provided, either by adding of deleting “shapes” or by defining a polygon by aseries of “points”. Specifically, the centroid location and total area are determined, as well as the centroidal andprincipal axes moments of inertia, radii of gyration, and rotation angle.


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Terzaghi’s Consolidation Equation – Closed Form Solution

Terzaghi’s Consolidation Equation – Closed Form Solution

Terzaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation equation simulates the visco-elastic behaviour of soils depending on the loads applied as it happens, for example, when foundation are laid and start carrying the weight of the structure.

Its application is traditionally based on Taylor’s solution that approximates experimental results by introducing non-theoretical variables that, however, contradict the actual behaviou of soils. After careful examination of the theoretical and experimental aspects connected with consolidation, the proposal of this research is a solution consisting in a non-linear equation that can be considered correct as it meets both mathematical and experimental requirements.

The solution proposed is extended to include differential equations relating to two/three dimensional consolidation by adopting a transversally isotropic model more consistent with the inner structure of soils.

Finally, this essay is complete with application examples that give more reliable results than the traditional solution. Future developments are also highlighted considering that the uniqueness theorem has not been proven yet.


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Terzaghi’s Consolidation Equation – Finite Difference Solution

Terzaghi’s Consolidation Equation – Finite Difference Solution


Terzaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation equation simulates the visco-elastic behaviour of soils depending on the loads applied as it happens, for example, when foundation are laid and start carrying the weight of the structure.

Its application is traditionally based on Taylor’s solution that approximates experimental results by introducing non-theoretical variables that, however, contradict the actual behaviou of soils. After careful examination of the theoretical and experimental aspects connected with consolidation, the proposal of this research is a solution consisting in a non-linear equation that can be considered correct as it meets both mathematical and experimental requirements.

The solution proposed is extended to include differential equations relating to two/three dimensional consolidation by adopting a transversally isotropic model more consistent with the inner structure of soils.

Finally, this essay is complete with application examples that give more reliable results than the traditional solution. Future developments are also highlighted considering that the uniqueness theorem has not been proven yet.


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